Year 2 Chapter 1

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During the summer you did grow a bit. It wasn't much but it was a start. Your brother, Gerald, was slowly getting in the Auror department in the ministry thanks to your mother. Your sister Sadie, was finally starting her 5th year and she was granted to be a prefect. She was so excited, plus On the bright side you could try to bend some rules when she was around. Your Younger brother Jett wouldn't start Hogwarts until next year and boy was he excited.

Your friends did send letters all five except two: Draco and Harry. Harry at least had an excuse, you believed Draco did it out of spite. After about the 4th letter you altogether just stopped trying to talk to Draco. You and Blaise however had become closer than ever. You wondered if he ever considered you a best friend yet. Since Hermione already did. Ron however you really weren't sure just yet.

You brushed your (y/c/h) hair. It had gotten a bit longer since the summer and your facial features began to slowly shape up a bit losing a little of the baby face. Your figure wasn't fully developed just yet. You had developed a small attitude but it didn't strike you as a troublemaker. Still you began to change, even your Father had pointed it out. The Malfoy's had started Talking to Your family and Taking interest. As you went downstairs for dinner your father was finally back from his mission no doubt a success.

"Y/n" your father called during dinner "Are you friends with Lucius Malfoy's son?" He asked you

You choked on your drink and coughed once you gain your composure you answered your father "I wouldn't call him a friend he's more like an annoyance. But I yeah I guess so why?"

"It was odd earlier during the week Lucius started talking to me at the Ministry. I was in the same house as him as a child but I didn't really spend time with him or his friends" he said

"Why?" You asked

"Because he had... different opinions than I did so I avoided their group" he replied hesitantly "look, Honey, I don't want you to develop those same.. opinions as the Malfoy's. I know you are friends but think about your actions" your father warned. You sighed and agreed.

"Dad my best friend is a Muggleborn, just because I'm Friends with him doesn't mean I'll be a clone of him" you said. As you finished your dinner you went up to your room.

You found an owl it was not Apollo and she looked different she waited elegantly. You took her to Apollo's cage where it had water and she had gulped some down. Your owl was out meanwhile, looking for dinner. You looked at the letter and saw it was from Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, you opens the seal and found the list of books and things you'll need.

"That's a lot of lockharts books and they are very pricey I hope the Weasley's will be alright" you said. You remembered you promised to get supplies with Blaise this year at Diagon Alley together. It's been forever since you had last seen him. So you had started to write to him.

    Dear Blaise,
I got my Hogwarts list for supplies, would you still want to come with me to get them tomorrow around 1pm I'll meet you at Flourish and Blotts.

       See you soon,
       Your friend y/n Silverling

You left the letter sitting on your desk waiting for Apollo to take it to Blaise and allowed the Hogwarts owl to leave once she was ready. And so you walked downstairs and asked your parents if you can shop tomorrow for your Hogwarts things. They agreed as long as your elder sister goes too.

You waited patiently in front of Flourish and Blotts, you dressed in your Slytherin robes to get them fitted properly. You looked at the time it was 1:05pm he was five minutes late.

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