Year 3-8

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The time for Buckbeak's execution day was coming closer and Draco distanced himself further away from you than he normally did, it was weird to you. He didn't even talk to you in the first place, other than insult you, but he just acted odd. Blaise had seemed content with it. You, However, stuck around the trio more for moral support because of Buckbeaks Execution.
You walked down the path to watch the Quidditch cup, it was Slytherin Vs. Gryffindor. You hoped your house would win this time, but you knew about Harry's broom the Firebolt was absolutely remarkable. Harry had won the game with Ravenclaw and Gryffindor a few weeks prior. So winning the cup was inevitable at this point.
Slytherin was in the lead with 200 points.

Well at least this time Oliver Wood wouldn't try to attempt to drown himself in the showers this time. The Twins and Ron told you that once Harry had gotten himself hurt the other match with Hufflepuff and lost.
As you sat with Hermione and Ron, you had a Slytherin Flag and a Gryffindor one as well.

"Y/n you could sit in your House you know you don't have to sit with us" Ron said to you as you sat on his left side.

"Ronald,she can sit wherever she pleases" Hermione piped up for you and she glared at him.

"Thanks Hermione, at least someone appreciates my presence, Weasley" you scolded at him. Ron rolled his eyes and waited for the match to start.

The match had started and you watched as your House team had come out you could see Malfoy on his broom, you never really noticed him in his Quidditch clothes before but he looked good, his hair a little ruffled from flying, he had a smile plastered on his face as he looked at Potter. Probably insulting him as per usual.

Than Madam Hooch's whistle started and the match was in full swing. You watched as your team had struggled to score, you saw Flint push Angelina Johnson right after she had scored first. Lee Jordan kept getting scolded by McGongall because of his commentary but you found it very amusing. You laughed as Fred had threw his bat at Flint which bloodied his nose pretty bad, You couldn't blame Fred for doing that to be honest Flint was kind of a jerk. Both teams had gotten a penalty for that, the game had gotten rougher as it went on. Both teams kept getting Penalties, the score was 50-10 Slytherin was playing pretty dirty, but Gryffindor had fought back as well. Overall the game was very good.

Looking around for Draco and Harry  you saw them fight for catching the snitch. Harry was in pursuit of it but you could see Draco holding onto Harry's Broomstick. Not long after Hooch declared a penalty again. You looked to Ron "What happened?! I was busy looking at Draco and Harry" you asked him

"Wood was hit with two Bludgers from the Slytherin beaters, Bole and Derrick" he said to you in shock at what was happening

"What?!?" You saw Johnson score the Penalty and now Gryffindor was ahead by 20 more points, 70-10.
Watching you saw Montague score for Slytherin and you cheered much to The Gryffindors dismay. But then the Gryffindors scored again 80-20 was the score. You looked for the Seekers and you saw Draco Plummet down to catch the snitch, however Harry was right up his tail, you watched as Harry took his hands off and catches the snitch. Winning the Quidditch cup for Gryffindor. You hated losing, but you cheered for Gryffindor.

You ran down to the field and celebrated with them, you could see the Slytherin's upset by the loss, Draco especially. You wanted to run up to him and tell him he did his best, but couldn't your relationship with him was still so strained. What would you even say to him anyway?

Fred and George had put their arms around your shoulders celebrating shaking you away from your thoughts " Y/N you up to the party in Gryffindor tower?" The Twins said in Unison

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