Chapter 21

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HEY HI HELLO BEEN A MINUTE HUH. Well, get this, I have another book, yes another one it's called 'Can you feel' it's gonna be alittle depressing but the beginning part I think it's very long and yes kinda boring but aren't most books like that. Than once you get to the ending it's actually pretty 🔥 fire yes I know god I'm so cool using emjoi's. Anyways the question here is, would you guys like my to finish this cook, OR go ahead and post the new book and finish this book, I mean this book will get finished anyways it's just, would you guys like another one too or wait. Now listen if any of you motherlovers put 'it's up to you' in the comments I'll block you(no I won't that's not really poggers of me if I do so) SO NO PUTTING 'it's up to you' in the comments give me your actual idea. Thank you and enjoy.


We walked around the building meeting all of the boys between the ages 8-12 they were all absolutely adorable. Corpse found one he like only because it reminds him of him when he was younger and he doesn't want that child to grow up like how he grew up. Yet I found one who I really liked only because he reminds me of tara in human form. I sighed watching as he stared at a box of crayons while a little girl teased him with the crayons. "Alright now you have Alex and Toby who you guys have picked" the women asked. "Yes but we only want one" corpse said "or two" I mumbled. "One for now" corpse said putting his hand over my mouth. "We don't have another room for both of them or beds for both of them we only have one" corpse mumbled as I sighed. "But they're roommates, both are 11 they look like they get along with girls very nicely. Why can't we get both" I poured as corpse sighed. "We want Toby, and Alex" corpse smiled as I clapped. "Alright well we need to sign some paperwork" the lady said as I smiled.

"You wanna go talk to them" corpse asked. "I wanna go talk to them" I said as he nodded. "Go talk to them, but don't get distracted" corpse mumbled. "No promises" I giggled rushing off toward Toby and Alex. "Hello again" Toby smiled. "What do you want now" Alex groaned. "Alex be nice. She could adopt you" Toby said. "She won't no one ever does" Alex shrugged. "No I am gonna adopt you" I smiled. "You're adopting me" Alex asked as I nodded. "Toby I'm getting adopted" Alex smiled. "I know I heard. This is amazing, I am so happy for you" Toby smiled as they hugged. "Can Toby come visit us" Alex asked. "Of course he can, everyday if he wants to" I smiled. "Cause we are adopting him too"I added as they hugged each other jumping up and down. "Thank you so much miss" Toby said hugging me. "Thank you" Alex said as he joined in on the hug. "Awe guys you're welcome" I smiled hugging them back. Go get your stuff" I smiled as they held my hands rushing off towards they're rooms as I helped them pack up their stuff.

"Everyone ready" corpse asked coming up to us. "Hey what happened to your voice" Alex asked. "What" corpse asked confused. "Why is your voice so low" Toby asked. "Yeah sounds like your balls drag across the ground. Now I know why you're married to this guy" Alex said nudging me as I snorted. "Okay we need to hurry home. Before school let's out. Let's go" corpse said as he grabbed a bag as I grabbed the other.

"You know you never answered the question" Toby said. "It's kinda rude" he added. "That's because guys with big balls don't brag about them" Alex said. "Oh really" Toby asked. "Yeah, why don't you think I talk about my pecker" Alex said pointing at his groin as I tried my best not to laugh. We threw their bags in the back of the Jeep as Alex and Toby looked up as if we were crazy. "You think we can hop up in there" Alex asked. "Yeah we're tiny" Toby said. "How do you get in it you're small" Alex asked as I smiled.I'll try not to take offense to that. But Vanessa get in it just fine and she's younger than you guys" I said as they nodded.

"Ohhhhhh" Toby shrugged at Alex. "Who the fuck is Vanessa" Alex asked as corpse smiled. We helped them into the Jeep as we got in starting it up and leaving. "Vanessa is our daughter." I smiled "I thought you guys couldn't have kids" Alex asked. "Yeah isn't that why people adopted, kids" Toby asked. "No we can have kids it's just I don't want to go through that again, so why not just come and get you guys. I'm really glade we got both of you." I smiled as corpse nodded agreeing with me.

"I'm glade you guys both of us too" Toby smiled. "Yeah I woulda probably killed myself if I was left along in that shit hole by myself" Alex said as I sighed. "Dont think like that. Trust me once you guys get to our place, it's gonna he awesome. You guys are probably gonna be sharing a room for alittle bit is that okay"I asked as I pulled my phone out ordering a new bed set and stuff for them. "Yeah we're fine with that. We usually sleep together" Toby smiled. "In the bathtub" Alex added. "Oh yeah will we get covers for the bathtub. They are somewhat cold at night" Toby smiled. "I'm sorry the bathtub? I. Your bedrooms you guys had beds" I asked confused. "Yes the beds were for the people who made us sleep in the bathtub" Toby smiled. "We have no idea what our beds were for but we  never slept in them" Alex smiled. "That's horrible. Well you'll both probably have to share a bed, or we can make a small little bed for now or maybe, one of you can sleep with us, but we have six rooms, but two are our offices, one is our daughters, you guys have our daughters old office and I guess we'll make the storage room a bedroom" I smiled. "That's gonna be weird" corpse mumbled. "Yeah but oh well" I said as we pulled into the driveway. "Alright. Oh we gotta get them signed up for school tomorrow, too" I smiled as we all got out of the vehicle. "Holy guys didn't tell us we were living with rich people" Alex sighed.

"Oh my god....we shoulda known it was gonna be big when she said six bedrooms" Toby said as I smiled. "Do you guys like it" I asked. "Like it. I fucking love it dude. If I touch it I'm not gonna have to pay for it am I" Alex asked as I smiled shaking my head no. "Good...I'm only 11.....I'm broke" he giggled as he walked up to the house touching it as he giggled. "Oh my god it's real...this is really happening. Do I have to call you guys mom and dad" Alex asked as Toby look at us. "No you don't" I smiled. "I shall call you guys mother dearest and father dearest. Is that okay" Toby asked. "What ever you guys would like to call us, besides swear words, we don't have a problem with it" I smiled. "You barley talk big man" Alex said pointing at corpse. "That's usually her job" corpse smiled pointing at me. "Well let's go inside and look at everything, come on" I smiled as we all rushed into the house to give them a house tour.

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