Year 3-7

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(A/N:I'm back! how was everyone's thanksgiving? Good? Okay? Terrible? Well it's alright hopefully we can all go back to normal and see our families soon.. anyway here's the next chapter)

Months passed and you and Hermione tried really hard to help Hagrid with the Buckbeak case. You didn't really spend anytime with the Slytherin's during dinner. Normally you would eat quickly and head straight to the library before curfew started , Draco and his group would normally ignore you anyway, except for Blaise that is. Each Friday you were able to find bits and pieces to help Hagrid and Buckbeak, You and Hermione did what you both could. The day of the hearing came pretty fast and you crossed your fingers hoping Buckbeak would be alright.
The boys hadn't really spoke to Hermione in a long time since the whole Scabbers incident and the Firebolt Incident. But after Hagrid's letter of the hearing they made up and you were happy to see the trio back together again. Walking down to Hagrid's Hutt to visit him to see how he was doing, you hoped it wasn't bad.

"How did it go, Hagrid? The hearing?" Hermione asked hoping to get a full in depth detail than what Hagrid wrote.

"Well, first off, the committee members took turns... talking about why we were there. I got up and did my piece Said how Buckbeak... was a good hippogriff, always cleaned his feathers" he sighed as he held a rock he was skipping through the lake "And then Lucius Malfoy got up Well, you can imagine He said Buckbeak was a deadly and dangerous creature who would kill you as soon as look at you"

"And then?" You asked him

"And then he asked for the worst, he did old Lucius"

"They're not sacking you!" She yelled

"No, I'm not sacked" he assured her "Buckbeak's been sentenced to death!"

Hearing those words made you sick. You felt awful about it you and Hermione tried your hardest but even then that wasn't enough.


In Professor Trelawney's class you tried hard to keep awake. You were still seated in between Malfoy and Blaise. It was very awkward at first but you learned to ignore Draco, The only times you ever really interacted with him was because you had too in classes. You started falling asleep in her class, Draco was already knocked out. Blaise kept yawning, it was unbearable.

'4th year I am 100% choosing a different class, No wonder Hermione thinks Divination is rubbish' holding your head you slowly started to sleep.

You began to dream, walking around the castle and than you heard laughter, walking towards it you found it very familiar. It echoed throughout the castle corridors. As you got closer the laughter started to become clearer to you. Running to see the familiar person you came a cross a door and you opened it.
Walking through the door you saw.. Draco?.. he was standing like he was waiting for you. As you walked closer to him, he turned to see you. You walked up to him, he looked at you like he.. impossible.. like he loved you. It was sweet and loving. He pushed a strand of hair out of your face you could feel his breath a mere couple inches of yours.
"Silver" he whispered to you

"Yes, Draco"

"Wake up, Silver"

"Silver, wake up"

you bolted awake "Draco wait-.." you looked around Blaise was asleep and Draco wasn't there on your right side. Instead he was standing over behind you.
"Class is over" he said to you and he began to leave. You turned to wake up Blaise "Blaise wake up" you said to him shaking him awake

"Huh?" He rubbed his eyes and started to pack "we fell asleep didn't we?"

"Yeah we did" you chuckled as you did the same. Heading down to potions class you sat by Blaise again. "Next year I am not taking Divination" you said to him

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