Chapter 26

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"Oi shut it. If you're too loud tommyinnit you'll wake up T" I said as tubbo and mom came downstairs. "Oh hello honey. I didn't think you'd be eating breakfast" dad smiled. "Tubbo went up to get her. Of course she'd come down" I mumbled as Alex nudged me. "I was coming downstairs anyways once I heard Tommy's loud laughing" my mom smiled. I nodded knowing she's only lying. She's always loved tubbo more than Alex and Her actual child. She said that tubbo reminds her of Tara her old dog. Dad says he does. Apparently they were both really dopey and adorable and didn't really use there heads a lot but were both very smart. Whatever I was here first. Tubbo needs to sit down along with Alex, Alex has dad wrapped around his finger tightly. Dad said that Alex reminds him of himself when he was younger. Alex makes dad laugh a lot I think that's just it I don't see dad in Alex unless he has changed a lot since he was a kid.

"Vanessa" Alex mumbled bringing me back from my thoughts. "You aren't going to eat" he added. I didn't respond back with a question just looked away eating a piece of bacon. "This is really good" Wilbur mumbled with a mouth full of food as "I agree corpse this is so good" Karl mumbled shoving waffles into his mouth. Mom sat next to dad and tubbo sat next to me and Alex on the other side of me like always. Everyone else spread around.

"Are you okay" tubbo asked me once he sat down. I sighed not understanding why everyone e is suddenly asking me if I'm okay. I'm fucking fine. I'm just sick of the shit that's been going on in this house. Summer break needs to hurry up and be over so we can go back to fucking school I'm tired of them always wanting to do these types of things. I heard Alex asking if we could travel to England with tubbo and mom was actually thinking about going only so she could meet tubbo's family. Dad wants to go just because Alex wants to go and if I'm going. I'm going straight to uncle Sean's house.

"Vanessa" dad said waving a hand infront of me. "Are you okay vanessa" tommy asked drinking his drink. "You seem very pissed" Karl added. "You're staring at mother dearest like she smacked you and told you, you weren't her real daughter" tubbo mumbled. "Maybe you should go to bed" Alex mumbled. I sighed rolling my eyes at all of them. "Vanessa" my mom said as I looked over at her. "Are you okay" she asked sounding so prideful god sea so annoying. "Peachy" I faked a smiled as she nodded. "What do you want to do today" she asked continuing the conversation. What the hell. Just ignore me and talk to tubbo. "I wanna go to the skate park" I smiled. "How long do you think T will be asleep for" she asked as I felt like throwing up, no one calls T that besides me and Alex. Who gave her the right. "Hell if I know she didn't sleep all night" I said drinking some of the water my dad gave me.

"You are very passive aggressive this morning. Would you like to talk about it later" she asked. "No" I said as she nodded. "Fine. I can't force you" she shrugged going back to her food. "Well that was awkward" tommy mumbled. "Tommy shut up" Wilbur said. I sighed looking down at my food as I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. "If you're texting me I'm not gonna respond" I mumbled allowed and saw Alex, Wilbur and Karl all lift there heads up, sighing and going back to their food.

I shook my head at the people who always check on me. I feel bad for them, everytime after a recording or stream or a call or anything with any one of them or all of them, if I seem the slightest bit different to them they text me, Alex comes in my room or office and hangs out with me until I feel better and Wilbur and Karl will call me and text me, FaceTime me, he'll dream called me a few days ago because I didn't say bye to them after a stream.

I picked up my phone and pretended T texted me. I stood up "you didn't finish eating" dad said. "I'll eat later. T needs me" I lied going upstairs into the bedroom seeing her sprawled out on the bees dead asleep. I chuckled at the view as I laid next to her and went to sleep myself.


We all watched as Vanessa went up the steps and once we heard her door shut mom and dad looked directly at me. "Did t really text her" dad asked. "Yes" I lied. They know I always look over her shoulder just to make sure she's okay, I don't read her messages with anyone, unless it's one of the boys, or T. Just in case I need to know something. I worry about her a lot and she will barley let me help her. I don't understand why she hates tubbo and I so much. She's always been kinda passive aggressive to us once she turned 13 basically.

"So uhm mr and Mrs husband. Is it okay if after breakfast, we go to the mall" tommy asked smiling. "We are not going back to the mall with you" Wilbur shook his head. "I'd rather go to the movies again" Karl smiled. "I want go to the mall" tubbo smiled. "No tubbo, we almost watched tommy get beat up" I said as dad started laughing. "Why did tommy almost get his ass kicked" he asked as we all looked at tommy as he sighed. "I walked up to women and told them they were my girlfriends" he said as tubbo started laughing. "You walked up to the wrong group of girls huh" dad asked as I started laughing. "One girl barked and chased him" I said laughing harder as tubbo nodded. "I remember. Vanessa barked back at her once we found her" tubbo smiled. "Good thing you guys had Vanessa with you" mom smiled. "Mom- I mean Haley, is it okay if I go check on Vanessa" I asked as she nodded. "You know Alex" she said stopping me as I looked at her. "You can call me mom and him dad right" she asked as I nodded.

I walked away from the table going upstairs. I walked to Vanessa's room opening the door seeing them both asleep on the bed, I sighed shutting the door back and leaning against the door facing my door. I sighed as I held my head on my hands trying to collect my thoughts.

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