Yule Ball Part 1

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"The Yule ball, is a Tradition held every Triwizard Tournament. The Yule Ball is foremost a dance. I presume most of you have learned to Waltz before. This Waltz is somewhat different than the usual Dances most of you have learned therefore I will teach you it" Professor Snape said "I will not have those who Represent the House Of Slytherin behave like Idiotic, Impertinent, Idle-Headed, Ibizian Hounds"

You snickered 'if the twins were here they would definitely say this 5 times fast' you thought

The Space in a Classroom was set differently, it wasn't the Potions Classroom and you supposed other Houses were using it to Practice Dancing as well. The Slytherin Boys were on one side, while the Girls were on the other. Filch was here to set up the music.

"Ms. Silverling" Snape looked at you. As you sat straight up "Something funny?" He walked over to you.

"N-No Professor" You mumbled

"Since you find this Humorous, You will demonstrate with me in front of everyone"

"But sir?!"

"Now, Silverling" you sighed as you got up embarrassed.

'You know throwing myself off the Astronomy tower sounds great right about now' you thought as you stood in front of Snape. You felt the heat rise in your face. 'Merlin this is so embarrassing' You could feel Malfoy and his friends laugh at you behind you.

"Hold my hand Ms. Silverling" Snape said somewhat annoyed. You Gulped, as you did his hands were Huge compared to yours. "Now, May I put my hand on your waist? To demonstrate the dance" he asked to you and you nodded as he did, you could hear Malfoy Snicker at you. While you put your other hand on his arm since he was too tall for you to reach his shoulders.

As Mr. Filch started the music Snape started leading you, you stared straight at his chest not wanting to make eye contact. "Now, at this specific step the boys will lift their partner into a twirl and bring them back down gracefully, without breaking any ankles" he said. "Now watch as I lift Ms. Silverling"

Snape lifted you off the ground a little, which was a little surprising, but it was kind of fun. The both of you continued to dance one more time he scolded the boys for not paying attention, and the lesson was done. He let you go and you sat back down.

"Now everyone get up and start partnering up" he said as he made sure to keep watch over all of you. You stayed seated since you already knew what to do, but you felt a tap on your shoulder. Looking up it was Theo he held out his hand for you.

"Want to dance?" He asked you

"I thought you were going to ask Daphne?" You said to him confused

"I was.. but she's busy with Someone else" he pointed to her.. Dancing with Blaise. She smiled and laughed as Blaise twirled her around, Since the break up you still had some feelings for Blaise and watching him dance with Daphne who was incredibly rude to you hurt just a bit. Next to them was Malfoy and he, of course, had Pansy as his partner.

You quickly took Theo's hand and he started dancing with him. He placed a hand on your waist and you held his other one. "I'm a terrible dancer letting you know" he warned.

"Gotcha" you said to him "Hey don't pick me and up and twirl me please, let's just dance normally"

"Alright" he agreed, the both of you danced in silence for a bit. Theo had lead you around and he finally had you close to where Malfoy was. "So who are you going to the ball with?" Theo asked you

"Huh? Oh I don't know if I want to go, I'll probably just go with Ron or Harry, if they ask me.. why?"

"No reason" he said hoping Malfoy would hear your conversation "I'm Probably gonna ask Daphne for sure, I think you should ask Adrian. Maybe he would go with you"

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