Chapter 40

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I groaned after the call and saw Alex texting me.

Big Q: hey girly. You wanna come hang out with Phil, George, Wilbur and I. Wilbur won't stop talking about you🙄

Me: I don't know I don't really feel like hanging out

Big Q: I don't want you home alone so either you come hang out with us or put on some pants and brush your hair cause the boys are coming over

Me: Alex I really don't want to see anyone right

Big Q: did your session go okay?

Me: it was fine

Big Q: okay well let me know so we know if we are eating when you get here or when we get there

I groaned leaving him on read seeing tommy tried to call me along with tubbo.

Bee boy: hello Haley, I hope your session went really really well. If Alex isn't there can you come hang out with me and Tommy. I know Tommy makes you uncomfortable. We told him about it and talk to him and he said he will stop

Me: tubbo I'm okay, the session was fine. But I don't really wanna hang out with anyone. Alex isn't here.

Bee boy: ohhhh then he must be on his way. We're heading over there too

Me: I don't really want anyone in the house though. I wanted to be by myself


I groaned slamming my phone down as I went to my bedroom, I'm wearing short shorts so I grabbed my sweatpants putting those on along with a hoodie. Grabbing my brush and brushing out my hair. I went to the bathroom and did everything I needed too. I sighed as I shut my bedroom door putting on a Spotify playlist and sitting on my bed just trying to chill-out before everyone gets here.

~~~~~~an hour later~~~~~

I heard Tommy's laugh, I heard a lot of talking along with a door shutting. I groaned realizing they're all here. "I'll check on her" I heard tubbo. "No I want to" Alex said. "Why can't you guys do it together" I heard phil. "Because he likes to be loud and obnoxious and if she's asleep she hates with Alex wakes her up" Toby said. "And you're too quiet. You sit there and stare at her for a minute than want to just lightly shake her awake." Alex said as I sighed. I liked when Toby woke me up but I didn't fucking know he was staring at me.

I groaned grabbing my blanket and grabbing my body pillow putting it under the blanket, turning my LED lights off as I snuck into my closet. I shut the door lightly as I hid behind some clothes. "I'll check on her" I heard George. "What no. Calm down. A vote for Alex to check on her" I heard Wilbur as it went quiet. "Now a vote for tubbo to check on her." Wilbur said as it once again went quiet. "Three to three. This isn't fair" Alex said as Toby sighed. "You can check on her Alex. Just be nice about it" Toby said as I could hear him giggling as he opened the door turning on the light. "I told you to make sure you're dressed. Please wake up" Alex said coming into the closet walking infront of me but not noticing me. He grabbed some clothes as he walked back out of the closet shutting the door as I leaned out some and watched as he threw the clothes onto the bed. He looked at 'me' sideways. "Hey Vanessa are you feeling good you look thinner than usual" he said as he pushed on the pillow. "What the-" he mumbled pulling the covers off the be met with a dabi body pillow as he screamed. "What's wrong" Toby said coming into the room. Along with the others. "She's gone" Alex said searching under the bed and around my room.

"Where could she have gone" Wilbur asked. "I'll call corpse and see if she lied and is with them" I heard Phil. "No. Haley had her session today so we all left so they could be alone. It's like that all the time. Than we come back once she is done. She wouldn't have just left" Alex said as I sighed he sat on the bed grabbing his phone.

I heard my phone going off on my bedside table as he groaned picking it up. "Oh that's not good" tommy mumbled. "She isn't in the house at all" Toby said coming back. "Did you guys check the closet" Phil asked as I felt my heart drop. "Yeah I'm mot dumb"Alex groaned as I smiled to myself. "If I were vanessa what would I do" Toby mumbled. "No where would you go" tommy corrected him as Toby hushed him.

I watched as Toby sat on the bed and looked at my desk. The computer is still on and logged into. He looked at the bathroom than the closet. "You check the bathroom didn't you" Toby asked. "NOT EVEN CLOSE BABY..." Alex yelled knowing I'm gonna say "techno blade never dies" I mumbled with my hands over my mouth. "She isn't in the house" Alex said. "She isn't" tommy questioned "no she always finishes that line. Say it again" Toby said walking up to the bathroom. "NOT EVEN CLOSE BABY..." Alex yelled again. "Techno blade never dies" I whispered again as Toby walked away from the bathroom. "No in there" he said as Alex sighed. I moved out from under the clothes as I got up from the floor standing in front of the door. "Did you try calling her" tommy asked. "I texted her and her phone went off right here" Alex said. "Idiot" Wilbur mumbled.

"Say it again Alex" Toby said as I hand my hand on the handle. "NOT EVEN CLOSE BABY...." Alex yelled. "TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES" I screamed as I threw open the closet door as they all screamed. "ARE YOU INSANE" Alex yelled as he charged at me tackling me to the ground onto a bunch of clothes as I giggled. "Why didn't you respond the first time" Toby asked as he held his chest. "I did. I just didn't yell" I smiled as Alex got up helping me up. "Get out of my room why is everyone in my room" I questioned. As I shooed everyone out as we all sat in the living room talking.

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