Year 2-3

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You sat up in the hospital wing, still wearing the herbology apron. You felt a bit woozy but somewhat alright. You looked around and saw Malfoy sitting by your bed nervously.

"Wh-where am I?" You finally spoke. Malfoy looked up with relief on his face.

"The hospital wing" he said quietly "You fainted in herbology along with Longbottom" he pointed to Neville who was asleep across from you

"I-I did?"

He nodded as he stood up and walked toward you. He placed his hands on your face like he was taking your temperature. It was weird, like really weird. When he was done he breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Don't you ever scare me like that Silverling" he said with such worry in his voice. Malfoy never spoken to you like that before.. not that you knew of anyway. His grey eyes had that little sparkle in them when he looked at you softly. You didn't know what it was but it was intriguing. Not too long after Blaise came in worried no doubt.

"Y/n! Crabbe told me everything are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine" you said to him.

"Silverling, you are excused, now the three of you get to class and don't doddle" Madam pomfrey told them. Malfoy rolled his eyes and you got up on your own. Blaise offered to carry your books but you didn't want him too. You can do it on your own, you weren't weak.

Walking to class was a little bit of a challenge especially going up the stairs where the stair cases like to move. Made you a bit dizzy.

You had Defense against the Dark Arts class with Lockhart for the first time. You didn't really believe his stories honestly. He may have been a Ravenclaw but you felt weird about him and not in a good way.

As you sat down the trio were happy to see you were alright. You sat down looking around the classroom you saw paintings of Lockhart everywhere, it was atrocious. His books were everywhere also, it's like you didn't even need to buy his books you can swipe one of his copies and he wouldn't even notice. The Man seemed very vain from your standpoint. But you've heard some girls say he was handsome and dashing. Which was really debatable.

As Lockhart introduced himself many of the girls swooned a bit, which honestly weirded you out.
Lockhart passed around a lengthy quiz to everyone.
"A quiz? We just started this class!?" Malfoy said annoyed

You looked at the paper, it didn't seem like a normal quiz. The questions were about Lockhart himself. You read a couple books of his, but they didn't really interest you much.

"This is no normal quiz" you said to Malfoy. He looked at you a little confused.

"Keep reading it. It's basically about him so good luck, I barely even read his books" you explained as you started writing in the familiar ones. Draco looked at his and was guessing each question. He did copy a few questions off of you.

Once class was over you headed down to the great hall to study with everyone else.

"Can you believe it? A quiz on the first day, and it was only about him!" You overheard Ron behind you

"Please if you read his books you would have aced it" Hermione said to him blushing a bit

"Hey I'll catch up with you guys during dinner I'm
Gonna hang with the others" Malfoy scoffed and Blaise nodded while Crabbe and Goyle followed behind them. You waited a bit and started to talk to the trio.

"I think I did... somewhat alright I didn't really read his books I stopped after his second book" you said

"Y/n! We're glad to see you doing alright!" Hermione said happily

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