Chapter Fifteen: Tweets, Texts And A Party

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Chapter Fifteen: Tweets, Texts And A Party

Alison's POV

It's been about an hour since Harry left, and Jade and I are finishing up watching her collection of Pretty Little Liars. As the last episode finished, my phone started to beep.

From: Harry
So we are throwing a party tomorrow to promo the album a bit, and i was wondering if you would go with me?

What? Harry wanted me to go with him? Huh?

To: Harry
I don't know.. But if I go, it's not like a date or anything okay?

From: Harry
Whatever you say ;) It's at our place, around 7. Wear something pretty and there will be alcohol too yay!

To: Harry
I don't drink. Sorry?

From: Harry
I'll have to change that now, won't I? and bring Jade with you!

I sighed. I just agreed to seeing him again. Great. I mean, he isn't that bad, but he's still way too cocky for my liking.

"Jade, Harry wants us to go to their party tomorrow night. Do you wanna go?"

"Yeah, of course! What's it for?"

"Album promo stuff,"

"Okay, well I'm tired, I'm gonna go to bed now. We can pick out dresses tomorrow. Goodnight Ali." She got off the couch and went to her room, leaving me alone in the living room. 

 I sat in silence, thinking about everything. About London. and Jade. but mostly about Harry.

I wasn't starting to like him, was I? No, never. I can't. But, there is no way I can deny that he's cute. His dimples and his smile, oh and those curls. 

Wait, whaat?

No. Stop. Do not think of him like that! He is just trying to get in your pants! Although, you would think he would've given up by now... Ahh, this is hurting my head, I need to sleep!

I peeled myself from the couch and slumped onto my bed, falling asleep instantly.


"Ali, get your ass out of bed!" I groaned into my pillow, trying to block out Jade's voice. I shut my eyes once more, when all of a sudden I had been dragged out of my bed and slammed onto the floor.


"Hey, you wouldn't get up."

I pulled myself to my feet and slipped into the shower. I let the steam fog up the glass before getting in. The hot water burning my skin, waking me up instantly. I didn't turn it down though, it felt good.

I stepped out onto the mat and draped a towel around my body. I walked back into my room and checked my phone. 11:47am. I have 7 hours. What should I do?

I decided to check my twitter, seeing as I haven't been on in over a week.

I clicked the 'Interactions' tab. Wow. I had gained about 5,000 followers and a ton of tweets, but why?

I started reading through, 

'Are you and Harry dating?'

'Are you friends with One Direction now?'

Was most of what I saw, along with countless other 'hate' tweets that I really do not want to repeat. Well, everyone is confused.. Might as well clear things up.

"@AlisonSummers_: Just to clear things up, I am not dating anyone and I am not friends with Harry. We are just 'acquaintances'. I think that's the word for it. Well, you get the point!"

I watched as my mentions flooded, but one tweet stuck out to me..

"@Harry_Styles: @AlisonSummers_ We are too friends! You hurt my feelings :("

"@AlisonSummers_: @Harry_Styles are you stalking my tweets? awkward... well, im not sorry."

"@Harry_Styles: @AlisonSummers_ What are you going to do about it? and you'll just have to make it up to me :)"

"@AlisonSummers_: @Harry_Styles I'm not coming tonight. HAHA"

I quickly logged off before he could reply. He is so chlidish I swear. I closed my laptop and let my head fall to the back of the couch. I shut my eyes, trying to get some peace but my phone buzzed.

From: Harry
Are you really not coming tonight? :(

To: Harry
Give me three good reasons why I should go.

From: Harry
1. I'll be there 2. There will be alcohol and 3. The boys and I want to see you. :) xx

To: Harry
Oh yeah, cos that definitely changed my mind.

From: Harry
I sense the sarcasm... Please come?

To: Harry
Maybe I'll stop by...

 I got up and went to Jade's room where she was straightening her naturally curly hair. 


"Hey, so do you want me to do your hair or no?"

"If you have time that's fine with me."


Sorry, this chapter sucked.... Just a lot of electronic communication lol

Well, thanks for reading (:

alskdjfals;jkdf omfg so the girls from Dance Moms are coming to my city next weekend and my friend got tickets to see them and she invited me asdklfja im so excited okay sorry im done.

I love you all!


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