Chapter 11

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After playing for almost two hours straight. I was done. Can already ate her lunch. So she's trying to get corpse to play VR. "No baby, daddy can't. How about you play for me" he smiled as she shook her head. "Mommy played I wanna watch you play" she said as he sighed. "Daddy doesn't feel good. So he can't play those kinda of games yet" I smiled as she sighed. "You got rona" she asked as he giggled. "No baby, you play for me or maybe uncle Sean will play" he smiled as I leaned against corpse. "Uncle Spedicy can you play" she asked as he sighed. "She called my spedicy" he shook his head. "Now you have too" I giggled. "Yeah I'll play" he smiled as she nodded. "Do you know how" she asked. "Of course I do. I bought the set up" he said putting the headset on. "Oh I didn't know. You're old I wanted to make sure" she said sitting in his seat. "I'm not that old" he giggled as I snorted. "You're basically ancient" I smiled as he scoffed. "Whatever" he said starting as I saw Vanessa grabbing Sean's cup of beer. "What are you doing over there" I asked as she froze. "Are you drinking something that isn't yours" Sean asked. "Isn't that uncle Sean's" corpse asked. "Excuse me" he asked pulling up the headset. "Hey you troll. Don't drink my stuff" he said taking the cup as he drank some. I held my hand out for it as he gave me a side look. "I don't trust you with it" he giggled. "Oh my god. I'll buy you more if I drink it" I smiled as he handed it to corpse. "Protect it with your life" he said going back to the game.

I looked up at corpse as he handed me his beer. "I don't want that" I said giving it back. "What is your beef with beer" he asked. "It's gross" I shook my head. "Not a true Irish" Sean said. "I'm not Irish" I laughed. "You don't know what" he shrugged. "What's the difference between mine and Sean's" corpse asked. "I've drank after you. Not Sean" I said as if it was obvious. "You aren't getting it" he said downing all of it.

"Oh fuck" he sighed looking at the two different bottles. I laughed as I took corpse's. "Oh you dumbass" I shook my head drinking all of his. "What happened" Sean asked. "Corpse was telling me I couldn't have your beer and I'm gonna assume he forgot which one was his so he drank all of yours and I drank all of his" I chuckled as he sighed. "Sean I'm so sorry" corpse said laughing. "I'll get you another one" I sighed standing up. "You want one" I asked corpse. "I should get them. I drank his" he said standing up now pushing me back onto the couch. "Whatever"  I sighed as he walked off. "You want some apple juice" I asked Vanessa as she nodded. "Babe. V wants apple juice" I called out as I heard him make a noise. "Uh...uhm...uh oh" I heard corpse along with a giggle. "What's wrong" I asked. "What happened. what did you do" Sean asked not taking off the headset still playing. "Uhm...I broke the bottle opener" corpse laughed as I stood up going towards him. "Oh I have another one in my drawer close to the fridge" Sean said as I walked in seeing him holding the broken opener. "Dumbass" I laughed as I took the opener from him throwing it away. I grabbed a bottle putting it under one of the caps pulling down on it as it popped. I grabbed another one doing the same as I put the other one back in the fridge as he sighed.

"You're smart" he said grabbing the bottles. "Impulse really" I shrugged as he nodded. He pulled his hand back quickly groaning. "What's wrong" I asked looking at his hand. "I think the opener cut me" he said opening his hand. "Yeah alittle" I sighed looking around finding napkins. I put it on the blood as I sighed. "Uhh hey Sean where's the bandages" I asked as he paused the game. "You guys okay" he asked. "Daddy get hurt again" Vanessa asked looking over the chair. "Just a little cut no biggie" I shrugged as he nodded. "Uhm under the sink in the blue metal box is the first aid kit. Should be some in there" Sean said as I nodded as he got back to his game. I moved the bloody napkin out of the way as I put his hand under the water.

He hissed some as the water hit it. As it kept bleeding. "Have you been taking your meds" I asked as he nodded. "Yeah I don't know why it's bleeding so much" he said as I moved it from under the water, I dried it some moving his skin around sitting it only looked like a small slice not deep or anything. "That's strange" I mumbled as I sighed. I grabbed some cream stuff putting some on it as he leaned against me. I put the bandaid on his hand along with some tape stuff to make sure it stayed.

"If it's still bleeding later we should go to the hospital" I smiled as he nodded. I grabbed the bottles handing him one as he took it to Sean. I grabbed a cup putting some apple juice in it as I took a sip from the beer handing it to corpse. He smiled as he kissed the top of my head. "Take this to Vanessa I need to pee" I sighed as he nodded. I went to the bathroom as I sighed walking in I locked the door as I did my business.


Once I was done I was washing my hands as my phone started ringing. "Uhmmm I don't know that number" I mumbled as I wiped my hands dry. I sighed picking up the phone as I answered it. "Hello this is Haley. Who is this" I asked as I heard the person giggling. "Oh Uhm I didn't think you'd answer. Uhm my name is Gage Gibson but I also go by JuicyFruitSnacks on YouTube and all the other social media shit. Uhm I am with The Boys. Like mully, josh dub. Eddie VR, and Your Narrator. We were wondering if you'd like to be in our video" he smiled. "Uhm. I don't know who any of you guys are" I mumbled thinking this is a scam. "Okay how about I'll give you time to look up who we are. We found you along with corpse husband playing among us when we were checking out for new special guests to come in our group and came across you and we were hoping you could join" he said as I nodded. "Uhm okay. I'll look you guys up and call you back when I think this is legit. If not I'm calling the police" I said as he sounded worried. "Oh it's not a scam I swear. You're a youtuber. I'm a youtuber if roles were reversed trust me I would feel the same way you are" he said as I hummed. "Okay, well I'm on vacation right now in England so I'll get back with you when I can" I said as he sighed. "Okay have a nice time on your trip" he said as I nodded. "Okay bye" I said as I heard him sigh. "I told you boys not to let me be the one making the calls. They always thinking I'm like a 12 year old" I heard him laughing. "She lowkey sounds like a bitch" another person said. "I heard she was Mexican I think this would be awesome to have another Mexican" I heard another person say. "I'm not Mexican I'm half black and half white. Nice job hanging up" I laughed as I hung up the phone. "Who were you talking to" Vanessa asked as I put my finger on my nose. Calling her nosey. "Who were you talking to" Sean asked pausing the game. As I did the same thing to him corpse sighed. "Who were you talking too" he said in a serious tone. "Someone from the boys?" I questioned. "The Who" Sean asked confused. "Yeah I said the same thing" I laughed. "What did they want" corpse asked. "To be in a few videos with them" I shrugged. "And you don't know who they are" Sean asked as I shook my head. "LETS LOOK THEM UP" Vanessa yelled. "I AGREE" Sean smiled as he took the stuff off putting Turning youtube on his tv as he picked up Vanessa setting her in his lap as he looked up The Boys on YouTube as we watched all of their videos.

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