Year 3-6

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   A/N: I like to follow the books and movies so for the Christmas I'm following the book a little. If you read them than you know what happens. If you watched the movies and didn't read the books this might be a little confusing, but I do recommend to read the books.also a side note, I will now be including swears since now the characters are getting older. I didn't want to let them start swearing when they are literally 11. It's too weird for me to even write in general
I won't be updating as often this week since it is thanksgiving weekend, so Happy thanksgiving and STAY SAFE pls  -A.Blossom


You woke up On Christmas Day, you haven't really spoken to Draco since your fight a few days ago. Needless to say you didn't really seem to care at first but overtime you seemed to miss him an you hated it, as annoying as he was he was one of your other closest friends. It was only you, him and a Slytherin 5th year who stayed in The Slytherin house.
You found Presents by your bed and opened them, Your family all got you clothes, Books and Sent you some Snacks. You got dressed in a Christmas sweater and wore some pants as well, It wasn't much besides you were going to visit your brother in the Gryffindor common room. Taking your younger brothers present you began walking down the stairs of the Girls Dorm, you were in a rush to see your brother. Not watching where you were going you bumped into someone.


"Watch where your going" the familiar voice said to you. Looking up it was Draco, he was dressed in his black jacket and he looked at you with such coldness in his grey eyes. "Filthy Blood Traitor" he mumbled

You rolled your eyes and sighed while walking around him giving him an attitude "Spoiled Brat" you said to him. You tried your hardest to ignore him around the common room, The only times he ever said anything to you was either insulting or just plain rude.
Walking up to the Gryffindor tower didn't take long at all and you said the password to the Fat Lady. Your brother gave you the password the day before so you can spend Christmas with him, at first you didn't want him too, but he had you come around to it. Just in case he was still asleep or something, you walked through the Portrait hole and Looked at the amazing Christmas Decor. You loved Slytherins Christmas decor but you have to admit the Gryffindor's was way better, it just felt so homier. You saw Hermione carrying Crookshanks and heading to the Boys dorm.

"Hey Hermione" you called she turn to see you surprised "Happy Christmas"

"Happy Christmas Y/n, how..... did you get in?" She asked Curiously

"My brother gave me the password so I can celebrate with him and all of you" you walked up to see her and you were able to pet her cat Crookshanks. Who seemed to like you better than Ron. "Why are you heading to the Boy's Dorm?"

"To see Harry and Ron, want to come?"

"Sure" you said as you both went inside. You never went inside of the Boy's dorm before so this was weird. It wasn't much Different from the Girls though much to your disappointment. You watched as Harry marveled over his present. As you got closer it wasn't any old present.

"Is that?"you said almost speechless

"A Firebolt" You heard Jett say, you ran to hug him and gave him his present. He opened it with glee, stuff from Zonko's, you weren't really sure what to get him so you got him some stuff he's never had.

"But how?!" You asked amazed, it was so shiny and new, not a twig out of place and it was amazing. "Jetts been asking for one since they came out, but Father said no Multiple times he says they are too expensive. They are hundreds of Galleons"

"I don't know" Harry said Admiring the broom happily.

"Was it McGonagall?" You asked "I mean last time you got a Nimbus 2000 from her or dumbledore"

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