Chapter Two: The Plan

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Chapter Two: The Plan

Alison's POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. One New Text Message.

From: Jade
Ali. Wake up! As soon as you get this message, come over. We've got some birthday plans to sort out! :)

I smiled at the text my best friend sent me. It was nice how she remembered my birthday and, most of the time, was more excited about it than I was. After all, she was the only person who cared.

I walked into the hall bathroom and locked the door behind me. I slowly slipped off my clothes and let the water roll down my aching body. It was like a stress reliever, I always felt so much better after a long, hot shower. I finally decided to get out when my skin got so wrinkly it hurt.

I slipped on a pair of skinny blue jeans and a white and navy long sleeve top. I shut my bedroom door and opened my window. Before I left, I pulled my white converse on over my feet and stuck my cell phone into my pocket.

The only reason I even had a cell phone was because Jade bought it for me and I paid the monthly bill. I work a part time job at Starbucks so I have a bit saved up.

It wasn't long until I turned onto her street. I then started running, desperate for the warm, cozy house that I know so well. I knocked on the door, only to be greeted by Jade's brother, Jake. He was tall and thin, with dark brown curly hair, just like Jade. He was a few years younger than her, but you couldn't really tell. Everyone always thought they were twins.

"Hi Ali." 

"Hey Jake. Is Jade here?"

"Yup, she's upstairs." He stepped to the side, letting me in.

Instantly, I was overwhelmed with the smell of vanilla. Gosh, I love her house. I walked up the stairs and straight into her room.

"Ali, I didn't know you were here!" She pulled me in and shut the door behind me.

"Just got here." 

"Okay, well let's get started." She smiled at me. She was always so energetic. I don't get it.

I nodded, not really sure of how to start this whole 'planning process'.

"So birthday plans or moving out plans first?" 

"Uhh, birthday?" To be honest, I was scared to move out. What if Levi got angry with me? What if he hurts me? Or Jade? So, I decided to start with the easier subject. 

"I was thinking, we could do it here and invite over Rachel, Gabby, and Megan. If you want. And we could get some pizza and a couple of movies and just do it simple. Or we could do the opposite and throw a huge party with the whole school and make it big."

"No. Absolutely not. I like the first idea better."

"I knew you would. Party pooper." Jade was always one who liked being around a lot of people, but I was just the opposite.

"Sorry, but partying with a bunch of assholes who bully me and hate me, isn't my kind of fun."

"Oh, Ali. Stop, they don't HATE you, they just don't know you."

"Who says I want them to anyway?"

"Okay, well I have a big present for you. And I am hoping you'll love it." The grin on her face grew wide as her eyes shined with excitement.


"You'll have to find out on your birthday, so 3 days. Not too bad." She stood from the bed and grabbed her laptop. I looked out the window and watched the cars go by, it had started to rain. The sound of the rain drops hitting the roof was soothing. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the clicking of the keyboard, caused by Jade.

"Oooh! Here's a good one! It's so pretty. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms. Perfect."

"And the price?" Jade looked back to her MacBook and her eyes lost their shimmer.

"Well, how much do you have saved?"

"A bit over $1,500. What about you?"

"Same. And how much do you make weekly?"

"About $400, depends on the hours."

"too much, I guess we could do better."

After an hour of searching the web, arguing and many, many, many pictures I was exhausted.

"Can we be done yet?"

"No. Absolutely not. We are getting you out of this place. Oh wait, I found one!"

"Oh no. Not again." I groaned. This was tiring. And boring.

"This is the one. I know it. Although, money will be tight, we can make it through." 

"Let me see."

She pulled up the pictures and handed me the computer. Wow. The place was gorgeous. White walls, white furniture, gold chandeliers. The outside looked nice and well put-together as well. Grass was green, sidewalks lined with flowers. This was the one.

"Okay. Get it."


It took about ten minutes for us to answer all the questions and provide all the information before we were finally finished.

Jade looked at me, obviously pleased with herself. "We officially have an apartment in North London. We can move in in two weeks!"

"Wait, what about plane tickets?"

"Don't worry. I already have that handled. My aunt works with the airlines and she got us on the plane for free. This will all work out. I promise."

I sighed and laid back on her bed. And as soon as I shut my eyes, my phone buzzed. One New Text Message.

From: Levi
Get home. Now. 

My stomach turned and my head throbbed.

"Ali, what's wrong?"

I couldn't even speak. I slowly handed her my phone.

"Ali, you're staying here tonight. He is obviously going to hurt you. You have to stand up to him and tell him no."

I took her words to heart.

To: Levi


Updated! Yay!

Sorry, I'm not a good writer, but hey! I'm trying!


PLEASE tell me what you think so far.


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