Chapter 24

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There was a knock at my door as I sighed. "You may come in" I mumbled holding my skeleton, named Achmed. He's my darling. "Hey Vanessa" Toby smiled. "You know I'm in trouble" I sighed moving Achmed around in the air. "It's time for your birthday party though" Toby sighed. "IS SHE COMING" I heard my mom scream. "SHE SAID SHE DOESNT WANT IT" Toby yelled. "WHAAAAT" my mom yelled. "I'm coming I'm coming" I said rushing past him. I heard him giggling as I jumped down half the stairs sliding into the kitchen. "Mom" I sighed as I looked up and saw quackity, mom, dad, Karl, Tommy, Wilber, and my only friend I made at school Tiarra and now tubbo. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY VANESSA" they yelled as I started crying. They all did a group hug around me as tiarra was forced into the middle with me. "Why are you friends with a lot of attractive guys" she asked as I giggled.

"Careful, two of them are my brothers, the others are way older than us" I whispered back. "Okay but still" she said as the group hug ended. "Guys, thank you so much" I smiled as Karl put his arm around my shoulders pulling me into a hug. "Oh don't thank us thank Haley and corpse they paid for us to fly down here" tommy nodded. "They'll also be staying in our beach house" dad said as I smiled. "How long are you guys staying" I asked as I wrapped my arms around Karl. "A week I believe" Wilbur smiled his accent very strong. Very nice. Toby goes with Wilbur and tommy, they live in England. We found out a few years ago that toby's parents are from there, found his grandparents and he visits them a lot. He's got an accent now too like theirs. "LETS EAT SOME FUCKNG CAKE" tommy yelled. "HELL YEAH" Alex laughed joining. Dad, mom, me, Toby, and T stood back as they demolished the cake. "Wow the cake just did a L'manberg" tommy laughed as everyone just kinda looked at him. "That was a sad moment" I mumbled. "It's tommy" tubbo shook his head. "To much" tommy asked as everyone shook their heads yes. "Sorry" he said eating his cake. "You guys aren't gonna eat cake" Karl asked. "We usually eat dinner first.....which is what the pizza is for....than we have cake" mom said as they all looked over at the stack of pizza boxes. "Ohh" they all said. "We'll still eat it" tommy said shoving the cake into his mouth. "Okay" mom mumbled as she grabbed a box opening it give us a piece than putting pieces on plates handing them out to everyone.

"You're really pretty Mrs. Husband" Wilbur said. "I agree" tommy said. "I love women" he added. "I think you're supper pretty too Haley" Karl said as everyone looked at my mom as dad wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulling her close to him. "Thank underaged child and wife is very...beautiful might I just say my wife again also she's my wife" he said as everyone agreed. "Yes your wife" Karl laughed. "We know you guys are married" Wilbur nodded. "She's still hot though" tommy said as Wilbur sighed. "Hush tommy" he said as tommy started laughing. "Vanessa's hot too.....did I mention I love women" tommy smiled. I cringed as Alex moved closer to me along with Toby. "You would have to fight both of them then get through her mom and dad to get to Vanessa and I don't even thing she would like you like that tommy" Wilbur laughed. "Plus we all know you wouldn't fight tubbo" Karl said eating pizza now.

Toby nodded agreeing with Karl. "Yeah I wouldn't fight tubbo for corpse terrifies me" tommy laughed. "I think he scares everyone" Alex laughed as I started chuckling. "He's ticklish" mom blurted out.  "Really" Karl asked raising his brow. "He has a huge soft spot for dogs and cats" I added. "Oh my gosh guy hush" he said scolding us as we laughed. "He loves watching romance movies" Alex nodded. "It was really weird. We all came back for school one day and saw mother dearest asleep as he was watching it, crying" Toby laughed. "You all will be grounded if you don't hush" dad said as I laughed. "Why does tubbo call you guys mother dearest and father dearest,Vanessa calls you mom and dad but quackity calls you guys by your names" tommy asked as he grabbed a piece of pizza.

"Well V is from me...tubbo and Quackity were adopted. I told them they could call us whatever as long as it wasn't swear words. Why do you ask so many questions" my mom asked as he shrugged. "Curiosity" he shrugged. "Hmm interesting.what do you all plan on doing" mom asked as I shrugged. "I thought i was grounded" I said as we all looked at dad. "It's your birthday you can be grounded tomorrow" dad shrugged handing me my phone. "Thank you" I smiled as I hugged him.

After the party we all decided to go for a walk around cali. It was wonderful all of them wanted to go into different shops and look at everything, we went to arcades and the mall, even the movies, hung out, and almost bought a whole store. It was so much fun, Tiarra gets to spend the night with me tonight and i had to take them to the beach house. Hung out there for a few hours than Tiarra, quackity, tubbo and I went back to the house.

Once we got home we saw mom laying down with dad laying on top of her asleep on the couch. I smiled as I we went up to our rooms. Tiarra and I going into my room the boys into theirs. "So are you ready to watch anime all night" Tiarra asked. "Hell yeah" I smiled as we laid on the bed turning on the tv.

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