Chapter 32

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"That's fucking insane. Do they know who it was" Wilbur asked as I shrugged. "Oh fuck" tommy said as I nodded. "I hate that you guys saw that. Corpse must be worried as honk" Karl sighed. "You know. Corpse loves Haley a lot" tommy mumbled. "Yeah, they use to heavily flirt with each other before they got together" Karl sighed. "They were really cute together" he sniffed as I noticed he was starting to cry. I put my arm around his shoulder pulling him in for a hug as he hugged me. "So where's Haley now" tommy asked. "Is she okay" Wilbur asked. "Yeah she's at the hospital and I was suppose to be getting clothes for her but.....some people broke into my house" I chuckled. "Can we go see her" Karl asked. "Don't you guys need to be getting on a plane" I asked confused. "It can wait. I wanna make sure my friend is okay" Karl mumbled. "What about you guys" I asked Wilbur and tommy. "I can have our plane moved to later today" Wilbur shrugged pulling out his phone as tommy sighed. "My moms gonna beat me. Hell yeah let's go make sure Haley's okay" tommy mumbled as they all nodded. "Let me go get her some clothes." I said as I raced up the stairs and getting some clothes.

I grabbed her Rick and morty bag that she loves so much putting sweatpants, socks, the first shirt I saw and grabbed a pair of converse for her. I rushed back down the stairs. "Okay. You guys follow me" I said as they got in the car as I got into mine. How did I not see their rental car? Am I blind too what the hell?

I shook my head as I went to put the car in reverse as the door swung open. "I wanna come with you big Q" tommy smiled getting in as I nodded as I sped to the hospital.


We all ran into the hospital and up to Haley's room seeing corpse pressed up against the window trying to seeing. Vanessa crying as Toby was hugging her. "What happened" I asked as Toby sighed. "She passed out and the beeping machine stopped beeping. Nurses and doctors rushed in immediately. She's going to be fine right" he asked as I nodded. "Of course" I mumbled "Alex. Is mom gonna die" Vanessa cried. "No she isn't. Don't think like that" I said as she rushed into my arms as I held her as she cried. Wilbur and Karl talking to corpse as tommy talked to Toby. I sighed as I felt like something bad was going to happen.


Soon the nurses filled out and doctors came out. One stopped and stood next to corpse. "You guys can see her. But no loud noises. Sudden movements. She's is stable again. Don't worry. She's okay now" he smiled as corpse nodded. The doctor walked away. Corpse shook his head as he rushed into the room. We followed after him. We saw corpse on his knees his head on the bed as Haley played with his hair. "Hey babies" Haley smiled. "Oh and Wilbur, Karl, and tommy" she added. "Oof we aren't your babies" tommy asked. "Awkward" Karl giggled. "How are you Haley" I asked as she nodded. "Feel like shit....I got shot....I don't really know" she said laughing some than grabbing her stomach in pain.

"I brought you some clothes" I said setting the bag next to her bed. "Okay, thank you. I fucking hate this night gown" she mumbled. As a nurse came in. "Yeah well Haley the night gown doesn't like you" she smiled as Haley smiled. "Can you wiggle your toes Haley" she asked lifting up the end of the covers. "Good, now lift your arms up" she said as she did so, "now wiggle your fingers" she said as Haley did so. "Alright. I'll be back later to give you your pain medicine" she said leaving as I sighed.

"Mommy" Vanessa said rushing to her side. "Hey baby" she said as Vanessa sat on the bed next to her. "Mom are you okay" Vanessa asked as I sat in a chair next to them. "I'm better now honey" she smiled as she held Vanessa's hand. "Aren't you guys suppose to be taking a plan home" she asked as Karl shrugged. "We wanted to make sure you were okay so we pushed out planes to later" Karl smiled. "That's sweet" she sighed as she placed her hand on corpse head as he moved closer to her as her hand was just laying on his head as he put his hands on top of her. "You guys are so cute" Wilbur smiled. "I really thought I was never gonna get with him" she smiled as he sighed. "I got you pregnant of course I had to stay with you" he said somewhat muffled. "Yeah I'm sure that's the only reason" she said shaking her head as he shrugged. "It is" he said. Haley snatched her hand away. "If that was the only reason move away from me" she said shoving on his hand as he moved closer. "I said away" she said shoving him again.

She put her hand in his hair lifting his head up. "Awe are you crying" she asked as he let his head fall back down. "Subby bitch" she mumbled but I don't think she wanted anyone but him to hear. "You guys are so fucking weird" tommy chuckled. "Crying ew what's that" Vanessa shivered as everyone looked at her. "Leave me alone" she said as we all laughed at her. "When are you guys leaving" Haley asked as Karl and Wilbur pulled out their phones. "Mine leaves at 6 tonight" he nodded. "Ours leave at 5 tonight" Wilbur sighed. "Okay well we can al go have dinner" she said going to sit up as she groaned. "Take it easy" I said as she nodded. "Tubbo honey" mom mumbled as Toby shot up walking towards the bed. "Yes mother dearest" he asked as she smiled grabbing his hand. "Are you going with Wilbur and tommy" she asked as he shook his head.

"No I thought we were going to go up there soon so I decided to wait till then" he smiled as mom nodded. "Okay, well help me out of this bed as I can get changed." Haley said as we all piled out of the room beside corpse, and Toby. I stood by the door as Toby came out and I shut the door.

Corpse husband? (Book 2) [completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें