Summer at the Weasleys Pt.3

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(Week 3)

Dear y/n,

Your father and I would want you and your brother to come home by the end of this week. I hope you had fun at the Weasley's. So kind of them to have you. But we do want you home, there are things going on and we want to make sure you are safe and sound here at home.

I'll be sending an owl to Mr. And Mrs. Weasley soon. I'm sure you and your brother can stay longer with them next summer. Until than we will see you on Saturday.


You got that letter on Saturday the day after Hermione had just come to visit. You read the letter a little bit upset. You didn't want to leave the Burrow you had so much fun here and spending time with the Weasley's was so awesome. But if your parents really wanted you home you had to go. So you decided to make the best of it.

The Weasley's got your parents letter and understood, especially Mr. Weasley.
You told the Twins, Ron, Hermione and Ginny you were leaving a week from now.

"Aw you can't go I just got here" Hermione said visibly upset as she said ate some freshly baked cookies.

"I know, but there is something my parents aren't telling me" you said to them

"Maybe you are having family over" Ron said to you as he ate the four cookies in his plate.

"If we were my favorite cousin would send me an owl excited to be coming over" you said to them eating the last peanut butter cookie.

"Maybe they have and you just never gotten any mail yet" Ginny said to you

You looked at her and tried to argue but didn't she had a point "good point Ginny"


That Tuesday, Mr and Mrs Weasley had left to run some errands and left Percy in charge of the the Burrow while they were out. Percy didn't like this at all, he liked it when it was quiet so he can get his work for Mr. Crouch done in time. Lately the Twins have told you Percy has been really... annoying since he got a job at the ministry.

Percy has been a pain in your side since you got there at the Burrow. He kept shushing and scolding you, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, Jett, and the Twins for walking up stairs even if you were quiet.

"I'm in charge while mom and dad are out, I want you lot to be quiet and not burn down anything while I'm upstairs in my room working" Percy said sternly, the Twins rolled their eyes in unison so did Ginny. He caught them in the act and glared at them.

"Of course Percy" Hermione agreed as she had seemed to like Percy's ambition to work closely with the high ranking Ministry officials.

"Thank you Hermione, at least someone here with Decency" he said as he left upstairs.

"So now what do we do?" You asked bored out of your mind "we can't do anything without making noise"

"I know" We all turned to Ginny who smirked as evilly as her Twin Brothers "let's play Truth or dare"

"Um no" you said Getting up from the sofa

"Why not? Scared, PoTtER?" Ron joked As he imitated Malfoy in Second year.

"You wish" you giggled "But no, what if Percy sees us doing dumb ass shit, he'll go crazy"

"Y/n has a point, we can't make too much noise if it gets crazy" Hermione backed you up, and you nodded at her.

"True... Orr we can go outside and play it" Jett said smugly at the 6 of you

"Little Silver has a point" George said

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