Chapter 44

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I had to cover my mouth as I saw dad fall onto the ground blood pouring from his mouth, nose, and the hole in his head. "Nice shot" Brock apparently said. "Thank you" the girl who shot dad said. Toby and I hid in a closet as we were shaking nonstop. Alex under the pool table, basically laying next dad. We were crying hysterically as the people sighed. "We'll time for us to leave. We don't know if they called the police before we got here or not" Brock said. "Yeah let's go get dumbass number one"Ashley said as I sighed.

I heard the door shut meaning they left as I fell down in the closet as satiny sat next to me holding me as we tried to quietly cry. "Moms gone" I whispered as he nodded. "Dads gone" I whispered again as I groaned. Crying all over again as I tried to calm down.


We heard police sirens as we figured it would be a good time to get out. We all rushed from our hiding spots running to the main house. I stopped at the site of mom. I stared down at her. "Mommy" I mumbled as I began to cry again. I went to fall down but was caught as they moved me into the living room. I sighed as I tried to remove the image from my mind and Alex and Toby sat next to me. The cops came in as we looked up at them. "We got a call about a break in and entering" one said. "Check the house"another said. "Got one in the kitchen" the first one said as he sighed. "Are they still here" the first one asked as we shook our heads. "Are you their kids" he asked us again and we nodded.

"Do you guys have any other family members" he asked as I started crying. Thinking we were all going to get separated. "I'm turning 18 soon, and Alex is uhm 22. Vanessa is the only youngest of us" Toby explained. "We are the only family we have" Alex said as the cop nodded. "Let's go outside and talk while they handle this. Okay" the officer asked putting his gun up as we all stood up as I felt Alex hugging me from behind "I won't let them take you from us" he said as I patted his arm as we all went outside.

We all told three different cops what happened. Now they're figuring out what to do. "Sir what's in that bag" and officer asked. Alex shrugged taking it off as we all three looked in it. "It's our college saving funds. Mom and dad put away for all of us" he said as the officer nodded. "We all could just get a hotel room for the night. And figure it all out tomorrow" Toby suggested. "You could always go to England and live with your grandparents up there" Alex said. "I don't want to leave you and vanessa" he mumbled. "Uhm do you guys know an Amy" another officer came up to us. "Yeah she's our grandma, but mom said that we would never live with her" Alex said as the officer shrugged. "Well you boys probably won't but unless she can think of someone to stay with it's either Mrs. Amy or foster care" the officer said as I sighed. "Dream" I mumbled. "I wanna go to dreams" I added she they raised a brow. "Dreams in Florida. Tonight we can spend the night in a hotel, than I can go to dreams so I don't get out in foster care" I said as they nodded. "Uhm...dream?" The officer questioned. Alex explained as Toby sighed. "You are okay with being away from us" he asked as I nodded. "I don't want to get out into child care, we don't have a house, and you aren't 18 yet so you will have to go to England. And alex is probably going to have to stay in a hotel" I said as he nodded. "We will all keep contact though right" Toby asked as I smiled nodding. "Of course, we will all continue to stream and everything....I should probably call dream" I mumbled as he nodded. "I love you Vanessa" Toby said pulling me into a hug. "I love you too tubbo" I smiled as he hummed as I felt him relax some at the mention of his nickname. "So....we know what we are going to be doing?" Alex asked after talking to the police officer as the officer joined our conversation.

"Yeah, uhm Vanessa is going to go to dreams. If he allows her, I'm going to go to England until I turn 18 we just don't know what you are going to do Alex" Toby said as he smiled. "I'll figure it out. I always do" he smiled as the officer cleared his throat. "What will you be doing tonight?" He asked as we all sighed. "Probably stay at a hotel room" Alex said as the officer nodded. "Will you guys be here tomorrow" the officer asked as we nodded. "We need to pack our stuff at least"  Toby said. "Okay well we will be back up here tomorrow to make sure you are going home with this dream guy. If not we will have to bring you down to the station and figure everything out" the officer said as we all nodded. They began to leave as we all sighed looking back at the house. "This was our home" Toby said. "It's crazy to think we all just got back" I mumbled. "Are we all still streaming" Alex asked as I gasped. We all rushed into the house. I ran into my bedroom and noticed my monitor was still on but I wasn't streaming. I sighed as I grabbed a small bag throwing my shower stuff in it, than a duffel bag throwing some clothes, my laptop, and some other stuff in it and going into the hall. "We're you streaming" Alex asked coming out with some bags as I slipped on some shoes. "No, you?" I questioned as he shook his head. "Okay you talked to dream yet?" He asked. "No, I should call him now" I mumbled as I pulled my phone out. We heard Toby talking assuming he was indeed still streaming. "Hello Vanessa, I'm streaming by the way" he quickly said as I smiled. "Uhm dream can I stay with you until I turn 18? I can pay rent and stuff like that" I said as he took a few seconds. "I'm sorry chat give me a second" I heard, as he clicked a few times on his computer as I waited. "Okay, Vanessa what is going on" he asked as I sighed. "Uhm. Well uh- I need somewhere to stay and I can't stay at the house right now because some stuff happened and Toby has to go to England and Alex is probably going to be looking for a place to stay and if I don't have a place to stay than I'm going to go into foster care and I worked too hard to get where I am and I can help pay rent and buy food and stuff like that I just need a place to stay until I turn 18" I summed up as he sighed. "Can I talk to Haley or corpse" he asked "no" I said as he groaned. "Why" he asked as I sighed. Feeling the tears coming back. "They're dead" I started crying. "Vanessa are you serious" he asked as I started crying harder. I shoved the phone towards Alex so he could talk to him.

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