Summer at the Weasleys pt2

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A/n (Disclaimer) I don't know how to really play chess. Sorry if I am spouting wrong number and places for the chess pieces 😣- A.B

(Week 2)

The rest of the Week at the Burrow was amazing, you were happy at helping Mrs. Weasley with cooking and she even taught you some recipes as well. Jett and the Twins however were busy with there own little experiments.

One day they had a candy like toffee they asked you to try, but you knew better than to take anything from them so you declined them. Much to their dismay. As you sat in the family room playing Wizard chess with Ron the Twins sat inbetween you, with a devilish smirk on their faces.

"I'm not trying the candy guys" you said as you knight moved to destroy Ron's pawn.

"Aw come off it Y/n please, we need someone to test it out" Fred begged as he held out a brightly colored candy.

"No, I'm not really up to heading to St. Mungos for the rest of the summer" You joked with him

Ron snickered at you "Knight to E5"

"Why not let Ron try it?, pawn to F3" Ron looked up at you immediately and glared at you.

"Hey! That isn't fair! Why don't they just try it on themselves?! Not me!"

"What's not fair is Ron beating me again for the third time today" you said running your hands through your hair frustrated. You weren't very good at chess yet you still played Ron as best as you could. Heck sometimes he beats Hermione. "Besides why doesn't my brother try it, the three of you along with Lee are practically inseparable"

"Because I don't wanna go to St. Mungo's either" he said to you "by the way don't move your Bishop, and move the Side castle"

"Hey no outside help that's cheating" Ron said to him. You looked at the board and your brother was right.

"Thanks Jett" you said happily "where's Ginny? I haven't seen her since Breakfast"

"Oh, she's probably helping mum outside or something" Ron said "I mentioned to Hermione that you are going to be here, she she might come early I reckon"

"Really?! It will be nice to have some more girls around, also she and I can watch you guys play Quidditch" You weren't the greatest Quidditch player, but you loved to watch the games. Especially watching your friends play, flying wasn't your greatest strength but you really didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of the Twins and Ginny.

"Watch? Y/n you don't play?" Fred asked

"She does, she's terrible at it though. Our older brother is the best at Quidditch. He was in the Hufflepuff team. He played a beater, maybe you guys know him?" Jett said

"Beater.. Beater.. you don't mean Gerald do you?" George asked as he tried to remember.

"Yeah! That's him our brother, he graduated in mine and Ron's 1st year"

"Really.. would've never guessed he was your brother" Fred said "he's a bit of a shy bloke though when we played against him"

"Yeah he's really outgoing more around friends" you said to them as you kept playing Ron. With a swift move Ron's King destroyed your last knight

"Checkmate" Ron grinned

You groaned in frustration "Alright, I'm going to find your sister, I'm already getting tired of losin- I mean playing"

Walking to the kitchens Mrs. Weasley wasn't there so you walked outside, she was hanging clothes with Ginny so you decided to help mainly to just get away from the boys for a bit.

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