Chapter Ten: The Truth

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Chapter Ten: The Truth

Alison's POV

At this point, my stomach was about to eat itself. We had been riding rides for over an hour and all this food around me, wasn't helping. 

"Harry, I'm hungry." I say as we step off The Fireball. That ride is crazy, it's literally one loop that you just keep going around for like 5 minutes.

"Okay, well we can go to that restaurant right around the corner, or we can just eat here. Your choice." He smiled at me. This whole time, he had this look in his eyes, one that I can't quite pick out.. I've never seen anything like it. But, it felt sorta.. good? 

"Uhh, let's go to the restaurant. Some of these people scare me." He laughed at my comment, but I didn't react. I was serious, they would look at you like.. I don't really know, the point is that I do not like it.

"Alright, let's go, love." He smirked at me, he knew I hated it when he called me that, or anything other than 'Ali', actually. I glared at him, but continued walking. The air was cool, but not too bad. The moon and the stars were bright, it was absolutely gorgeous. Great timing Harry, great timing.

We entered the diner, it was cute and small, very welcoming. Harry walked straight towards a booth by the window, dragging me along with him. I sat down opposite of him, he just stared at me. Okay, it's kind of creepy..

"Harry, why are you looking at me like that? It's scary."

"Sorry, you're just so... so.. pretty." 

What. The. Hell.

"Oh, errr.. Thanks?"


After we finished our food, Harry left some cash on the table, way more than the bill, and we walked back onto the street. 

"You up for that ferris wheel ride?" He asked as we walked straight up to the line.

"Yeah, I guess. But only on one condition.."

"And what is that?"

"You cannot rock it. Or I will walk home and you will never see or hear from me again, got it?"

"Deal, but then again if I do you can always just hold on to me, or sit in my lap." He wiggled his eyebrows as a smirk grew across his face.

"Do it again Harry, and see what happens." I turn away looking back to the ride. It was our turn.

Oh dear, I actually really hate these things, but I would never tell Harry that or he would hold that against me. Arse.

We sat in the seat, our sides just barely touching. How wonderful.

The ride started moving in circles and from the top you could see all the lights and cars, it was beautiful. I was enjoying this until -

-click click-

We were stuck. At the top. The ride has stopped moving and we are at the highest point and I'm here with Harry Styles. This is not good.

"Attention riders! The ride has broken down, and we are trying to fix it. Please stay calm, it should be about 15 minutes! We are very sorry!" A voice shouted from the ground. You have got to be kidding me.

"Well, what should we-" I was cut off by Harry pressing his lips to mine.

Wait, what?

Harry was... kissing me?

I sat there in utter shock, not moving. He pulled away with a sad look on his face.

"You're supposed to kiss me back, you know?"

Fix You {Harry Styles}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora