Chapter 20

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Corpse left with Vanessa as I went into Vanessa's 'office' and moved everything from that office to her room, moving things around of course to make it happen. I sighed knowing I'm gonna need help. "Hey Siri" I said as I heard her little start up noise. "Yes" I heard her reply. "Call daddy Rae and put it on speaker" I said. "Calling daddy Rae" she said as I heard the ringing. "What's up mamas" I heard Rae "RAE BABY. I NEED YOUR HELP." I yelled as she got serious. "Are you dying" she asked. "YES- wait Rae are you streaming" I asked. "No not for another few hours." She said. "GOOD I NEED YOUR HELP MAMAS DYING" I yelled as she snorted. "IM COMING MAMAS" she announced as the phone hung up as I took time to order stuff online for a boys bedroom.

A PC. Corpse can help him put that together, a monitor, mouse, gaming headset, a phone and case, sheets, covers,  PlayStation, some cute little things for the room as I smiled. I heard the door bell ringing as I shook my head rushing down seeing Rae. "You really gotta stop breaking the speed limit" I giggled. "You tell me that everytime I get here" she laughed. "Because you get here too quick dumbass" I shook my head as she shrugged. "So what's the emergency" she asked popping her back and knuckles. "Corpse and I are adopting a child and we gotta move all of Vanessa's gaming stuff into her bedroom and wait for the stuff to come for the boy and put that up. Corpse and Vanessa are at the physiatrist and I don't know how long they'll be there so I need your assistance until Corpse gets here" I smiled.

"Another child, you've got two already" Rae said confused. "Corpse needs to grow up I agree he's older than me but acts like Vanessa's age I know anyways. Let's go" I smiled as she giggled as we went up to Vanessa's office and bedroom moving everything over.


We got done with Vanessa's room, took a break to get lunch and once we got back the stuff for the boys room was here and the people with the bed and dresser just got here. They put the bed up, they put the dresser up, I put hangers on the closet, and Vanessa and I are in the middle of putting up the new desk. I heard knocking as I pushed my glasses up. "Come in" I announced as corpse walked in. "Vanessa at school" I asked as he nodded. "She was very happy" Corpse smiled as I nodded.

"What did the therapist say" I asked as he sighed. "Should I leave for this kind of talk" Vanessa interrupted. I looked over at corpse as he shrugged. "If you want. You know I'm gonna tell you anyways" I said as she nodded. "Good point" she said as we looked back at corpse. "Well, she put vanessa on some new meds, and just by talking to Vanessa today, she think Vanessa has  schizophrenia, depression, separation anxiety, mood swings, and ADHD. She wants Vanessa to come back tomorrow and ask her some more questions, and she'd like if you are there" corpse said as I sighed. "Wonderful. Uhmcan you hand me that hand wrench this one broke" I said dropping the broken one as corpse handed me another as I finished screwing the bolt in.

"Haley are you okay" Rae asked. "I don't know" I mumbled. "Yeah I felt the same way when she told me" corpse said as I shook my head. "Uhm, are you gonna come with me to get the kid" I asked trying to change the subject. "Uhm yeah if you want me too" corpse smiled. "Are you coming" I asked Rae as she shook her head. "I gotta stream all day today so in a few minutes I should be going or I'll be late" Rae smiled. "Oh than go Rae. We're good" I smiled. "I didn't want to leave you alone" Rae smiled. She kissed the top of my head as I smiled. "I'll see you guys later" she smiled. "Bye Rae" corpse and I said at the same time as she left.

"Okay so what I was thinking, we do the same thing we did with Vanessa, the child builds his own pc with you of course. Along with putting up the tv where he would like with the PlayStation and the stand and stuff" I smiled as he nodded. "Sounds awesome babe" corpse smiled as he helped me put the desk up as I smiled at my work. "He can put up his chair" corpse shrugged. "I'll help him of course if he needs me too" I mumbled. "There's instructions and we are getting a child older than Vanessa I'm sure he knows how to read" he said as I nodded. "Yeah you're probably right" I mumbled as he nodded. He held my hand pulling me close to him as we left the room, I smiled as corpse grabbed the keys as we started driving to the closed adoption center.


We finally arrived as corpse and I walked in hand in hand as we walked up the counter. "Miss. There's people here" a child behind the counter screamed as she held a child. "Hello, can you guys sign this" she said handing us a clipboard to sign in. "Are you guys adopting or visiting" she asked. "Adopting" I smiled.  "What age group" she asked as I sighed. "About 10, 11 maybe" corpse smiled as her eyes got wide. "Oh Uhm, don't speak around Miss please, also we have a good group of kids in those age ranges. I'm sure Miss will be coming soon I'll go get the kids ready" she smiled as I raised my brow. "Why can't he speak around miss" I asked as she cleared her throat. "She's a bit of a whore if you ask me, and she would at least try having sex with you, infront of your wife" the girl smiled as I raised my brow looking up at corpse. "That's not gonna happen but thank you for the warning" corpse smiled as she walked off.

A women came into the room as as she was coughing and spraying something as she smelled like weed. "Hello, Uhm I'm sorry, adoption or visiting" she asked. "Adoption, boy, 10 or 11" the girl came back as the lady raised a brow at her. "Wait for me in my office." The women sighed as she put the child on the ground and the kid started screaming and yelling. "Hey, it'll be okay I'll be back and we can continue to play, go wait for me in your room okay" the girl smiled as the child nodded running off. The girl held her head down as she went into the office. "How old is she"I blurted out as the women raised her brow. "She isn't for sell" the said as I giggled. "I'm sorry did you say, that child, that human being over there isn't for sell, you aren't selling children if you were that would be illegal and something called child trafficking. And by that comment I think I should call the police now I want to know how old she is" I said as she smiled. "I'm 17" the girl smiled. "When you turn 18 you come to this address" I said ripping a piece of paper from the sign in sheet and writing down corpse and I's address as I threw it at her. "Throw it away" the women said as the girl picked up the paper she quickly read it as she shoved it down her shirt. She walked into the office. "Thank you" the child said as the door shut. "That's my kid" the women said. "You treat her like shit" I said as corpse snorted. "Can we just see some kids" corpse asked as I remembered what the girl said as I looked at the women and saw her smiling at corpse. I stood infront of corpse as I held his hands.

"Can we see the kids" I repeated what he said as she smiled up at corpse. "Baby we could just make a child" she smiled as I snapped. "Hey...we're here to adopted, we are married, let's go" I said as she scoffed.

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