Year 1 chapter 6

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There was a rumor around school saying that Potter and his friends had fought Professor Quirell on the third floor corridor which was forbidden and saved the school.

You ran to the hospital wing after charms class when you heard they were there at first you didn't believe the rumors, until you didn't see them during the feast or any classes the next day. Hermione and Ron were feeling better, but Harry was still unconscious. You had brought a chocolate frog and a card for Harry to make sure he gets better soon.

You saw him asleep with scratches on his face and hands which were not very bad but slowly healing. You breathed out a sigh of relief seeing as he will be alright and placed your gift with the others.

  You sat by him for at least a small visit since you two had gotten close. You looked at the boy sleeping and figured out your.. feelings towards him. You had liked Harry a lot but it wasn't something you would pursue; Harry was very kind to you and had accepted that you are somewhat friends with his enemy Malfoy. He is very Brave and sweet, but there wasn't anything there. Harry stirred and woke up he sat up and turned to look at you.
"Y/n? How long have you been here? How long was I out?" he said to you confused

"For two years you've been asleep, Harry Potter" you Said seriously.

"What?!?" He looked terrified

"Harry I'm joking, you've been passed out a good couple days" you chuckled a little "Not very long, I hope your well. Why didn't you guys tell me you were breaking in the forbidden corridor?I could have helped too ya know" You asked him, He gave you a small smile.

"I didn't want you getting hurt is all and besides I didn't want you to get into trouble again"

"Don't worry about that.. just let a friend know what in the heck your doing" you said to him he nodded than he began to twiddle his fingers shyly.

"Y/n... I know Malfoy teases you a lot about this but be honest with me.. Do you really have a crush on me?"  He asked you curiously

You blushed and thought about what to say. Honestly you didn't think he would figure that out at all "Yes.. I did"

"Thought so" he said awkwardly

"But Harry, I'm pretty sure you don't feel the same way do you?"

"Well I did at first in the beginning of term but you hung around Malfoy so much and then I heard from Hermione and Ron that you stayed with him in the Forrest making sure he was alright, since than I just assumed you liked him" he said a bit upset

"Ew!! Gross!!. Trust me I don't. I don't really like him in that way and that would never happen in a million years he's just a friend and nothing else" you chuckled at his response

"Good to know" he smiled at you

"But Harry, I see you more now as a friend. Since the middle of second term I've noticed that the crush slowly started fading away" you spoke honestly

"Yeah. I've noticed that too. You've been a very good friend. I'm amazed at how you deal with Malfoy. Y/n Can we just keep this between us?" He asked as he held up his hand for a handshake. You nodded as you shook his hand.

Not long after The head master had come in and you took this as a queue to leave. You ran to find Ron and Hermione it didn't take long though once you did. You hugged the both of them tightly.

"Please don't make this a habit" you said to the both of them "Honestly you three getting yourselves into danger is terrifying to hear around the school"
The two laughed as you let them go.

"I'm sure we won't Y/n" Ron said confidently "besides this was a one time thing" you walked with them to the great Hall for lunch.

The two had both described what had happened up until they had found Harry. Their story was amazing, from The stone, to the three headed dogs that Hagrid had loved so dearly. No wonder he randomly had a dragon. It was also making sense why the trio were obsessed over finding out who Nicholas Flammel was.

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