Chapter 14

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"MOMMY" I woke up to Vanessa screaming. I shot up out of the bed grabbing my phone. I went into her room seeing her shaking. "Hey baby what's wrong" I asked. "Turn on the light. The light" she said as she held her head. I turned the light on as she sighed. She fell onto her bed holding Jaxon as he cuddled up next to her. "What happened baby" I asked as I walked to her bed. She rubbed her eyes as she pointed at the corner of the room. I looked at the menu one seeing it was 3 in the morning. I sighed moving up on the bed as I grabbed Vanessa. "It's okay baby" I said as I pulled her into a hug and laying us down on the bed. I put us under the covers as Jaxon got up and left the room. I sighed as I played with her hair. "Mommy" she said. "Hush baby. It's okay. Just go to sleep" I smiled thinking she was going to apologize for waking me up.

"But mommy. I saw her face" she said crying harder. "You wanna watch a show on Netflix" I aske dpulling my phone out. She nodded as I turned on Netflix as she put on black butler. I've already seen it so it's nothing new.

I sighed as Jaxon hopped up on the bed followed by corpse. He sighed laying beside Vanessa as he kissed the top of her head. He held my hand above Vanessa's head as she held my phone watching the anime as I fell asleep.


I woke up holding Vanessa as I sighed. Corpse already left probably making breakfast. I sighed not wanting to leave her side after last night.

The door opened as I looked over seeing corpse. "Breakfast is ready" he said as I nodded. "Hey baby" I smiled waking up Vanessa as she jumped. I took my phone from her hands that was now definitely dead. I sighed sitting up. "Daddy made us breakfast" I smiled as she yawned getting out of the bed.

I watched as she walked past corpse as he stood there staring at me. "What" I asked confused. "Stop worrying. I can see your grey hairs" he smiled as I rolled my eyes. I got out of the bed as I walked into the living room. He put his arm around me as we watched Vanessa eating her breakfast. "Come on" he said as I shook my head. "I'm not hungry" I mumbled going to walk to my room. "If you don't eat now. I will shove it down your throat later than make you eat whatever we are going to eat later" he said pulling me back towards him.

I sighed as we walked towards the dinning room. As I sat next to him. He made me bacon, grits and eggs. I smiled as I broke up the bacon and put the eggs and broken pieces of bacon in the grits.

"Eat baby" corpse said. "I am daddy" Vanessa said as we looked over and saw her eating her pancakes. "Thank you baby" corpse smiled as he gave me a side eye. I sighed as Vanessa looked up at me. "Mommy are you not going to eat" she asked as I smiled. "Of course I am baby" I smiled as I mixed the stuff together. I sighed eating some of it as I lifted my legs up and set them on corpse's knee. As he started bouncing his leg.


After breakfast Vanessa was telling us a story about how at school a girl tried to eat a worm on the playground. I sighed as I felt corpse rubbing my leg under the table. "Anyways. She got in trouble....are we going to see uncle Sean today" Vanessa asked as I looked over at corpse. He shrugged looking at me.

"Do you want to go to uncle Sean's today" I asked as she shrugged. "How about we go walking around and we can see if uncle Sean wants to come." I smiled as she nodded. "I wanna go to London" she said as I smiled. "Are you okay with that" I asked corpse as he nodded. "Sounds fun" he smiled. "Alright. Vanessa go get dressed" I smiled as she rushed off.

Corpse stood up as I gathered our stuff going to the kitchen. Cleaning the dishes. "Are you okay" corpse asked leaning his head on me putting his arms around my waist. "I'm just worried" I shrugged as he sighed. "Me too" he mumbled as I sighed. "Did you sleep good last night" he asked. "Yeah, it was fine" I smiled. "I saw how you were holding her last night. It was like you didn't want her to move just in case anything would have happened" he said as I smiled. "I didn't want her to wake up and see the lady in the corner" I sighed getting done with the dishes. "Yeah I understand. I kept waking up to make sure she was okay" he said as I smiled. "Maybe we should go see a movie today" I asked turning around as I grabbed the cup towel as I dried my hands off. "Maybe. I should text Sean and ask if he wants to" he said as I nodded. "Yeah. I think I'm gonna get a shower" I smiled putting the towel down as he rubbed my back. "Okay. I'll let you know what Sean says" he said moving away as he patted my butt. "Okay" I smiled going into the bedroom.

I turned the shower on as I went back into the bedroom getting some clothes. I sighed as I brushed my hair into a ponytail. Corpse walked in as he grabbed my hair playing with it. Running his fingers through it. I smiled at the feeling as he put it in a bum for me. "What did Sean say" I smiled as he cleared his throat. "He said to give him like thirty minutes. We're gonna pick him up. Also he wants to buy anything Vanessa wants" he said as I sighed. "He shouldn't" he said as he nodded. "I said the same thing and he said he will kidnap her than" he chuckled as I sighed. "Okay well Imma take a shower so. Get out" I smiled putting my hands on his chest as he gasped. "I can't watch" he asked as I chuckled. "You're funny. Now leave" I laughed as I opened the door for him shoving him out. "Wait come on. Just a peek" he said as I smiled. "Stop. Get out" I laughed shutting the door finally.

I sighed as I went to take my shirt off. "Aren't you going to lock the door" he asked as I turned back around and saw him peeking through the crack of the door like a four year waiting for the candy shop to open. "You probably need to take a shower too" I smiled as he nodded. "I definitely do" he said rushing in. Locking the door as we took off our clothes getting in.

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