Chapter Thirty-Six: Decisions

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Chapter Thirty-Six: Decisions

Harry's POV

I have no idea what to do anymore. I like Lauren, she's sweet and all, but Alison. She's different and when I'm around her, as cliche as it sounds, I feel invincible. 

So in order to sort out my feelings I went to the one person who knew me better than anyone else.

I lifted my hand and tapped on the white wood, instantly the door flung open and I was greeted by a huge grin and bright blue eyes.

"Hello, how may I help you?" Louis asked cheekily. I'm sure he knew what I wanted to talk about.

"I need help," 

"Ahh, right this way. Please, have a seat." He motioned towards his bed and I followed his orders. He sat next to me and fell back, placing his hands dramatically behind his head. "Go ahead, tell me what's on your mind. Although, I believe I know exactly what the problem is."

I sent him a weak smile before taking a deep breath.

"I'm not sure what to do. I like Lauren, she's great, but Ali is back. And I think I love Ali, and she loves me too, but I can't break up with Lauren. I am not good with that, I hate seeing girls cry; and Lauren is so mean to Ali, when she's done nothing wrong. I don't like that about her, no one should be mean to her, she's - she's perfect. It's not fair, why do I have to choose? Who do I choose?"

"Just for your information, I was correct. Anyways, I think in order to make a decision, you should think about the pros and cons of being with each of them. That always helps me when I have to choose - although it usually doesn't involve girls - but, it works." Louis patted my shoulder reassuringly.

I opened my mouth to speak, but he cut me off.

"Not here, I don't need to know these things. You should do it alone. But, before you go, just remember that if Lauren really cared for you, she would understand if you didn't choose her. And the same with Ali. Good luck, mate. I think you'll be needing it."

And with that I was shoved out the door and left to figure this out alone.

Thanks Lou, you've helped a lot. Not really.

I made my way to my bedroom, where I could rest in peace. Although, no one else was home. The boys went out to roam the streets and Jade, Ali, and Aj were having a 'much-needed-girl's-day-out'.

Lauren is gorgeous, at least I think she is, I've never seen her without makeup. She's also very sweet, and a good kisser, might I add. Except, she's bossy and rude to my friends. Just thinking of the way she looked at Ali makes my skin crawl, I can't believe she was so harsh.

And then we have Ali. The kind, strong, beautiful girl who has been through more than any normal person should. She is naturally beautiful, and always manages to make me laugh. But, her past.. It might be too much. Sometimes, I don't know if I can touch her, I'm afraid I'll touch a bruise and hurt her. Although Ali's body may be fragile, her mind is far from it. 

When she came back I couldn't describe the feeling I had in my stomach. It was like those 'butterflies' you hear about in cheesy romance novels. But there's no other word to explain it. I was so happy that she was back, but the marks on her body hurt more than anything. 

When I saw the scars lined up her arms, it felt like my heart had shattered to pieces. She was in so much pain that she thought cutting her skin was the only way to feel better.  I don't understand how that helps anyone, but I do know that you have to be feeling really bad to do such a thing.

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