Chapter 42

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A few months later

It's been awhile since I've been in my bedroom and I missed it so much. It was awesome hanging out with Tommy, Wilbur, Phil, sometimes George and uncle Sean along with toby's grandparents but god I miss T and my home. I sighed flopping onto my bed after the car ride home. "Honey, everyone's gonna go to sleep okay" my mom said coming into the room. "Okay. I might too" I mumbled as I stretched out on my bed. "Okay" she said as she left. Dad came in afterwards and laid on the bed with me.

"What" I mumbled. "You wanna go drink monsters in the park and stare at nothing while everyone sleeps" he blurted out. "Hell yeah" I mumbled getting up as we left. Dad does sleep but I know when he was younger he rarely slept but now he does sleep at night but not long. I still sometimes have nightmares like when I was younger so I don't really sleep either.

We got into the car and drove to the nearest gas station. We got out going in me picking out a white monster and an original monster as dad got a bag of chips and a bottle of water. We got in line to pay as I sighed. "So why haven't you gone to your physical therapy" I asked as he sighed. "I don't have any pain medication so it's starting to hurt again" he mumbled. "Why haven't you gone to your therapy appointments" he asked as I rolled my eyes. "I don't need therapy. I need understanding parents" I mumbled back as he rolled his eyes. "We understand because we use to be and still somewhat are the same way. We use to, or we still do have problems that we are going through and doing the same thing you're doing along with taking medication. Now don't say we don't understand when we do" he said as I hummed. We got up to the counter setting our stuff down as the lady scanned. Dad felt his pockets for his wallet than looked down at me. I sighed as I went out to the car and grabbed his wallet he left in the cup holder and rushed back inside handing it to him. He thanked me as he paid for the stuff as we grabbed our things and left.

We pulled up to a park and got out of the car. We went to the sings and sat down, I chugged a monster and dad sat there and ate his chips. "You shouldn't drink those so fast. Your heart might explode" he said munching down on a chip. "Okay" I mumbled as he smiled. "What" I asked confused as he shrugged his shoulders. "The older you get the more you are just like your mom" he smiled as I raised my brow. "What" I asked confused still. "Well. When you show emotions to your mom, because how she was raised she doesn't know how to handle them so she just says okay. The only emotions she expresses out loud is sadness, angry, annoyed, and rarely happiness. Just like you" he smiled. "Hmm...okay" I shrugged as he smiled still.

He pulled out his phone and played some music as we sat on the songs watching as children were passing by and playing around. Watching as the sun was going down and parents were chasing after their kids. "The park closes at sundown" dad mumbled. "And that matters why" I asked starting to chug my second monster. "Just letting you know to be on the look out for cops" he shrugged as I nodded as I sighed watching as cars were now leaving.


After a few hours I was starving. Dad and I decided we should have dinner than have pizza delivered to the house for everyone else. "Where do you want to go" dad asked as I sighed looking at all the places we passed as I sighed. "Where do you wanna go" I asked as he shrugged. "I don't really mind. I'll eat anything" he yawned as I nodded. "Are you tired? We can just go back to the house eat pizza with everyone and you can go to sleep" I said as he shook his head. "That's the thing I'm not tired. I do not know why.  I literally just yawned for no reason" he laughed as I nodded. "Uhm okay so how about we do to........." I mumbled looking around. "Oh you want fast food or a go in and leave type place" I mumbled as he chuckled. "I am not dressed to go in anywhere" he said as I looked down and saw him wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt. His hair all messy like always. I shrugged. "What's wrong with it" I asked as he chuckled. "These aren't even my good sweats. I got a mustard stain on them" he said pointing to it. "Oh my god. We're going to eat not see the queen of England" I said mimicking tommy when I said 'the queen'  "Haley- uhm I mean Vanessa" he said as I sighed. "I'm tired of everyone getting mom and I confused. We are two different people" I shook my head. "You guys are though" he laughed. "No she is who? Haley, I am who? Vanessa. TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE" I said as he chuckled. "You guys are basically the same person" he mumbled as I groaned. "Okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry. Now where do you want to eat" he said as I sighed. "Taco Bell" I mumbled as we pulled into the drive through. "Once we get our food can we park and watch anime" I mumbled as he chuckled. "Sure. Get whatever show ready so once we get our food we don't have to wait" dad said as I smiled. I pulled out my phone hooking it up to the radio as I went through my lists of anime's I wanted to watch but I need a good one with dad.

There's new episodes of my hero but I'm not feeling that right now so....ohhhh let's watch Attack on Titans again. I smiled as I clicked on it and pressed pause. I didn't even realize it but dad had already ordered the food and got it and now he's looking for a place to park.

I smiled as we stopped. He handed me my food and I drank some of my freezey stuff and played the anime as we sat there and watched it. Eating.

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