Chapter Twenty-Nine: Old Habits

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Chapter Twenty-Nine: Old Habits

Alison's POV

-One Month Later-

I've been locked in this room for almost a month. The window is boarded so I can't sneak out. I refuse to leave my room unless he's gone. He beats me every time I come out.

I have been shut out from the outside world. I couldn't pay my cell phone bill; it's been shut off for over two weeks now.

I'm alone.

The beatings have gotten worse, not only just punching, slapping and kicking. He pushed me down the stairs last week. And the week before that he cut my stomach with a knife. That one will definitely leave a scar.

I have lost a lot of weight. I don't know how much, since I don't have a scale. But, all my old clothes are baggy and slide off when I move.

I only eat when he's gone at night. So about once a week maybe? I don't know. The only way I know how much time has passed is by the marks on my wall. I have no idea what today is.. A Tuesday maybe? Ah, who cares!?

I've been drowning myself in my thoughts.

I've discovered I am the reason for my everyone's problems.

If it weren't for me, he would still be happily in a relationship with my mother.

If it weren't for me, Jade would still be living a normal life with her family.

If it weren't for me, the boys wouldn't have to deal with my problems.

Everyone would be happier if it weren't for me.

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt the puddle on my shirt. I wiped the tears from my face and made my way to my bathroom.

I did the one thing that took away the pain for a while. That made me feel better about things. Made me feel satisfied.

I grabbed the blade and sat on the floor, with my back on the door. I pressed the blade into my skin, just above the scars from two nights ago.

I watched as the dark, red liquid poured out and slid down my arm. I just watched the puddle on the tile build up as I brought the blade across my skin twice more.

I deserved this pain. I deserved every bit of it.

I decided that was enough - for now - and cleaned up the mess I had made and wrapped my wrist in a bandage.

I heard the sound of the front door slamming shut, meaning Levi just left.

Now is the time to eat, seeing as I probably won't get this chance again for a few days. He only leaves to get more alcohol and/or food for himself.

Every time I try to eat when he's here, I just end up getting hit and then he eats my food. I mean what the hell?!

I raced down the stairs and threw open the fridge. I grabbed the first thing I saw, pudding, and a spoon and ran back to my bedroom.

By the time I finished the pudding, I was exhausted.

I laid down on the bed and let myself drift to sleep.


Harry's POV

I've been trying to forget her. Trying to act as if I'm not crushed on the inside. But I am.

I did the only thing I thought would make me forget, at least for one night.

I went out. To a club.

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