Chapter Twenty-Six: Eventful Evening

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Chapter Twenty-Six: Eventful Evening

Alison's POV

I woke up to find my body entangled with Harry's. His arm wrapped around me protectively and my head resting on his chest. I could hear his steady heartbeat and soft snores, meaning he was still asleep. 

I could stay like this forever, but sadly I have to work today. I glanced at the clock; 9:46am. Shoot, I have to be at work by 10:30!

I wiggled out of Harry's grasp and ran to the shower, not even bothering to wait for the water to heat up. It was a cold, fast shower. But very relevant due to the shortage of time. 

I went back into my room and grabbed my usual work attire; white polo and tan pants. Gross. 

I brushed out my long blonde hair before tying it up into a ponytail. I checked to make sure Harry was still asleep, which he was, and then looked to the clock; 10:09am. 

I pulled on some white vans and slipped my phone into my pocket. As I was writing a note to Harry, Jade walked into the kitchen.

"You working today?" She asked, groggily.

"Yeah, you?" She shook her head while pouring herself a glass of milk.

"I think I'll invite the boys over to keep me company, so don't be surprised when you come home to find a house full." She smiled before making her way into the bathroom.

I went back into my room and set the note down on the bedside table and kissed his forehead before sprinting out of my house. It's a ten minute walk and I have fifteen minutes. I should just barely make it.


I walked in through the door with three minutes to spare. Justin was working today, as usual.

"Hey Ali, running a bit late I see." He smirked from behind the counter.

"Am not! I'm three minutes early!" I shouted playfully as I tied my apron behind my back.

"There's a lot of old people here today, like more than usual." He whispered while grabbing a tray full of food from the counter.

"Oh, lovely. At least they aren't rude, right?"

"Yeah, or try to rape you." 

"Not funny. Don't bring that up."

He shrugged his shoulders and then walked to a table to give the customers their food.

I found my first table, and as Justin said, old people. There were five ladies, all with gray hair and glasses, gathered around a table. "Hello, my name is Ali, can I start you off with something to drink?" I smiled, too sweetly for how early it was.

They all ordered either tea or water. Of course, old people are so much easier to serve. 


Harry's POV

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in Ali's room, alone. Where is she? She didn't mention having to leave, and she wouldn't just leave me here and go to another room.

I rolled over and found a note on the table. 

Sorry I left without telling you. I have to work until 4:30, and I have to be there in about 20 minutes. Jade is staying home today, you are welcome to stay here until I get back, but you don't have to. I'll see you later.
-Ali xx

I sat up, swung my legs over the edge of the bed and shook my hair out. 

There were footsteps coming from the kitchen, maybe Jade is still here? I followed the sound and as I expected, Jade was cooking breakfast.

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