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Waking up you got ready and put on your Slytherin robes. You were excited today is your first day learning magic and honestly it was only going to get better from here. As you walked downstairs you found Blaise waiting for you.
'ugh Malfoy'  You thought to yourself, since Blaise didn't seem alone sadly. But you smiled a bit as you watched them talk to each other.

"So what's our first lesson, boys?" You asked

"Well we have Potions class and Transfiguration with the Gryffindors" Malfoy said to you as he began to walk. You looked at Blaise and shrugged and walked with him. You greeted your sister and brother in the Great Hall. As you sat down for breakfast. You grabbed some bacon, eggs, potatoes and toast. As you ate you saw Crabbe and Goyle eat their food and you tried to pay attention to what Blaise was telling you.

"So Y/n you think you would be good at potions or charms?" He asked

"Well, I think I would be good at Potions since I like the subject. But I know by far I'd be excellent at Charms class" you answered honestly as you took a bite of your bacon.

"I'd think I'd be good at Flying Lessons, oh and-"

"I'd be the best in Flying obviously, not only that I'd be better than Potter at anything" Malfoy bragged. You snickered quietly as to not make Malfoy mad at you since Blaise did warn you to stay on his "good side" but honestly did it really matter?.

"Something funny Silverling?" He called you out

'Damn' you thought to yourself

"Nope, not a thing Malfoy" you lied as you ignored his glare at you and you kept from making eye contact with him.

After breakfast you had your first class Potions with the Slytherin Head of house. You were going to sit next to Harry Potter since you had class with him. But Hermione and Ron were already by him so you sat by Malfoy. At first you thought it was Professor Mcgonagall, but instead a man tall, wore an all black cloak, with Raven colored shoulder length hair came striding in. You were surprised that he was the Head of house for Slytherin from what you heard, you really thought it would have been the other professor since she wore all green at the feast.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or any silly incantations in my class" he said to the class. "As such I don't expect many of you to understand the exact science and art that is potion making, however that is for those select few" Y/n saw he looked at you and Malfoy as he said that. Like he knew who you were. "I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses, I can tell you how to bottle fame and brew glory" as he kept going. He suddenly stopped and you wondered if you did anything to cause him to do that.

'Did you make a face or something? Why is he looking annoyed already?!' You thought

"Than again some of you have come to hogwarts in possession of some abilities, that make you confident enough to not pay attention" you looked around and noticed he was pointing out Harry. You turned around and saw his Green eyes, and a little embarrassed, you saw a flush of pink on his face a little. Which honestly made you smile a little.  Soon you saw The professors black cloak covering Harry.
Malfoy had notice the way you had smiled at Potter and he found it a little funny. That's when he had nudged you

"So you like Potter huh?" He whispered to you

"What?! No, what makes you think that I would ever like him? Honestly Draco maybe your juice had something in it" you whispered back annoyed, Malfoy rolled his eyes at you and ignored you the entire time.
As Snape was Quizzing Harry about potions which he clearly knew nothing about. But Hermione knew the answers she had her hand raised impatiently hoping to be called. After that was over class resumed.

Green Apples & Rosesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें