Chapter 13

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After streaming we ate dinner and put Vanessa to bed. "Are you tired" I asked as he nodded. "Well let's go to bed ourselves" I smiled as I grabbed his hand. We walked into the bedroom as he picked me up over his shoulder. "Corpse put me down" I said kicking my legs. "Alexa play music" corpse said as he dropped me onto the bed as he went to his desk. I groaned sitting up as Phone Down by Lost Kings came on. I smiled as I flipped onto the bed as I could hear him typing on his little laptop. "I thought you were tired" I asked as he shrugged. "Why don't you put that fucking phone down. darling so you and I can be together" I sang as he looked over his shoulder at me. "It's a laptop. Not a phone" he said as if I was stupid. "How you gonna put on music and not realize what song is playing" I asked laughed as he looked confused. "Oh my god. The song. Ya know. Why don't you put that fucking phone down. So darling we can be alone now. Ya know the song that playing" I said as he sighed. "I forgot I turned on music so I tuned it out" he laughed as I snorted.

"Wow" I laughed shaking my head as I sighed standing up as I walked behind him. "If you're tired you should go to bed" I smiled as he shook his head. I leaned down so my arms were hanging over his shoulders, my chin on his shoulder. As I sighed next to his ear.

"Remember when we first started talking....and you said you couldn't sleep because you're an insomniac" I asked as he nodded. "As I still am yes I remember that conversation. What about it" he asked shrugged as I smiled. "We'll do you remember what I said if I was with you" I asked smiling as I slowly moved my hands up towards his neck. "Do not put me in a headlock" he laughed. "I'm putting you in a headlock" I laughed as I moved my arm around his neck but not squeezing as he giggled. He grabbed my arm moving it away as he stood up. He looked down at me as he put his thump on my chin making me look up at him. He smiled as he moved his hand away. "Next time...." he said leaning down next to my ear. "Do it with your thighs and I might be happy" he laughed as I gasped slapping his chest. 

"How dare you not like me. You only like my thighs" I asked as he nodded. "Especially when you've got fishnets on. Or like your knee high socks, or when they're around my waist or spread all the way out so I can taste you. God your thighs are amazing" he smiled as I slapped my hand over my mouth. "You need to wash your mouth out with soap" I laughed as he shrugged. "I kinda wanna take a bite out of bar of soap" he said as I smiled. "Let's go" I laughed grabbing his hand as we walked to the bathroom. "Wait" he laughed as I dug under the sink finding a bar of soap.

I smiled unwrapping it as I handed it to him. "You actually-" he asked as I nodded. "Of did you want it wet. Or no" I asked as he chuckled. "How about this. Take a bite out of it without the water. And than the next bite we can put water on it and you can tell me which is better" I smiled as he shook his head. "I was kidding" he laughed as I shrugged. "I wasn't" I laughed as he sighed. He grabbed it as me smiled. "If I do it will you do it" he asked as I smiled. "Hell yeah" I smiled as he nodded. "You promise" he asked smiling putting his pinky out as I looped mine around. "Promise" I smiled as he sighed. "Don't take a big bite dumbass gotta save some for me too" I pouted as I noticed he opened his mouth so fucking wide.

He sighed as he took a bite. I cringed from all the horrible memories from my childhood flooding in. He started coughing and gagging as I watched. "Don't throw up" I laughed as he looked at me crazy as I noticed he had tears in his eyes. He handed me the soup as I took a bite from it with no regrets. I started chewing as I really got flashbacks.

I sighed putting water on it handing it back to him. He was still trying to shove it down his throat as he shook his head not wanting the soap. "You done" I asked as I swallowed the soap. He put his finger up as he threw up in the toilet. I sighed as he went to the sink washing his mouth out as he basically drank our mouthwash. "'s soap" he asked hiccuping. "Uhm when I was younger. Because of my uncle, I use to have my mouth washed out with soap a lot. I use to repeat the curse words he would say and my grandma would basically make me wash my mouth out with soap but I ended up getting use to it so it's not big deal for me" I shrugged as he nodded.

"That's fucking crazy to think about" he said coughing making himself throw up again" "it's okay hottie. Just let it fall out" I smiled rubbing his back.


"How can your family be so sweet but do such mean things to you? He asked after he got done throwing up. "When I was a child I wanted to be in a bailer gang like how I thought my dad was but come to find out he wasn't. So I use to watch like not cartoons but like adult shows without porn in it I guess. I don't know how to explain it honestly. But I would repeat the things I heard off of the shows. When I would hear my uncle say when he was around his friends. Because when I was born he was like 16 so he thought he was hella cool. So I use to repeat what I would hear and basically liquid soap became like a new drink to me until I turned 11" I smiled as he nodded. "When did you start doing all of that."he asked as I smiled. "When I was 5" I shrugged as he nodded.

"Can we actually go to bed now" I asked smiling as he nodded. "Let's go" I smiled as I put my arms out. He wrapped his arms around my waist picking me up and taking me to the bed. I sighed as he took his shirt off handing it to me as I took my clothes off putting on the shirt and he took his pants off as I went to sleep with him holding me.

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