Chapter Eight: I'm All Over The Internet

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Chapter Eight: I'm All Over The Internet

Alison's POV

When we arrived back at the flat, it was already 7:00pm. Wow, today really has been a long day.

"You still have some explaining to do," Jade said as she sat down in the living room.

Looks like it's going to be longer than I expected. And wanted.

"I don't want to explain." I whined as I plopped down on the couch next to her.

She picks up the laptop and turns it on, "I guess I'll just have to find it myself."

"I doubt it's up already."

I closed my eyes and rest my head against the back of the couch. I could definitely fall asleep right now, but Jade typing furiously isn't making it so easy.

The sound on the laptop clicked on, causing me to sit up straight and lean over to get a better view of the screen. Sure enough, the interview was already on YouTube with about 300,000 views. Wonderful, just wonderful.

I watched the video, memories swirling around in my brain that I was trying very hard to forget.

But with Jade and the internet around, I won't be forgetting today very easily.

"Okay, it's official. I am the best friend in the whole entire world! Ali!" Jade yelled, her face lit up with excitement.

"Well, yeah. But why do you just now say that? I'm not very happy right now.."

"Because look! Harry is practically drooling over you, if it weren't for me, you would have never met them and Harry would have never fallen in love with you."

"That manwhore is not in love with me, Jade. And he never will be."

"Oh, but he so is! He won't take his eyes off of you! Even the people in the comments are talking about it!"

I looked down below the video and started reading the comments.

'Harry and the interviewer totally have something going on!' 'Harry won't stop staring at that girl!' 'How much you wanna bet Harry and that girl had sex after that interview'

Oh. My. God.

"What?! Do you see what these people are saying!? They think I'm some whore!"

"That's not the point! Harry Styles wants you!"

"No. He does not. And yes, that is the point. I did nothing and these people are calling me names!"

I can't even describe how angry I am. Seriously? First of all, I'm all over the internet. Second, my best friend is delusional. Third, I'm all over the internet. And fourth, people who don't even know me are calling me a whore! Rude! and did I mention, I'M ALL OVER THE INTERNET.

I grab my laptop and decide to check my twitter and see what people are saying there. Big mistake.

Turns out they found my twitter.. Along with Harry.

"@Harry_Styles: @AlisonSummers_ you lied! you do have a twitter, and guess what. I found it! :D"

Are you freaking kidding me?

I scroll through the rest of my mentions, seeing things like: 'You were so awkward in that interview lol.' 'Did you and Harry have sex after the interview? you two looked pretty heated.' 'You are so ugly, Harry was only staring at you because you're so ugly he couldn't look away'

I felt a tear stream down my face at the last one.

I decided to reply to that bitch, '@AlisonSummers_: @1D_Harryxox thank you very much, I was confused and I'm glad you cleared it all up for me! Much appreciated! xx' I feel that in this situation, sarcasm is better than going off on someone.

I sent one last tweet before closing my laptop, '@AlisonSummers_: Thank you for all of the rude messages, very sweet of you, seeing as I did nothing wrong. Don't assume shit you know nothing about! xoxo'

I. Am. So. Pissed.

Harry will pay for this.

I shut my eyes, trying to calm myself down and when I open them, Jade is standing in front of me with a sad smile on her face.

"Want some ice cream? We can watch movies?"

I sit still, not ready to answer her just yet.

"Ali, look. I'm sorry! I'm really really sorry! It's all my fault and I promise I'll make it up to you. Please don't be mad?"

"I am mad. I am very mad, just not at you. And it's a yes to the ice cream and movies."

"Okay, but can we please call Harry some time tonight? We can use *67 and prank him? Come on!"

"Sorry, not tonight, I'm really not in the mood to hear his voice, look at him, or hear his name. Maybe another time."

We sit back down on the couch with our tubs of ice cream and movies.


"I'm so tired, but I can't sleep because too much ice cream." I whine as the credits come across the screen.

"Well then, what do you want to do?"

"I don't-" I was cut off by my phone ringing on the counter. I got up and looked at the caller ID, UNKNOWN. Who could that be? What if it's.... Levi? I slowly slide my finger across the screen and place it against my cheek.

"Hi, Ali?"
"Uhh, yeah. Who is this?"
"It's umm. It's me, Harry."

How the hell did he get my number?

"How did you get my number? Are you stalking me? Harry, what the hell!"
"I know people. And those people know people who just so happened to find your phone number." I could tell he had a cheeky grin plastered on his face.
"What do you want?" I snapped.  
"I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out sometime?"
"No. Thanks to you, I'm getting hundreds of hate tweets and comments. I will not talk to you Harry."
"I'm sorry, Ali. But let me make it up to you? Please?"
"Will you stop stalking me if I say yes?"
"Fine. But no funny business, Styles."
"Deal. I'll pick you up at 7:00pm tomorrow. Just text me your address."
"No. I will meet you wherever we are going. I am not telling you where I live."
"Why not? I'm not telling you where we are going."
"Oh my gosh, fine. Okay, fine. Goodbye."

I ended the call before he could even reply.

Wait, what did I just get myself into?

No. No. No. I did not just say yes to seeing that jerk again. I'm an idiot!

"What?" Jade asked, standing up from the couch.

"I'm an idiot and I just agreed to seeing Harry tomorrow. Please, kill me now?"

"Yay! Can I please help you get ready tomorrow?"


"What? Why not?"

"Because if I even go, I will not be 'getting ready'. I will go as I am and if he doesn't like that, sucks to be him."


This was just a filler chapter, nothing interesting. Sorry! Well, today was not a good day.. Actually, it sucked.. My best friend kissed the guy I like.... My life sucks, I know. Well enough about me, thank you for reading! I love you all! Vote, Comment, Etc?


P.S. I do not think Harry is a manwhore. I think he is a great guy and I love him a lot, this is just the way Ali portrays him in the story. Again, this is fiction. I do not believe Harry is a bad guy. Just putting that out there.

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