Year 2-2

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(A/n: I know not very much people would know it my favorite musician Eddie Van Halen has passed away today Oct. 6th 2020 from a long battle of lung cancer. I am devastated but I am not taking a break. So don't worry I just wanted to take the time to write this. I am still in shock and I haven't really come to terms of him passing away. He's been my Idol since I was 13 years old. I'm 24 now. Anyway enough of bumming you guys out on with the story. Also sorry if the chapter is so short)

  At the Feast you sat across Blaise while a girl Named Pansy Parkinson sat next to Draco. She was the same girl in the train, and flirting with him. Ironically he seemed to like the attention he was getting so he sort of just ignored you. You looked at Blaise and made a gross face at him. The two of you laughed a little.

You saw Professor Mcgonagall talk to Hermione she thanked the professor and gave you a relived look. The boys seemed to have been alright, As you gave her a thumbs up you turned and started talking to Crabbe. Crabbe wasn't so bad, his letters were written pretty good and you two became better friends but you didn't really see it as anything more than that. He was more of a writer than a talker.

"So Crabbe how has your day been?" You asked him

"Good" he said happily as he ate some dinner. He wasn't really much for talking but you didn't mind. 

"Nice" you said as you continued to eat your dinner. Gildroy Lockhart was busy talking to the Professor of the tables and you noticed some of them swooning a bit. You read some of his books before school and you thought he was very self absorbed in them. As the night progressed you walked to the common room with Blaise beside you. It was just the both of you. Malfoy and the others were far behind.



"We're friends, right?"

"Of course" he replied astounded at your question. "Why?"

"I just wanted to clarify" you asked him

"You don't need to worry Y/n. Alright" he said to you as he held out his arm so you can hold it. It was like he read your mind.

"Alright" you said as you looped your arm and continued walking. As you got to your dorm you found Apollo's cage and you wrote a quick letter to your parent explaining you were safe and sent it along the way. Not long after you fell asleep


You got ready and walked downstairs you found Malfoy looking at the 2nd year schedules as you walked closer to him you spoke.

"Herbology with the Gryffindors" he jumped in fright much to your amusement.

"Silverling! Can you please not do that" he said to you

"Slytherins are Sneaky, Malfoy I thought you knew that" you said in a mocking way leaving him at the common room. You were excited to finally see the trio together at last in class. Walking down to the Great hall for some breakfast, You didn't care where you sat but during breakfast some sat with your other friends since the seating was very lenient in the morning.

You sat by the Golden trio, and you finally got to see Harry and Ron. Harry and Ron however had been hurt pretty badly and you saw Ron fixing his wand with Spell o tape.

"Tell me I'm doomed" you overheard him say

"Your doomed Weasley" you said. He jumped as you said that. You sat by Hermione and began get some breakfast.

"Bloody hell Silverling, you didn't have to scare me like that" Ron said. You chuckled a little, The boys had grown over the summer and you had to admit you did miss them.

"Sorry Ron, now are you boys ever going to tell me what In the Bloody Hell happened to you" you said as you ate your eggs and toast

"The barrier closed and we couldn't get through so we took my dads flying car, we also got attacked by a tree"  Ron explained to you

"That's weird"

"You don't know the half of it" Harry said to you

"And you" you pointed to him "you didn't write back, Honestly Harry I thought you were better than Malfoy"

"Sorry Y/n the Dursley's didn't let me send any letters over the summer. They put bars on my windows" he explained blushing a little.

"Oh dear.. sorry well it's all good I can finally catch up with you with everything" you told him
As you finished breakfast you got up and walked with them to Professor Sprouts lesson. You stood by Malfoy and waited for the Professor.

"Silverling. I wanted to talk to you" Malfoy said to you

"Than talk" you said to him

"Not here. After class, I want to talk to you alone" he said to you

"Malfoy if it's about the whole calling me a 'Filthy Blood Traitor', I really don't care, you are just gonna deal with the fact I can make friends with whoever I want" you spat back at him. He had the Audacity to be picky on who you can talk too like he was the boss of you. But he wasn't and he couldn't dictate who you can be friends with.

"No it's not.. well I.. Look it's about something else" he told you

"Fine after class" you gave in just so he can keep his mouth shut.

As the professor came in she had explained to the children about what they were doing. Hermione usually gave us the answers to her questions which was nice. Gave you a lot of thinking to do.

'What did Malfoy want?' You tried thinking about what you did to upset him... the only thing was earlier when you spooked him and the time on the train.. but other than that there wasn't anything. You still didn't really trust him as much since he kept insulting you.

Crabbe nudged you to pay attention, getting out of your thoughts you saw everyone grabbing the earmuffs and put them over your ears. Professor sprout had pulled out a plant, a Mandrake, it's sheer cry was unbearable but the earmuffs helped immensely. The mandrake looked like a weird root baby in a way. As Sprout put the mandrake in its new home, Neville fainted.

"Longbottom's been neglecting his Earmuffs" Sprout said

"No ma'am it seems he fainted" you said concerned

"Yes.. well.. just leave him. Now place your mandrake in the new pot and gently add its soil" she explained "now all of you Grasp your mandrakes"

Doing as you were told you grasped the plant and pulled it out as did everyone else. The amount of cries heard was terrible and it gave you a headache. You saw Malfoy play with the Mandrake and it bit him. You laughed. As you put the mandrake in the pot. You felt the headache get worse and like more pressure in your head. You saw Malfoy look at you worried, than you saw black.

Green Apples & Rosesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें