Author's Note

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Author's Note

I just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone who read this and voted and commented. I had so much fun writing this. 


I have a few people to thank, so here it goes;

- Harry Styles -- for being my inspiration in this story and for being so freaking flawless it kills me.

- @PropertyOfHarry -- for being my bestest friend in the whole entire world. You should all go read her fanfics, they are amazing (:

- @HollaAtNialler (Aj) -- for being in my story, even though her character wasn't as big as I had planned, [sorry about that] and for making me covers! Go read her fanfics as well!

- @OneDOneFanLoveNHLLZ -- because she's so sweet and comments a lot (: Read her story "The Bachelorette" It's amazing.

Some other people for supporting and commenting:

- @katelynnhughes

- @donttouchmyfood 

- @NiallsArmy 

- @be_my_hipsta_harry 

- and everyone else who has read my story (: 

[Check out their stories as well (: ]

Also, please read my other stories?! Summaries below -

Her Final WishHailey Evans is a sixteen year old girl, who was diagnosed with Cancer two years ago. She's been pushing through, but everyone knows the end is coming soon. Her parents enroll her in the Make A Wish foundation and her final wish is to meet the worldwide famous boyband, One Direction. The boys manage to make time for her and within a single day, she's already stolen their hearts. Especially, the curly haired boy. Harry begins to visit her often, and they form a strong bond. He stays with her through the operations, weakness, and tears, but can she conquer this life threatening illness for the love of her life or will everything come crashing down around Harry?

Mr. Horan - One night, Skylar Harris decides to go out to a club with her best friend, Desiree, to let go and loosen up a bit. One thing leads to another and Skylar ends up in bed the next morning with a gorgeous blonde, who's name is Niall. She rushes out before he could stop her, and her intentions were to just forget about everything; forget about him. But it's hard, I mean, he was beautiful, unlike any other man she had ever seen. She thought she would never see him again, but that all changes when she walks into school on the first day of her final year. I'm sure you can guess who she ran into..

Again, thank youuu! I love you all so much(:


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