Chapter Thirteen: A Movie and A Game

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Chapter Thirteen: A Movie and A Game

Alison's POV

"Time's up, sorry. I need to re-open the alley for the public. Thanks for coming though!" The man walked back to the desk as we cleaned up our mess. Harry keeps sitting by me and trying to talk to me, but I'm too afraid to even look at him..

I took off the bowling shoes and put my own back on. "Hey, do you guys want to come over for a bit?" Harry looked to me and Jade.

No. Absolutely not. I can't do that. 

"Yes." Jade said, smiling.

"No." I looked at her and she stared back, confused.

"Come on, Ali. It will be fun." 

I hate you Jade. I hate you Jade. I hate you. I cannot go to their flat. I do not want to associate with these people anymore. I have had enough.

"Please?" This time it was Harry begging. 

"I don't really want to.." I replied weakly. At this point he was giving me the 'puppy dog face'. To be honest, he looked sorta cute. Sorta. No, stop thinking like that! Stay strong.

"We can just watch some movies, get to know each other. It will be fun, yeah?"

Don't do it. Do not give in, Ali.

"Fine." You idiot! 

I climbed back into that stupid raper van with the stupid popstars and my stupid best friend. 

Oh how fun this will be.


We walked into their home and for a second I stopped breathing. Wow. This was incredible. Stupid rich kids. 

"You okay?" Harry looked at me worriedly. He must have noticed I wasn't breathing. Oops.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Movie time!!" Louis screamed as he ran to a room with two large couches and a huge TV. He plopped down on the couch and I sat next to him. Harry was the next to walk into the room. Please don't sit by me. Please don't sit by me. And he sat next to me... Right next to me.

Niall sat on the other couch with Liam, Zayn and Jade. As they put in the movie, I pulled out my phone.

To: Jade
I hate you. I hate you. Oh, and I hate you.

From: Jade
No you don't. Trust me, after tonight you'll go back to loving me. Promise :)

The movie began playing and I recognized it as none other than '21 Jump Street'. You're kidding, right?

I pulled my knees to my chest and let my chin rest on them. I was warm and comfortable until he ruined it.. Harry slowly put his arm around my shoulder. I tried to wiggle out of his grip without seeming rude, but to no prevail, I couldn't get loose.

I slowly scooted towards Louis, but Harry just moved with me. Ugh, he doesn't get it.

I finally gave in - once again - and just watched the last half hour of the movie. As the credits came across the screen, Louis stood up and stretched. I followed suit. Partly because my back was sore but mostly to get away from Harry.

"What do we do now?" Liam asked, looking at all of us for ideas.

"How about..." Louis had a mischevious grin plastered on his face, "truth or dare?"

Everyone all agreed - except me - but they didn't notice. I could not play this game. I have already told Harry too much, I can't tell him anything else.

They sat on the floor and I lowered myself down, inbetween Jade and Liam. I could feel Harry's eyes on me. Why is he doing this? I don't understand.

Louis decided to start the game, "Jade, truth or dare?"


"Hmmm.. I dare you to.... take a horrible picture of yourself and tweet it, and then we get to retweet it."

"What? That's not fair! Ugh, fine." Jade pulled out her phone and made a weird face and tweeted it. After about five minutes of everyone laughing at the picture, it was Jade's turn.

She turned to me, "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." I saw a glint in her eye, I knew exactly what she was going to do. No way. "I mean truth, yeah truth."

"You said dare." She grinned at me.

"No. I want truth. I know what you're going to say, and I will not do that!" I looked around and all of the boys were confused.

"Too late. I dare you to kiss Harry." My stomach dropped, my eyes bulged and my throat went dry. No she didn't.

"I hate you. I hate you. I hate you." I whispered at her. I turned my head to see Harry crawling across the circle to me. No No No No.

I closed my eyes and opened them to find Harry right in front of me, with a cheeky smile from ear to ear.

He was leaning in. All I could think of was how much I hate everyone right now. His face got closer to mine, his eyes shut. For the second time today, I could feel his hot breath against my skin. Our lips were about to touch when,

-knock knock-

Harry flew backwards and I finally took a look around, everyone's jaws hung open and eyes glued to us. I have no idea who is at the door, but I love them.

"Who is that?" Harry asked, anger clearly in his voice.

Niall's face turned a reddish tint, "I kinda ordered some pizza..." He stood up and walked to the door.

"You know what, I'm really tired. I think it's time for me to go home." I got to my feet and began walking towards the door.

"How are you going to get home?"

"I'll walk. It's not very far. Well, goodnight! It was nice seeing you!"

I turned on my heel and speed walked out of that house. It only took me about ten minutes to get home.

I went straight to my room and collapsed onto my bed. I shut my eyes and just let my thoughts take over.

Did I really want Harry to kiss me? Do I like Harry? No, absolutely not. I cannot get involved with him. It's better for him to just stay away from someone as broken as me. I'm not stable, and that's what someone like him needs. It just wouldn't work out.

It didn't take long before I fell into a dreamless sleep.


I am soooo sorry it's been a while since i last updated, ive been really busy..

but thanks for reading! it means a lot! (: 

im not even going to tell you about my computer problems while writing this chapter -.-

Okay, well Vote,Comment,Anything! Please and thank you! xxx

- Chelsea.

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