Year 2-4

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That day, before dinner you looked everywhere to find Malfoy and yell at him for making your best friend cry. Not only that calling her a mudblood. If your parents ever heard you say that, you would have been punished and the punishments where not so great either.

On your way to the common room you found Crabbe and Goyle talking and holding some snacks.

"Raided the kitchens boys?" You called out amused

"Silverling, Malfoys looking for you" Crabbe said as he ate a cookie

"Funny I was just looking for him" you said as you walked in the common room feeling your anger rise, You found Malfoy there reading a book. No one else was really there other than Blaise, Pansy and Pansy's shadow Millicent Bulstrode. You saw Millicent sit across from Blaise.

He looked bored with his homework. Pansy, however sat next to Malfoy talking to him about homework. But she sat a little too closely to him. It was odd. But your anger didn't stop you. Standing in front of Malfoy, arms crossed, ready to fight him. He flashed a sweet smile at you. It's like he knew what you were going to do.

"Can I help you Silverling?" He smooth talked

He didn't call you by your nickname "Malfoy, You annoying little git!" You yelled at him "How dare you insult my best friend like that!?! Sometimes I wonder why do I even put up with you?!" But than you looked up at Blaise and he looked shocked but knew this was coming sooner or later, his bet was in 5th year honestly.

"Why? Because if it weren't for me you would've been the outcast. So that the other Slytherin's bully you. I'm doing you a favor" he spat back at you like you somehow owed him. "Besides Granger deserved it"

"A favor? Honestly I would not have cared Draco. She did not Deserve to be called such a thing, you can call me a Blood Traitor I don't care. But you insult my friends next time I won't hesitate Draco" you rarely called him by his first name, but the only time you did was only when you were mad or worried. Waking away you stopped and turned to him.

"And besides I would rather be bullied by other Slytherins than Deal with you! I had some respect for you, but after what you said.. I.." you sighed trying to keep your calm your voice slowly quivering "Stay away from me"

You looked at the other two girls who glared at you. You had a feeling they were going to deal with you later. You walked past Blaise who seemed a bit sorrowful, and up to your dorm.

You didn't sit with your friends During dinner, Although you missed Blaise and was annoyed when Millicent sat next to him, you sat by your sister and her friends.

"Y/n, are you fighting with your friends again?" Your sister Sadie asked you.


"What did he do this time?"

"He called my best friend a Mudblood" you said casually as you ate. Your sister almost coughed up her drink.

"I'm sorry what?" She said trying to catch her breath

"You heard me, he called Granger a mudblood, so naturally I had to stop hanging around them"

"Wait who called her that?" Sadie asked you


"Figures" she said "well I guess you can hang around me during meal times, just don't bother me around classes" you nodded in agreement.


After a few days you wondered about Blaise, you couldn't really talk to him since he was always with Malfoy or Crabbe and Goyle. But when he wasn't around them Millicent was always striding behind him as his shadow. You missed your Slytherin best friend terribly, but the one time he was finally alone you ran to go talk to him. Until a pair of hands pulled on your robes and pushed you against the wall.

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