Chapter Twelve: Bowling with One Direction

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Chapter Twelve: Bowling with One Direction

Alison's POV

It is now 5:19 and Jade is going insane. I don't know when they will be here, but I'm still getting ready whereas she is pacing around the flat.

"But what if I embarrass myself in front of Zayn? What if I fall? What if I spit while I'm talking? What if I suck at bowling? I haven't bowled in three years, I know I'm going to suck! Ali! I'm freaking out here!"

"Jade, please just calm down. You're stressing me out. It will all be fine."

My phone vibrated in my pocket and pulled it out, Harry was calling me.

"Hi, Ali?"
"Are you ready? We will be there in about five minutes, is that okay?"
"That's fine with me."
"Alright, see you in a bit."

I hung up the phone and looked at Jade, she was running her hands through her hair, and tapping her foot.

"You've got five minutes to calm yourself, or you're not going."

"What? Ugh, fine." She sat down on the couch and I walked back into my room to slip on my black vans. I was wearing a black sweater with a pair of blue skinny jeans and my hair was wavy cascading down my back. Nothing fancy, just simple.

As for Jade, she was wearing a dressy light pink top with a pair of light blue skinny jeans and and pink Sperry's. She looked gorgeous. As always.

-knock knock-

I walked out of my room to get the door, seeing as Jade was too nervous. She slowly stood and followed me. I opened the door and there stood Harry, wearing a gray tshirt and jeans.. And a beanie on his head, hiding the curls. I watched as his eyes scanned me, "You done checking me out, or?"

"Nope, one second." He plastered a cheeky grin on his face and looked me up and down once more.

"Do you approve?" I asked, teasing him back.

"Of course I do," I rolled my eyes at his comment and we followed him to a black van. What the hell?

"Harry, this looks like one of those raper vans..."

"Well, what can I say, that's a hobby of mine." He winked at me before sliding the door open.

I peeked inside, and in the passenger seat was Liam, next to the body guard. In the back was Louis, Zayn and Niall, and Harry sat all the way inside in the middle row. I followed him in, Jade coming in right behind me.

I heard a few, "Hey Ali" 's coming from the back seat, I turned around to look at the boys, "Hi, this is Jade." I motioned towards my friend shaking nervously next to me. 

"Jade. Calm. Down." I whispered at her. She nodded but continued fidgeting with her hands. She was never like this, she's usually very confident around guys. I don't get it.  

The boys all said hello to Jade and when Zayn said it, I saw her face light up. 

We pulled up to the bowling alley. One car in the parking lot. They must have rented it out. Stupid rich people.

We climbed out of the van and walked to the doors to be greeted by a middle-aged man with thinning gray-ish black hair. He motioned us inside and we walked up to the front desk. Sure enough, he was the only one here.

"I need your shoe sizes, and you have lanes 5 and 6 for two hours. Ladies first?"

"8 please?"

"Make that two 8's" Jade looked at me and smiled. She finally seemed at ease.

The boys all got their shoes and we headed to lanes five and six.

"Seperate or all together?" Harry asked.

None of us cared, so we decided to play all together. Louis put the names in, all of them were normal except his; Tommo.

We began playing and having fun. I had completely forgotten about all of yesterday's events. I finished off the last frame and sat back down.

"Wanna go get something to eat?" I looked up to see Harry smiling down at me. Geez, he looked extremely tall from down here.

"Right now?"

"Yeah, they have food here you know.."

"Oh, yeah I know." I get up and follow him out to the lobby. 

As Harry orders some food, I look back at Jade. She's laughing and talking to Zayn and Louis. Ahhh this is too cute. 

I look back to Harry and he's already staring at me. "What?" I ask.

"I saw you look at Jade and then all of a sudden you were smiling bigger than ever. Why?"

"She just seems so happy.. She loves you guys, like a lot. Especially Zayn, and look, she's talking to him. I couldn't be happier."

"That's sweet of you." He smiles at me.

"Your food will be ready in about five minutes." The man said, walking back into the kitchen.

I turn on my heel, but instead of walking back to the group Harry pulls me to the arcade.

"Harry, what are we doing?"

"I am going to get you back, just like I said I would." He smirked at me. I looked into his eyes but they weren't looking back, they were watching my lips. I decided to tease him by slowly licking my bottom lip, and it worked.

He started taking steps towards me, while I was walking backwards, that was until I hit the wall. Shit. He put his hands on the wall, on both sides of my head. I was trapped. 

"Harry.. Don't even think about it."

"But I am." That stupid cheeky grin wouldn't go away. And here is the Harry Styles that I know and do not love. The cocky, arrogant, thinks-he-can-get-whatever-he-wants Harry.

"Don't be cheeky. Come on, let's go."

"You don't want to kiss me, huh?"

It's not that I don't want to.. I mean I kinda do. But, I have never kissed anyone. I could never tell him that, though.


"You're lying. I know what it is.. You've never been kissed. Am I right? I know I'm right."

I sighed, of course he was right.

"Let me change that."

He started leaning in, I could feel his hot breath on my skin. No. No. NO. Ali, MOVE! But, I couldn't. I couldn't move. I was frozen. Once again.

"Hey guys - woah.. was I interrupting something?" Louis said as he backed away from us.

"Nope. Thank you Louis!" I turned away and walked back to the rest of them.

"Jade, Harry just tried to kiss me again! What do I do?" I whispered to her while Niall, Liam and Zayn were talking about some photoshoot from the other day.

"Oh my God, kiss him back this time!"

"But I don't want to." Okay, that was a lie.

"Ugh, Ali. Stop being difficult. You know that you're lying."



Thank you so much for reading!! I love you all (:  Please don't be a silent reader, let me know what you think! Hope you liked it xxx


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