Year 2-6

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As the holidays were approaching you and Blaise wrote constantly to each other. And Malfoy never knew about it. You were ignored by Malfoy during classes, except for Blaise who was your Potions partner and he had to talk to you regardless.

Hermione knew that fight had somewhat complicated things a bit but had counted on you to get the hairs of Pansy or Millicent while you helped her fill the cupcakes with sleeping draught. And grab some Slytherin robes at the laundry.

You tried your best trying to yank out a hair from Millicent for two days until you remembered you can go into her part of the Dormitory and just find her hair brush and grab it from there. That part was a little less complicated but confusing, there were two hair brushes by her things and you grabbed the one that had the most.

As you finally got a strand you put it in a vile and gave it to Hermione. No one knew anything but you did try to help as much as you could and since Ron and Harry were going to be Crabbe and Goyle and you remembered that you couldn't be seen around them. Unless they were tormenting you. Pansy and Millicent had both bullied you relentlessly since your fight with Malfoy, Blaise tried to defend you, But you saw Crabbe stop him. You were lucky you had siblings but you knew they won't help.

As you and hermione waited in the girls bathroom for Ron and Harry she began to have some small talk with you.

"So Are you and Blaise still writing to each other?"

"Yeah, I miss him Hermione. I only get to hear his voice in class but it isn't the same" you admitted to her.

"Are you sure you two are just best friends?" She asked confused

"Yeah. Why?"

"Because it sounds to me, like you two like each other more than that" she said to you pointing out the facts.

You laughed " Blaise does not like me in that way trust me. Besides we are only friends"

Hermione eyes you suspiciously "let me read the letter he sent you" she asked. You gave it to her and she read it

Dear sil,

Malfoy is talking about Potter again, I'm pretending to write my History of Magic essay but really I've finished it a day ago. Lately Malfoy has been asking questions of why I'm constantly writing. I just say I have more work to do for extra credit. But really I'm talking to you. I can't lie I really do miss you. I hope you are well. The group never talks about you, Malfoy doesn't even mention you at all. It like you never existed and I hate it. Millicent is still bloody hell annoying and I've noticed you've been closer with the Gryffindors... not that I care or anything just observing. Anyway, I'll be going away for the holidays so I'll get to write more often without Malfoy hanging off my back.
You looked nice with your hair down the other day, I mean normally you look nice in general but you looked even better... I hope things get better and than we can both finally interact with each Other again.

  - Blaze
P.s. have a good holiday break.

Hermione gave you a look.

"What?!" You said to her.

"Blaze? I thought his name was spelt differently" she asked.

"It is. But he gave me the nickname sil, and I gave him the nickname Blaze. He seemed to like it rather than Zabini linguini" you said a little upset about it

"Well he definitely likes you back" Hermione said to you

"Again what makes you think that Hermione?"

"Well he says he observes you when you hang with us, also he compliments you and he admits that he misses you a lot, and he wishes you a good holiday. I mean come on Y/n you can't be this blind?!!"

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