Chapter 7

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After a few hours Vanessa yawned taking the headset off. "I'm done" she said as Sean nodding taking it from her. "You ready to go to sleep" I asked as she rushed to me laying on top of me. She nodded as I rubbed her back. "I'll help you clean up" corpse said getting up as I laid on the couch fully now. Vanessa sighed as she was starting to fall asleep. I sighed as corpse and Sean grabbed all the cups and empty beer bottles along with the empty pizza box as they went back to the kitchen to clean. I pulled Vanessa up higher on me as I put her arms around my neck as I stood up and carried her into the kitchen. "It was awesome hanging out with you guys again" Sean smiled. "Of course" I smiled. As Vanessa leaned over on Sean. "I love you uncle Sean. See you tomorrow" she said as he hugged her. "Awe I love you too troll" he said as she sat up waving her hand at him. "I'm not a troll" she said as he giggled. Corpse and him hugged as Vanessa went to corpse. I hugged Sean as he squeezed tightly. "You're acting like we won't see you tomorrow" I giggled as he sighed. "I know but how many times do I get to hug you" he said as I smiled. "It's awesome to see you again. We're gonna get the troll to sleep so we will see you tomorrow" I smiled as he nodded. He broke up from the hug as he walked us to the door. "Bye guys" Sean smiled. "Bye Sean" I smiled. "Bye uncle Sean" Vanessa waved. "See you tomorrow" corpse smiled. We had an Uber pick us up as he took us to our house.


Once we got to the house I sighed as I remembered we didn't have food in here yet. I groaned knowing nothing is open right now. Corpse put Vanessa in the bed as I sighed flopping on the couch that was already here.

Corpse brought in our stuff from outside as he set them in the kitchen. I groaned as he picked up my feet sitting down as he put them on his lap. He took my shoes off throwing them somewhere. "I'm so tired" I yawned as he chuckled. "Than go to sleep" he said rubbing my leg. "But I don't want to" I said as I moved to where now I was laying my head on his lap. "You need to sleep baby. Go to sleep" he said as I shook my head.

He sighed as he forced me to sit up. "Come on" he said as he forced me to stand up and basically dragged me into the bedroom. "No I should help you unpack" I said yawning as he laughed. "Remember the last time we went to see Sean. You put all of my stuff up and your stuff while I was sleep" he asked as I sighed. "No...I'm surprised you do" I giggled as he chuckled. "Well now it's my turn" he said as he started to take off my jacket. He dug in his bag as he pulled out one of his shirts. He smelled it as he shook his head. He took off his shirt he was wearing and handed it to me. "Go to sleep. I'll be in here soon okay" he said as I crossed my arms. "I am perfectly fine with helping you unpack" I said as he chuckled. I heard my stomach growl as he giggled. "In the morning I'll make us breakfast." He said as I smiled. "We have no food here" I said as he smiled. "I'll handle it. Go to sleep" he said as he waved his shirt in my face. "Fuck you" I groaned undressing as I yanked the shirt from him. "Love you too now go to sleep" he smiled kissing my head as I rolled my eyes. "Bossy ass bitch" I shook my head as he giggled at me. I fell onto the bed as I got under the covers going to sleep.


I woke up to Vanessa laying next to me. I groaned sitting up looking at the time seeing it was 7 in the morning. I sighed sitting up as I moved a pillow next to her as I slipped on some socks going into the living room. I could smell food making as I walked into the kitchen seeing corpse putting stuff up and taking stuff out. I looked over at the table and saw he set it for us. With orange juice and water I'm sure for him. I smiled as he started making French toast. I walked up to him as he was focused on the stove as I wrapped my arms around him leaning on him. "Holy shit you scared the fuck out of me. Can you stop doing that" he asked as I chuckled. "Sorry" I smiled as I let go. "No don't stop" he said grabbing my arm and pulling me back.

I giggled as he grabbed a plate. "When did you go shopping" I asked confused. As he sighed. "Well I was awake all night. Set up all of our stuff in the separate bedrooms and I went ahead and bought the groceries early this morning so once the store opened they went ahead and got all the stuff and deliver it to us. Also I got Vanessa's some stuff she wanted for her room when she woke up at like 4 this morning. I set it in her room. Than she went to our room slept with you. Then the food came and I started making breakfast" he smiled as I smiled. "That's wonderful" I smiled as he nodded. "Foods almost done. Go wake up Vanessa please" he said as I nodded. I let go of corpse walking back to our room. "Hey baby time to get up" I said walking in as she was sitting up staring at the corner of the room.

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