Chapter Seventeen: Stuck

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Chapter Seventeen: Stuck

Alison's POV

The party came to an end leaving just me, Jade and the five popstars to clean up everything. It wasnt too bad seeing as most of the guests were kind enough to throw away their trash but of course there was the occasional asshole who threw everything everywhere.  

"Alright well I need to leave. It's getting late." I looked to Jade to see if she was ready to leave but she wasn't. She was drunk off her ass. Great, how am I supposed to get home?  

"Uhh, guys? We have a problem.." 

"What is it love?" Louis asked looking up at me from the couch.  

"I can't drive your stupid England cars and Jade is too drunk to drive. Can one of you bring me home?" 

"Nope. We have all been drinking as well.. Looks like you're stuck here." Harry smirked.  

"I can't stay here!" 

"You could always walk..?" 

"I can't do that either, it's nearly two in the morning and Jade can't walk like this!" I pointed at my friend who was sprawled out all over the couch, mumbling about something that none of us could understand. The boys started laughing. "it's not funny!" 

"Seriously, just stay here. It's no big deal." 


"Yay! You're in my room!" Harry yelled while dragging me up the stairs and into the room we were in before. 

"Do you need some clothes?" 

"Uhh.. Yeah I guess." 

He fumbled through his drawers before tossing me a black Tshirt and boxers. I looked at them with a disgusted expression. 

"They're clean! I promise I didn't, you know, in them!" 

"I don't know what you mean by that but whatever." I walked into the bathroom and changed into the clothes he lent me. They hung loosely on my body but they were soft.  

"You look fit in my clothes." Harry smirked as I walked into his room.  

"Enjoy, because this is the only time you will ever be seeing me in them." I laid down on the fluffy carpet and shut my eyes.  

"What are you doing?" Harry asked, peeking over the side of the bed at me.  

"If you think I'm sleeping in that bed with you, you're crazy." 

"Oh come on. You'll hurt your back! I promise I won't pull anything... Until you're asleep." he winked at me.  

"Nope, goodnight." 

"Fine, I'll just have to come get you." he got up from the bed, exposing his nearly naked body. Boy was he fit. It took all I had to not stare at his perfectly sculpted abs. He put one hand under my back and the other under my knees and carried me to the bed. 

"Harry! No! Put me down!" 

"No. Now go to sleep!" I finally gave into his pleads. After all his bed was quite comfortable. 

I turned away from him and shut my eyes but before I was completely passed out I felt him snake his arm around my waist. 


I opened my eyes and was shocked by my surroundings. It took me a minute before I remembered the events of the night before. I turned around to see Harry sleeping peacefully.  

He looked so cute asleep. I mean yeah, he was kind of annoying but he was most definitely cute.. And a great kisser.  

I don't want a relationship with him though... I can't be with someone like him. I can't really be with anyone. I have so much baggage it's not even funny.  

"You like what you see?" Harry smirked, pulling me out my trance. I had just been staring at Harry for a whole five minutes. Oh how awkward. 

"I wasn't- I was j-just thinking." 

"No. Don't deny it. You were definitely staring at me while I was sleeping." 

"You wish!" I tried to get out of the bed but Harry's grip was too tight.  

"Don't leave me! You're warm!" 

"Harry, I need to leave before someone spots me and thinks I slept with you." 

"But you did." 

"Harry, you know what I mean. Now let go of me!" 

"No." he buried his face in my neck.  

"Harry! Stop!" 

He didn't even flinch. I just sat there staring at the ceiling.  

"Are we going to talk about what happened yesterday?" he asked, pulling his head off of me.  

"If you want... Go ahead, say what you need to say." 

"Are we.... You know, together?" 

"I don't know. I don't think we should.. I mean yeah I like you but this would never work out." 

"why not?" 

"Harry we already went over this!" 

"But that doesn't have anything to do with this. It just means I have to protect you. Give me a chance?" 

"You have one night. That's it." 

"Ahhh yes! I promise I won't let you down." 

"Okay, okay. Now can you let go of me? I need to get home." 

"as you wish," he finally released his death grip and I climbed out of the bed.  

I looked down at what I was still wearing. "I'll give these back to you later okay?" he nodded his head as I walked out of the room, down the stairs.  

"Jade! Let's go home!" I yelled at my sleeping best friend.  

"Oh, okay. Yeah, let's go." 

"Bye guys!" I shouted before closing the door and sprinting to the car so no one would see me. 

"Whose clothes are those?" Jade looked me up and down before starting the car. 

"Just Harry's." 

"JUST Harry's?! Oh my gosh. You do not understand how lucky you are!" 

I laughed at her as we began the drive back home.  

Well that was interesting...


Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it (:  

I think I might be starting a Ziall fic when I am almost done with this one... Maybe I'll post a prologue or something later this week?? 

Well let me know what you think of chapter seventeen!? 

I love you all! 


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