Chapter 31

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We got to the hospital as the only person who could form words right now was Alex. I was to nervous. Scared that if maybe, maybe if I spoke something would happen to her that I wouldn't like. "Hello. We need to see Haley" Alex said. "Haley who" the lady asked typing into her computer. "H-A-L-E-Y she doesn't fucking have a last name" Alex said through gritted teeth. "Try husband" Vanessa blurted out as she nodded. "Top floor. Third room down will be her room, but she's still in surgery. I'm sorry I'm gonna have to ask you guys to wait" she said as I sighed. "How long do you think it'll before we can see her" Alex asked. "I don't know. I just work the computer" she shrugged as I felt my hand ball into a fist as Alex slammed his hand on the counter causing Vanessa to jump.

"That's my fucking mother. You better fucking find out and let us know and keep us updated until we can fucking see her or I'll pull a goddamn Karen and ask for your fucking supervisor you fucking got that" Alex said as she nodded. "Thank you" he smiled as he walked towards us. "Well let's go wait" he mumbled as I threw my arm around him pulling him in for a hug. "Uhm is there a mister husband. Her husband." The lady said as I turned my head to look at her. "Can I speak to you privately" she said as I nodded. "You guys go wait. I'll be back" I said as Vanessa hung onto Toby now. "Hey" Alex said grabbing my arm. "Don't hurt yourself too. Okay" he said as I nodded. "Go wait" I said shooing him away as I walked off to the nurse.

"Okay sir. Uhm I need to ask you some stuff about your wife. What is she allergic too" she asked. "Sunblock, long haired cats, and shellfish" I replied back as if it was first hand knowledge. "Okay...uhm has your wife ever came here before" she asked typing into the computer. "Yes. She came here because she was dehydrated. Don't ask me how long ago because I don't remember"  I answered honestly. "Has Haley had any drugs recently" she asked. "Only what she's prescribed" I said as she nodded. "Alcohol?"  She asked as I shook my head. "She rarely drinks. Only when she's stressed, which is rare" I said as she nodded. "Okay well I didn't want to let your kids know but Haley is in critical condition. A bullet plugged her lung and another barley missing her liver. She is also in a comma. If she pulls through it'll be a miracle. She will have to live by a very strict diet and go to physical therapy. She will also have to take it easy at home so she doesn't pop any stitches.  The doctors are trying though" she said as I nodded.

"It probably would have been best if you told the kids. Now I don't think I can and I really wanna hit something. Thank you though" I said as I walked back towards the kids. I sighed sitting next to Alex. "Did she tell you what was wrong with mother dearest" Toby asked. "Is mom gonna be okay dad" Vanessa asked crying. "What did the lady say dad" Alex whispered as I sighed looking over at them. "She's in critical condition" I tried to say but I ended up crying and it was only getting worse. "What did he say" Toby asked. "She....she is in uhm....yeah she's in....critical....condition" Alex gulped as I started crying harder.


"Mr husband" I heard the doctor as I shot up. He waved me over as I walked closer to him as he had a serious face on. I tried to wipe my tears but it only seemed to not do anything. "Sir. I just want to say how sorry I am for you and your family. You all look completely broken" he said shaking his head. "Haley kept this family together. I do t think I could handle taking care of kids on my own without her." I chuckled some. "Yeah she's a crazy one for sure" I added as he nodded. "Yes I know when she woke up she yelled at me" the doctor chuckled. "Wait what" I asked confused. "She yelled at me for having her in a hospital gown" the doctor sighed. "You're wife is going to be fine" he smiled as I sighed smiling some as I pulled the doctor into a hug. "Thank you so much doctor. God I could kiss you" I said pulling away. "I'm married" he smiled. "They don't gotta know" I said pulling him in as I kissed his forehead. "Thank you" I said going to the kids. "Moms fine. Let's go see her" I said as they all jumped up tackling me to the ground in hugs. I groaned as I made contact with the ground but I smiled as we all broke up the hug. Standing up Alex hummed. "Did mom yell at the doctor for her wearing a hospital gown" he asked as I chuckled nodding.

"I'll run home really quick and get her some clothes" Alex said racing out of the hospital as we raced to her room.

Alex at home

I saw the front door wide open as I snuck around the back knowing we left the door closed. I crawled under the side windows all the way around the back to make sure no one could see me if anyone was in those rooms.

I sighed I got to the back doors. I slowly moved my head over seeing someone walking upstairs. I sighed waiting to see if anyone else was going to follow the person. I slowly opened the back door crawling into the house and shutting the door. I slowly crawled across the floor. "Where the hell are they, they wanted to see us before we left and they aren't even here" I heard tommy as I basically fell on the floor, sighing in relief. I stood up as I walked out of the kitchen. "How'd you guys get inside" I asked as Karl jumped screaming. "Oh hello big Q. You guys don't lock the back door and we were knocking forever. So we let ourselves in" tommy smiled. "Where is everyone and why does the house look like shit" Wilbur asked as I sighed sitting down with them. "Well someone broke into our home and shot Haley" I said as they all went wide eyed. "How Vanessa and Toby" tommy asked. "How's corpse doing" Karl asked seeming very worried. "How's Haley" Wilbur asked. "Gee thanks guys I'm good. Wonderful friends" I shook my head. "We figured" Karl shrugged. "Yeah you're so calm with everything so we know you're okay big q" tommy said as I sighed. I fixed my beanie as I told them what all happened.

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