Chapter Thirty-One: Plan in Action

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Chapter Thirty-One: Plan in Action

Jade's POV

"Are you done packing yet? We have to leave in less than ten minutes!" Louis shouts from the door.

"I'm coming," I reply as I stuff my sweater into the duffle bag.

Louis and I leave the flat, bags in hands, and climb into his small black car. We had an idea in mind, and we were doing it alone. No one else to get in the way.

To: Zayn (:

I'm going out with Louis today, we're going shopping. I don't know when we'll be back, but I'll let you know when I do. (: xx

I didn't like lying to Zayn, but it was for the best. He would try to stop me, that's for sure. And I couldn't let that happen.

It took nearly fifteen minutes, until I finally got out of the car. We grabbed our small bags and went inside.

Louis pulled his hood up and slipped a pair of sunglasses over his eyes, in hopes of not being recognized. That would ruin this whole thing.


Harry's POV

Louis said he was going out shopping today with Jade, Zayn and Liam went out to lunch and Niall is at Aj's. 

Therefore, I was left alone for the day. And instead of sitting around drowning myself in my guilty, depressed thoughts, I invited Lauren over. 

The ringing of the doorbell sounded throughout the flat, and I got up from the chair I was sitting in.

"Hello love," I greeted her as she walked through the door. She had a small smile on her face.

"What are we gonna do?" She asked, falling onto the big white couch. I noticed that her top was showing off more of her stomach than needed.

She may not look like it, but she's very sweet. I like her, I guess. I mean, I don't dislike her. We always have fun when we're together. She isn't near as bad as she was when she was drunk.

"Whatever you want to do, we could watch a film and stay in or we could go out and do something." I shrugged.

"How about shopping? Can we please go shopping?" She begged, her eyes widened, making her look very innocent and much younger than she really was. But I'm a sucker for puppy dog eyes. Who isn't?

"Sounds like a plan, let's go." I walked outside towards my car, Lauren in tow.


Lauren had dragged me into this fancy store about 15 minutes ago, she was now trying on a few dresses she picked out.

The door to the dressing room opened and she walked out, clad in a tight red, ruffled dress that stopped just below her bum. She looked hot, but I didn't want my girlfriend to go out in something like that. That would attract too much attention, and not the good kind.

"I really like it, should I get it?" She beamed.

"I-" I began, but she cut me off.

"Yeah, I'm so getting this." And before I could object, she was back in the dressing room, putting on her clothes.

Lauren exited the room with the dress on her arm. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the check out. As she sat the dress on the counter for the cashier to ring up, she looked towards me expectantly.

It took me a second before I realized what she wanted. I pulled my credit card from my pocket and handed it to the cashier. 

She smiled sweetly at me before kissing me on the cheek, "Thanks babe." I nodded in response, and walked with her out of the store.


Alison's POV

The sound of the door slamming shut made me happy. It's been days since I left my room, and I'm starving. I raced down the stairs and decided that instead of eating something small, I was going to make myself a meal. 

But nothing too big, Levi will be back in less than an hour.

I put a pot of water on the stove to boil and grabbed a few ingredients to make pasta sauce. That is, until my phone started buzzing on the counter.

The words, 'Incoming Call: Jade', glowed on the screen. I tapped a button and I heard faint mumbles coming from the other end of the line.

"Hello?" I asked, my voice cracking due to how little I have spoken in the last two months.

"Ali? Hey! Is Levi home?" She spoke in a rushed tone, as if in a hurry.

"No, he just left. But he'll be home in like thirty minutes. Why?" 

"Unlock your front door. Don't ask questions, just unlock it. Make sure you're in your room when he gets home, okay?"


"Ali, I said don't ask questions, I'll explain later. Just please do as I asked. I have to go," And with that, the line went dead.

I confusedly unlocked the front door before returning to the kitchen to cook my meal.


I took the last bite of my pasta, put my plate in the dishwasher, and darted upstairs.

Just in time, I thought as I heard the front door open. I listened closely as the footsteps made their way up the stairs. Stopping right in front of my door, the house was silent. But that silence was soon broken by the knocking on my door.

I slowly made my way to the door. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the beating, and opened it just a small crack. I choked on air when I saw two familiar faces just outside my room.

I flung the door open and jumped onto Jade. "What are you doing here?" I asked, happy as ever. Until I realized just how dangerous this was. The smile fell from my face to be replaced by a look of worry. "You have to get out of here, he'll be back soon. Leave! Go! Please?!" I begged, but they didn't move.

"Ali, hush. We aren't leaving. We have a plan, and in order for it all to work out, I need you to come out of the room and get Levi's attention. Get him to come at you like he used to always do. We'll step in before anything happens."


"No. Listen to me. You have to do it, it's the only way this will work. We have a plan. Trust me." Louis said firmly. 

Jade shoved me back into my bedroom before her and Louis disappeared down the hallway.


Sorry it took me so long to update. Wattpad was down last night so I couldn't do it then :(


Anyway, thanks for reading as well. I would love it if you let me know what you think.. Please.

Oh, and please read my new co-written fanfic 'Revenge' on @MegChelsFanfics (:

I love you all!


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