Chapter Fourteen: Milk, Cereal And A Pizza

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Chapter Fourteen: Milk, Cereal And A Pizza

Alison's POV

It was my third day on the job and I think I'm doing quite well. I applied for a small diner down the street from our flat and got a call within a few hours. It isn't that bad actually, all I do is serve old people and pick up plates. They usually leave good tips as well.

It's been about a week since I went bowling with that boy band, and I have been trying to forget about them, but it's impossible with Jade in the house. She has been texting Zayn, but she says they are 'just friends' because Zayn has a girlfriend. And every chance she gets, she brings up the almost-kiss. 

As I rubbed down the last table, my phone buzzed.

From: Jade
We need milk and cereal, can you get some on your way home? and dinner if you don't want to cook tonight.

To: Jade
Yeah, I'll be home in about thirty minutes.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket and untied my apron. "Goodbye Julie, my shift is over, see you tomorrow!" I yelled to my new coworker, she was about fifty-ish and very kind and quiet. I liked her.

The grocery store wasn't far, just around the corner. I began walking towards the store, it was cold outside and all I had was a long sleeve shirt, but I'll survive.

I walked into the building, the warm air sending shivers down my spine. I went straight to the breakfast aisle to find Jade's favorite cereal. It didn't matter to me, but she was very picky about it. I finally spotted it.. Top shelf. There was no way I could reach that, but I tried anyway. 

On my tip-toes reaching, no luck. I tried again, attempting to hit it hard enough so it would either fall or I could grab it. Nothing. I stared at the box, hoping it would magically come down. I really hate being short/average. 

I decided to try one last time, hoping maybe I could just barely get it. I reached with my right arm and held onto the shelf with my left.

"Need some help?" A husky voice said from behind me. I turned around.

"Ye- No." It was Harry. Harry freaking Styles. I turned around and started walking away from the aisle, I'll come back later, I thought.

I rounded a corner and I could see him following me. I stopped and turned to face him. "What do you want?"

"I was just trying to help. Here," He handed me the box of cereal. 

"Thanks" I mumbled as I walked away from him, once again.

I could hear his footsteps getting closer, but I needed to get some milk, so I didn't stop.

"Why do you keep walking away from me?" Harry asked, he was now right next to me.

"I'm just picking up a few things and going home, I don't really have time to talk. Sorry." I grabbed a gallon and proceeded to the checkout.

"I can walk with you, yeah?"


"Why not?"

"Because I don't need you to walk with me anywhere. I'm just going home." I paid the cashier and went for the door. 

"Well, I'm going to walk with you anyways."

I rolled my eyes, but didn't say anything. Oh yeah, I need to pick up food. Pizza? Yeah, Jade likes pizza.

I grabbed my phone and dialed the number. 

"What are you doing?" Harry looked at me confusedly. I didn't answer and just ordered some pizza. He obviously understood and went back to watching the sidewalk. I ended the call and put my phone away.

"How have you been? We haven't talked in a while.."

"Well, let's see... I got a job. And you?" The best thing to do in this situation is to be nice. So that's what I shall do.

"That's great! I've been pretty good. It's nice to have a break for a while." I nodded, showing him that I was actually - well sort of - listening.

The pizza place was on the corner of my street, so we stopped there quickly and began in the direction of my flat. 

It took another three minutes to get back home and we just made small talk the rest of the way. 

As we got to my door step, Harry put his hands in his pockets. I opened the door and stepped inside. "You can come in, you know." I moved to the side and he walked through. 

Jade was on the couch watching a re-run of Pretty Little Liars. She was obsessed, she owned every DVD of every season. It wasn't a bad show though, quite interesting to be honest.

"Hey- Oh hi Harry." She said wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"I got a large pizza, so if you want some you can stay and eat with us.." I offered him. 

"Uhh, well sure. I can't turn down pizza with a lovely lady like you." He winked at me.

"Harry, stop." He put his hands up in defense and grabbed a slice.


By the time we finished eating it was already 8:00. Dang.

"You know, I think it's time for me to go. Thanks for having me, it was fun. I'll text you later, okay?" 

I nodded, not wanting to be rude again. I do not want him around, but I just can't be mean to him. I can only ignore him. That's the only power I have over him. 


I just wanted to say THANK YOU to the people who commented on the last chapter, that makes me want to write even more, so i did (: I hope you liked it, even though it was a boring chapter. Let me know what you think please? Thanks for reading as well. Love you! xxx


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