Year 3 Chapter 10

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The kiss felt so different, so genuine, that you wished it lasted forever. For some reason it felt right, unlike when you kissed him in second year, it wasn't really a kiss, more of a distraction, a ploy. But you wanted more. More of his warm soft lips against yours, it felt amazing.

It took you about a minute until you realized what was happening. You let go of Draco and pushed him away, you didn't know what to say. what could you say?

'Blaise' you immediately thought

"I-I'm sorry" he fidgeted with his words, worried your friendship might become strained again "It's my fault. I-I was-"

"No.. no it's mine. I'm sorry" you interrupted "let's just keep this a secret between us" you said to him hoping he'd agree.

Draco contemplated this, if you two kept it a secret Blaise won't beat you up. But if word got out than there is a high chance you and Blaise would break up and he can swoop in... the downside would be Blaise beating him up. "Fine. Just to let you know I'm only agreeing so I can get Blaise off my back" he admitted

You hugged him, he patted your back awkwardly. As the both of you let go of each other. The air around the both of you was awkward.
"A-Are we still friends?" You asked sheepishly

Draco gave you a soft look and smiled a little "yeah" he said happily, but really he wanted to become more than that. You smiled back at him looking in his grey eyes "I should go before I get you into trouble"

"Yeah.. You should..go.. Um before the girls get back from shopping" you said to him you walked him to the door, as you opened it he stepped out.

"Silver" he called

"Yeah" you answered quickly

"Blaise, is lucky to have you. Even if he is an annoying jealous git" he replied his eyes had a little bit of sadness in them.

You rolled your eyes "Shut up Malfoy"

You stayed in your room Harry and the others were probably getting back from Buckbeaks Funeral, looking at the time it was 10:57pm you wondered if you could sneak out and find them in the Gryffindor common room. You snuck out the Slytherin Dorm and made your way back to the main hall.
You saw the Headmaster Dumbledore, you froze and tried so hard to think up of a lie, but you couldn't as he turned he saw you and he made a motion with his hand for you to come towards him.

"I'm sorry Professor.. I-I was just looking for my friends-"

"Now now Ms. Silverling, relax. Potter and his friends are in the hospital wing, it's best if you go now before Filch catches you" he said to you as you nodded and headed towards the fourth floor. You dodged Some professors patrolling the grounds for some reason there was a lot more than normal.

Walking in the the Hospital wing you saw Harry and Hermione talking and you ran to Ron who was still awake. He had a broken foot and was as confused as you were.

"What in the bloody hell happened to the three of you?!?" You nearly yelled.

"And where were you?" Harry asked

"Draco got punched in the face, by the way Fantastic punch Hermione. 10/10"  you complimented her, you saw Hermione's face turn a shade of pink.

"Well, I was Attacked by Sirius, who happened to be innocent this whole time, and my Rat Scabbers, was somehow a man this whole time, I shared a bed with him for years it's disgusting. Also Lupin turned into a Werewolf. Harry attacked Snape and it turns out Scabbers, was the one who betrayed Harry's parents" Ron explained

"What in the hell, the one fucking time I mend my friendship with Malfoy and I miss all the fun.. UGH!" you complained as you ran to see Ron's wounds.

"You and Malfoy are friends again?" Harry said confused

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