Chapter 35

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The boys just left to go get on their planes and now the house is empty and boring. "Hey. Vanessa" I heard as I turned around seeing Toby. "Do you know this number" Toby asked as he showed me his phone seeing the same number called him six times in a row. "What the heck. It's not from anyone on my side of the family. Or my friends so no I'm sorry" I mumbled. "They call me and as I answer they hang up" he shrugged. "Have you gotten a call from them" he asked as I shook my head. "What number" Alex asked coming up to us. "This one" Toby said showing him his phone. "Oh they called me literally 12 times in a row" he said showing us his phone.

"That's insane" I mumbled as I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I pulled it out. "Oh. That number texted me" I mumbled. "What does it say" Alex mumbled. "It says. It's not over yet. She will die. She fucked up and left" I raised my brow. "Do you think they're talking about mother dearest" Toby whispered. "I hope not" I sighed. "It's a death threat. Who do we know almost died" Alex said whispering. "Should we tell them" I asked. "No. Let's not worry Haley. It's not worry corpse either. He could pass out or have a bad nose bleed again and Haley doesn't need to worry. She's probably too high right now on pain meds to understand. So let's just make sure everything in the house is locked at all times and make sure she stays away from the windows" Alex said as he put his phone up.

"Wouldn't this worry them more" I asked as he shook his head. "No. Anyone who comes in this yard that we don't know we call the police immediately and make sure to take pictures of cars that slow down by the house. So we can make sure and report them okay" Alex said. "I don't know about this guys" Toby sighed. "What if we tell mom. Mom tells dad than dad ends up passing out from stressing so much, he gets a bad nose bleed and he stops all of his physical training just to make sure moms okay. Than mom ends up falling into a depression trying to make sure we all are okay." I said as Toby sighed. "Should we hire bodyguards for the house" Toby asked. "How? If we put all of our money we make I'm sure we could. But individual we couldn't and mom and dad will keep track of what we do with the money make sure we all will have enough money for college and if we spend all of that money on bodyguards for just mom they'll find out and we will have to tell them and then it could happen. This isn't good" I mumbled as we all sighed.

"I want to tell them" Toby said as he started shaking. "No" Alex said. "Please" Toby said. "no Toby we can't" I said as he went to run off as Alex grabbed him pulling him into a hug. "No" he said as they fell onto the couch. "HALEY CORPSE" Toby screamed meaning he needed them now. "Toby shut up" Alex said as he slapped his hand over his mouth as mom came down the stairs with dad. "Alex. Let Toby go. You know he doesn't like wrestling" mom said as she crossed his arms. "We aren't wresting. I'm just hugging him" Alex said as Toby yelled but it was muffled. He kept moving his head towards me yelling at mom and dad. "Whats going on" dad asked coming out of the office. "Nothing" I smiled.

"Alex won't let Toby go and Vanessa knows something" mom said. "No" I shook my head. "Now I know you're lying" mom said as she sat on the couch. Limping. Dad following close behind her. "Okay now Alex let go of your brother. Toby stop screaming. Vanessa sit down" mom said as we all did as she said. "Now everyone take a deep breath" she said as we all did as she said "now let it go slowly" she said as we followed her instructions.

"Okay now Toby, tell me why did you call us by our names" mom asked as Alex and I stared at him. "They're gonna hurt me" he said as he started to whine soon starting to cry. "No toby honey they won't. Here come sit next to me" she said patting the seat next to her as Toby quickly moved next to her as Alex went to grab him and dad sat between us.

"Okay now. Tell me what's wrong" mom smiled as she held his hand. He looked over at us as he started to shake. "It's okay. We won't be upset Toby" dad said as he sighed. "I won't let them get you either" he added as Toby sighed. "Someone called me six times. The same people called Alex 12 times and texted Vanessa something really messed up and they were too scared to tell you guys cause they were worried about you guys overstimulating yourselves and causing you to stop your physical training and worried about you because you just got out of the hospital and I am so sorry I shouldn't have said anything but we had a plan about buying bodyguards and having them watch over the house to make sure you would be okay because we all thought it was someone aiming towards you mom but than we remembered that you guys have access to our bank accounts and you guys would find out and we didn't want that and have you guys worrying for something different and I know I shouldn't have said anything I'm sorry Alex and Vanessa i am just scared" Toby said as mom and dad looked at each other. "Can I see the numbers" mom said as we all pulled out our phones showing her.

"Loud mouth" Alex said as dad gave him a side eye as he went quiet. "I want you guys all to know I love you and to please never ever feel like you guys have to keep this a secret from us. "Honey. Call the police let them know what going on. I'm going to go lay down again. Before I pop a stitch. Give me a hug guys" mom said as we all basically gave her a huge group hug. Making sure to not hurt her in the process. "Did you guys get calls or texts" Alex asked. "I got three calls and corpse got nine calls and on the last call when he answered they just laughed." Mom said as I sighed. "Should we leave for a few days while this all calms down" I suggested. "Yeah. How about we go to England early." Mom smiled. "Are you able to fly with how you're feeling" dad said typing on his phone. "I feel fine. I'll make sure I have my meds and Advil. So I'll be fine" mom smiled. "Guys go pack we will probably be leaving in a few days. While I'm upstairs I'll make the flights, rent a place and a car and buy things for it." Mom smiled. "Do you need help" I asked as she shook her head. "Just please do as I said" she said leaving as we all watched as she limped up the stairs. "Don't kill tubbo. He did the right thing. When the cops get here make sure to have those messages and stuff up so they can see. I'll let you guys know when they get here" dad said shooing us away as we did as we were told. Alex mumbling a prayer under his breath as Toby had his head hung low going into his room as I went into mine.

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