Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Past Repeats Itself

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Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Past Repeats Itself

Alison's POV

As I walked through the doors of the place I dreaded most, I glanced around to see that everything was a mess. Beer bottles everywhere, clothes on the furniture, and trash covering everything. Wow, way to keep the house in line, Levi.

"Guess what you're doing tonight." He grinned at me, but I just glared at him. No way in hell am I cleaning this disaster.

"You get to clean all this shit up, it's your fault after all."

"How is this my fault, I wasn't even here!"

"Exactly, you weren't here. You left without telling me, you snuck out, but obviously you're not that good at hiding 'cause I found you. And now you're stuck here, so get to work bitch." He slapped the back of my head before dismissing himself into his bedroom.

Instead of starting on the cleaning, I decided to unpack first. Seeing as I will be here for a while. 

I pull my phone from my bag and see that I have One New Text Message.

From: Jade
I could never forget about you Ali, and I will most definitely worry about you. It's not safe for you to be there. I'm thinking, but I just don't know how to work around him. How are things so far?

I quickly typed a reply before putting my clothes into my dresser - one of the few things left in the room.

To: Jade
Seriously, don't worry about it. I'll be fine, I've made it through this far, I'm used to it. He hasn't gotten violent, just a bit forceful and verbal. It's all good. Have fun in London, maybe I'll see you again sometime soon?

I should probably get to cleaning that hell-hole downstairs, I thought to myself. 

I walked out of my room and began cleaning. This is going to take a while.


I've been fixing the house for over two hours now and I'm nearly done. Just one more room to go. 

I made my way into the dining room and started by throwing away all the trash on the floor.

"What's taking you so long? You should have been done thirty minutes ago!" 

"Sorry, I'm trying. It's not my fault."

"Yeah, it is your fault. It's always your fault. You're the reason my wife left me, the reason I lost my job, the reason I turned to drinking, the reason my life's been a living hell! It's all because of you." 

How could he blame me for things I had nothing to do with? Was it really my fault that mom left? I was just a little kid, what could I have possibly done?

"What did I ever do? I was the one keeping this house together, keeping you from going to jail. I did nothing wrong, I've helped you with everything! You could be locked up for the rest of your life for what you did to me, but I didn't want to tell anyone because you would go to jail for sure. You should be thanking me!" I screamed out in anger. I have never been so furious!

I broke eye contact for a fraction of a second to see his hand swinging at my face. His hand smacked my left cheek, I yelled out, but he went on. He punched my stomach, causing me to bend over in pain. His fist made a 'thump' on my jaw. 

I fell to the floor, rolling over to my stomach to protect all vital organs. But he didn't stop. He kicked my over and over again, screaming at me. "Don't talk to me like that. I don't have to thank you for anything. You've done nothing. You are worth nothing. You are and will always be a piece of shit." He finished by kicking the back of my head harder than anything I've ever felt.

That's the last thing I remember before I slipped into a state of blackness.


Harry's POV

I can't help but blame myself. I have no idea what is happening at that house, but I'm sure it isn't pretty. I mean, she snuck out and was gone for over a month, he's gotta be pissed. 

I haven't left my room since I ran out of Jade's flat and I don't plan on doing that any time soon.

I can't face them. This is all my fault and now we all have to suffer from this. I could have stopped it. I should have stopped it. 

"Harry?" Louis shouted from behind the door. I groaned in response to let him know that I was still alive. I expected him to just go away, because I obviously wasn't in the mood, but of course he didn't. Instead, he just walked right in and sat at the foot of my bed.

"You alright?" He looked at me worriedly.

No. Of course I'm not alright. The girl whom I think I love is back with the guy who nearly ruined her. The guy I promised to keep her away from. And it's all my fault.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Lies.  

"You need to get up, mate. Come on, don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure she'll be fine and we'll think of a plan in no time. But, we've got a photoshoot today and we've got to leave in thirty minutes."

"I don't want to go."

"We aren't One Direction without you Harry, you have to go. Either you get up with me or I'm forced to get Paul."

"Fine. I'll go." I dragged myself from the bed and took a hot shower. The steam from the water, helped my throbbing headache that's been bothering me for a few days.

Once I finished cleaning myself, I threw on a pair of dark jeans and a gray t-shirt. I made my way to the living area where all the boys were sitting on the couches.

"Hey Harry, you ready?" Liam asked, standing from his seat. I nodded and walked out the door.

I'm not in the mood to talk. I'm not in the mood to work. I'm not in the mood to do anything. I just want Ali back. and I hope she's okay. 


Yeah, so that was the chapter. I know, it's awful. But Idk writer's block is killing me. I'm sorry, I wrote this over the span of three days so if it's confusing or anything just let me know.

Thanks for reading and I'll try to make the next chapter better. I think I'll post it Friday or Sunday? Depends on if I'm free.

AND THANK YOU FOR OVER 2,000 READS! I am so happy omg this is amazing.

I love you all (:


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