Chapter Thirty-Two: Free

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Chapter Thirty-Two: Free

Jade's POV

I pulled the door almost shut, so just an inch of light shown through. Louis was standing behind me in the closet, trying to keep his breathing steady. But, that was nearly impossible. 

We listened as the front door flung open and slammed shut seconds after. We watched as Ali walked out of her room, to attract attention to herself. We just sat there and stared as the scene unfolding in front of us.

I pressed the call button on my phone, connecting with the number I dialled a few minutes ago. The plan was officially in action.

I could hear the faint creaking of the steps as Ali's facial expression changed from one of worry to complete horror.

Ali's POV

I did just as they asked. I got his attention, he's coming to me. But, now what? What am I supposed to do now?

I stood still as he approached me. I prayed to God he wouldn't hit me. I knew Louis and Jade were both watching and I didn't want them to see it happen.

But, my prayers weren't heard in time. His fist collided with my cheek, sending me into the wall. My shoulder hit first, it began throbbing instantly. I could feel the blood pooling down my face. He grabbed the back of my head and slammed it into his knee.

My head was spinning and everything stung, but I could tell I wasn't crying... yet. 

Jade's POV

The second Levi's fist collided with Ali's cheek, Louis whimpered. He tried to get out to stop it, but I wouldn't let him. He would only get everyone more hurt.

I pulled the phone to my ear, "Help, now!" I whisper-shouted.

I looked back out through the crack to see Levi slam Alison's head onto his knee. She let out a small whine, but didn't react.

"You stupid dumb bitch! What did I say about leaving that damned bedroom!?" He shouted in her face, shoving her.

My heart dropped.

Alison's POV

With one quick rough shove, I hit the top step, followed by the next one. Then a few down from that and then I hit the bottom.

The last thing I heard was the front door open, and someone shout, "POLICE! DON'T MOVE!"

Then everything drifted away.


"Please wake up, please." A gentle voice rang through my ears. It was Jade.

I tried to open my eyes or say something, so she knows I'm okay. But I couldn't. My eyelids were too heavy, my mouth too dry.

Her warm hand enveloped mine, "Ali, if you can hear me, do something please."

I'm trying! I wanted to scream, but of course I couldn't. I thought back on all those clichè movies. AHA!

I curled my fingers around her small hand, and it worked. They moved.

"Alison! If you can really hear me, do it again! Louis, she did it!" I squeezed her hand once more and she squealed. Her hand left mine, I heard the sound of foot steps and then another person walked in.

Doctor, I'm guessing?

"Alison, I need you to try to open your eyes." I tried, they moved, but didn't open. I was still staring into blackness.

"If your eyes are too heavy I want you to clench your fist." I did as he said, and he cleared his throat. 

"If you can open your mouth do so, if not, open your hand as far as you can." I pulled my lips apart, and to my surprise my mouth opened.

I tried to talk but my tongue was like sandpaper. I heard some shuffling and then a cold glass was pressed to my lips. I tilted my head back and let the cold liquid slide down my throat.

"Help." Was all I could manage to say.

"Open your eyes, Alison. You have to do it on your own." I tried and tried until they finally fluttered open.

I looked around the bright room, Louis and Jade were at the foot of my bed. Relieved looks crossed their faces.

"What happened? Why am I here? How long was I out?" I glanced from person to person, shooting questions at them.

"You were pushed down the stairs, you passed out and went into a small coma, you've been out for a little over 24 hours. We're going to run some tests, and then you're free to go. I'll go get the papers." The tall man, who I found out his name to be Dr. Brown, exited the room.

I turned back to my friends and motioned from them to come closer. I pulled them down to my body and held them in a tight embrace for what felt like forever.

"Louis, I'm really sorry. But do you think you could give us a moment alone?" Jade asked, sitting down on my bed.

"No problem, I'm glad you're back Ali." He smiled sweetly before going to the hallway.

"Ali, are you okay?" I nodded, knowing that if I tried to speak I would burst out in tears.

"I'm so sorry, you don't deserve any of that. I have some good news as well, Levi had been sent to jail and I don't think he'll be seeing daylight anytime soon."

A few tears slipped down my cheeks. Not sad tears nor happy tears. Tears of relief. 

"And if it's okay with you, I want you to come back to London with me... Would you do that?" She smiled hopefully. Her eyes searching my face for what I'm guessing is an answer.

"Of course, I'm not an idiot. I've missed you like crazy Jade." I pulled her into another warm hug.

"I'm glad I've got my best friend back,"

"Me too."

And for the first time in months, I was truly happy.



I'm thinking anywhere from 5 to 7 chapters left? 

Hope you liked it, even though it was quite cheesy at the end lol

I love you all and thank you for reading xx


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