Chapter 5

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I was in our big ass bathtub as I finally calmed down. Corpse came in sitting next to the bag. "You okay now" he asked as I rolled my eyes. "I really think we should take her out of the school. Until she gets her anger under control or this Jessie girl isn't a thing anymore" I said as he shrugged. "I don't want her to be anti social. I want her to make friends from face to face. Not over her phone" he said as I sighed. "Why don't we just keep her here until she's in middle school" I said as he sighed. "Fine. But once middle school comes. She goes to the school" he said putting his pinky out as I looped mine around his. "Cool" I sighed as he stood up. "What is she doing now" I asked as he sighed. "I sent her to her room, took her tv out of the room, along with her tablet and laptop. Than I gave her coloring books and some old crayons and I put all of her stuff in her gaming room and locked the door" he said as I nodded. "she still has her toys right" I asked as nodded. He came behind me as he started rubbing my shoulders. "You really pissed her off though" he sighed. As I groaned. "I don't know what to do. I don't want to treat her like how I was treated when I was younger. It was horrible. They forced me to eat chicken liver" I said as he sounded like he gagged. "Yeah, it was fucking disgusting. I'm just glad she isn't cussing out kids" I said as he sighed. "Yeah it is probably best that she doesn't do that" he giggled as I nodded. "Can you imagine her, in her adorable little voice, calling another child a fucking dumbass bitch" I chuckled as he shook his head. "That'd be funny" he chuckled as I nodded. "Mommy" I heard as I sighed. Getting up out of the bathtub as corpse handed me a towel. "Mommy" she called again. "Yes baby" I said as I dried off.

I walked out of the bathroom. Seeing her sitting on my bed. "Hey baby what's up" I smiled as corpse sat next to her. I walked into the closet as she sighed. "Can I talk to mommy alone" she said looking up at daddy. "Sure baby" he smiled kissing her forehead. "I'll be in my office" he smiled getting up and leaving. Shutting the door. "What's wrong baby" I asked putting on my underwear and than took the towel off. "Mommy why can't I look like you" she asked as I raised a brow. She sat infront of the closet as I put on one of corpse shirt. "What do you mean" I asked confused as she started crying. "I'm fat and ugly and you're skinny and pretty" she said as I put on leggings. "Honey. Baby girl. Don't say things like that. Trust me. What you are going through I went through the same thing when I was younger. When I got older though I didn't want to look like that so you know what I did" I asked as I sat down. "What did you d she asked as I smiled pulling her into my lap. "Well I made some wrong choices but I learned from them. I use to not eat, but one day someone really start came up to me, hit me across the head like a grown man. Told me, 'Haley if you don't start eating. I'll beat the hell out of you' so you know what I did" I asked as she looked up at me. "What" she asked as I wiped her tears away. "I started eating. But I didn't eat a lot of junk food. I started eating a lot of healthy food. Like salads, and broccoli" I said as she made a nasty face. "Rabbit food" she said as I nodded. "But daddy eats meat and pizza alot and he doesn't gain any weight. And he's got a hard stomach with squares in it" she said as I chuckled. "Abs? No baby, your daddy isn't that lucky. He works out though. And mommy is going to be working out with him soon, would you like to work out with us" I asked as she nodded. "Now you can only do that if you eat your food. We will start changing our eating habits. We will start eating healthy things okay" I smiled as she nodded. "You know what that means right" I asked as she shook her head. "We can't eat McDonald's a lot or any other fast food place okay." I said as she gasped. "No more McDonald's" she asked as I chuckled. "Well, how about this, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday we eat healthy okay, for breakfast, lunch and dinner. On Friday's and Sunday's we can eat whatever you like" I smiled as she nodded. "Awesome" she smiled as I nodded. "So you wanna guess what your surprise is" I asked as she nodded. "Well, me you and daddy are going to go see uncle Sean" I smiled as she gasped.

"Really" she asked as I nodded. "Yes really. Isn't that going to be fun" I asked as she nodded. "I gotta go get ready" she said as I smiled. "How much are we betting that daddy is sitting at the door" she asked as sighed. "One lick if he is, two if he isn't" I said as she nodded. "I can take that bet" she giggled as she opened the door as we saw corpse sitting on the ground pressed up against the door. "I get to lick you" she said as I shook my head. "I get to lick you" I said picking her up as she giggled. "No mommy nooo" she yelled as I chuckled. "Fine whatever. I'll get you later though" I said as she ran off. Corpse stood up as he came up next to me. Putting his arm around me. "So. We aren't going to tell her about her doctors appointment" he asked as I shook my head. "No yet. Maybe once we get back from Sean's" I said as he nodded. "Alright. Well, we should get ready. We leave tomorrow" he said as I nodded. "I already got us a house there, and I got us equipment so we don't have to take ours. But make sure to put your stuff on a drive so once we get there we can just download it on the stuff there" I said as he nodded. "Yes ma'am" he said going to his office as I went into mine.

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