Chapter Nine: Not A Date, But A Date

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Chapter Nine: Not A Date, But A Date

Alison's POV

I - unwillingly - dragged myself out of bed. Jade has been yelling at me nonstop for the last hour.  

"It's only one! I want to sleep!" 

"No! I am going to make you look perfect for your date tonight." 

"Jade, how many times do I have to tell you this, it's not a date!" 

"Whatever you say Captain Oblivious." 

"What did you just call me?"  

"Nevermind, now go wash your hair.. It doesn't look very... clean." 

"Aww thanks, you're so sweet." I shot her an I'm-going-to-kill-you look and she replied by grinning widely. 

I head into my bathroom and turn on the faucet. I let the water heat up while I take off my pajamas. The steam filling the room and fogging the mirror.  

I slowly climb into the shower and relax as the water covers my skin. I wash my hair and my body before stepping out onto the mat. The cool air surrounding me as I drape a towel around myself. 

I walk back into my room to find Jade digging through my closet, clothes flying in all different directions. 

"Okay, I am not cleaning this up." 

Jade turns around, startled at the sound of my voice. 

"I'll clean it up, now put this on." She handed me a light pink sundress stopping at mid-thigh with lace at the top. It was gorgeous. 

"I don't even remember buying that. But it's way too nice for Harry. I want to wear jeans and a sweatshirt." 

"No, you will wear this." 

"Can I at least wear a cover up?" 

"Yeah, fine." She handed me a thin white jacket. 

I quickly changed and looked over myself in the mirror. I looked decent. But too dressy to be going somewhere with Harry. I don't want him to think I actually tried.  

"Hair and makeup time!" Jade yelled from across the hall.  

I made my way to her room and sat down on the chair in front of her mirror.  

"Nothing too fancy, got it?" 

"Oh, hush." 

I glance up at the clock 2:04pm.



"All done." 

I glance up from my phone and look into the mirror. Wow. I look amazing. Too amazing. 

My hair is in loose curls, framing my face with my 'bangs' in a french braid on the top of my head. My makeup is done to perfection, with a light smokey eye, blush, and black eyeliner making my eyes pop.

"Wow. I look.. I look great! Thanks Jade." I give her a hug as she squeals with excitement.

"Now, text him the address, and we can eat something before he comes. Wouldn't want to look like a pig on your first date."

"Again, not a date."

She rolled her eyes at me and pulled me into the kitchen. She grabbed the bread and started making sandwiches while I texted Harry. Instant reply.

From: Manwhore
Great! See you soon, wear something pretty but easy to take off ;) xx

To: Manwhore
and just for that, I shall wear a turtle neck with jeans along with granny panties and a coat.

From: Manwhore
I can deal with that, I've had worse.

To: Manwhore
Not funny. Goodbye.

"He is such an ass!" 

"What? Why?"

I handed Jade my phone and she just laughed.

"This is not funny."

"Actually it kind of is.." She managed to say, her hand covering her mouth, stifling her laughter.

I rolled my eyes and started to eat. This is going to be one hell of a day.


-knock knock-

I get up from the couch and make my way to the door. Time to go see Harry, yay for me. Insert sarcasm.

I open the door to see Harry standing in front of me with a blue polo and chinos. His curly hair styled to perfection and his dimples as visible as ever.

"Wow, Ali, you look.. hot."

"Umm. Thanks, now can we go?"

He puts his arm out but I ignore it and walk by his side.

"You don't have to be so mean to me, you know that right?"

"Sorry, but I don't really want to be here. With you."

He looked sort of hurt, I guess I should probably stop being so rude. 

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry. I'm just not really used to being around people."

"Why not?"

I climb into the passenger seat, and wait for Harry to get in. "I don't really wanna talk about it, okay? So, where are we going?"

"We are going to.... The fair! Yay!" He did a little dance, or what looked like a dance and smiled cheekily.

This boy. I swear. 

We finally arrived at the fair and he jumped out of the car before I could even unbuckle my seat belt. He jogged around the front and opened my door for me, putting his hand down to help me out. I was just about to decline the offer, but I decided to be nice. I grabbed his hand and climbed out.

"If any paps show up, we are leaving. Got it?"

"What? Why? We can just ignore them. And they have no idea about this date so they probably won't show up."

Date? What?

"Harry, this is not a date."

"Oh yeah it is. You and I are on a date." He said, dragging out the word 'date' like a child would.

"Food or rides first?" He asked, looking right into my eyes. I hate to say this but, his eyes were so.. so.. mesmerizing. I couldn't look away.

"How about, a few rides, then food and then finish it off with a ride on the ferris wheel?"

"Sounds lovely. Would you like to accompany me to the Gravitron, dear?" He asks in a thick British accent. I. Am. Going. To. Kill. Myself.

"Yeah, sure." I followed him to the line and we got on right away. There were about seven other people in the ride, and they were all whispering. Probably about me and Harry but who cares.

I am going to try to enjoy this night, even though I am with... Him. 


Thank you all for reading! I love updating so fast, especially since I really like the plot of this story. Again, this is a filler chapter, hopefully the next one will be wayy better. I am in a really good mood, I just found out I get to play soccer again, yay(: well anyways Vote, Comment, Criticise, Something, Anything.


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