Chapter Six: Interviewing Strangers

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Chapter Six: Interviewing Strangers

Alison's POV

As I sat down next to the dark haired boy, I started to think of questions to ask that people didn't already know. But what exactly do people know? Ugh. This is harder than I thought.

"Cameras on in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.." The camera man pointed his finger at me signalling that he was recording. Great.

"Okay, well I've been given a few twitter questions.. I guess I'll go off of those?" I thumbed through the little notecards I had found on the couch earlier.

"Ahh, here's a good one. Megan wants to know, if you could go anywhere right now, where would you go and why?" I looked down at my hands trying not to show that I was embarrassed.

One at a time the boys answered the question and next thing I knew, it was time for another question. I flipped through a few more cards and finally found one that was interesting.. 

"Celebrity crush, but it has to be a guy?" I smirked at them, this might actually be fun. The boys looked around thoughtfully and shifted in their seats, obviously uncomfortable.

Niall was the first to speak, "Justin Bieber" then Harry, then Louis, Liam and finally Zayn.

This time, I'll think of a question.. I said the first thing that popped into my head, "What is the weirdest thing any fan has ever done to you?"

They looked at each other and giggled before turning back to the camera and answering, "Tried to lick me." "Grabbed my crotch," "Jumped on my back," "Tried to stick their phone in my pocket."

"uhh, wow. That's pretty crazy."

"Yeah. And kinda creepy too." Harry looked amused at my reaction.

"Okay, well next question... If you could be any celebrity for a day, who would it be?"

The boys all answered with some hot female celeb. Of course. They are just a bunch of horny teenagers.

 I turned to the camera man who was making some odd gestures, clearly telling me to wrap it up.

"One more question, how would you react to a fan asking you out at a meet and greet or a signing?" That one I just pulled out of my ass. I have no idea where it came from, probably Jade saying something about asking Zayn out.

"Uhh, well I don't actually know. I've never been put into that situation. It'd be a bit awkward, yeah?" Louis looked around at the others and they just nodded their heads.

"I would probably say yes, just because it would be fun." Harry. Of course he would say that. And that stupid way he says 'fun' ugh.

"Alright, well it was great talking to you all, thank you!" And with that the camera went off and the older man left the room. Oh, how wonderful, I'm alone with these boys. Yay.

I stood from the couch, eager to leave this awkwardness.

"Hey wait," I turned around to see Harry towering over me. "We still have a while until the signing, would you like to talk for a bit?" 

"uhh.." I couldn't find the guts to say no. Like I wanted to. "Sure."

Why do I always give in so easily? I need to get better at that.

I lowered myself back onto the cushion, right next to Zayn. As soon as I was seated, he turned to me. "So tell us about how you ended up here when you have no idea of who we are.."

"Well, for my birthday, my friend, Jade, wanted to come so she got me a ticket as a gift and I agreed to go with her. But, I do know a few songs, but I just don't know names or anything.." I started twiddling my fingers. I'm never good in awkward situations, and boy was this awkward.

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