Chapter Twenty-Two: A New Friend

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** Introducing new character! **

Chapter Twenty-Two: A New Friend

Alison's POV

As I walked down the street to the diner, my phone buzzed from inside my pocket.

From: Jade
Mind if we stop by during your shift?

To: Jade

From: Jade
Me and the boys, duh.

To: Jade
Well, I'm training someone today, but I guess if you want. Please don't make a big scene though!

 I pushed the door open to be greeted by the familiar smell. I glance around to see that Justin is already behind the counter.

"Are you working this shift?" I ask as I tie my apron behind my back.

"Yeah, but only until three. The new girl should be here in an hour."

"Okay, do you know anything about her?"

"I think her name is AJ.. yeah, that sounds about right."

For the next fifty minutes, I waited on three tables. Two old couples and a rather large family with small kids. What a fun night, right?

I walked into the back to grab the customers' food, when I heard the bell ring above the door, signalling someone had entered the building. I returned to the table, and glanced at the group of familiar faces filing into the diner.

"In the back!" I whisper-shouted and pointed to a table in the back, where hopefully no one will notice them. We can not have a bunch of screaming girls in here, that would ruin business.

I dropped the check off to a couple at the front, and went back to where the boys and Jade were sitting. 

"Hey guys, do you want anything?" 

They ordered some drinks, and I left to the back to get them. Then, the bell at the door went off again.

I peek around the corner to see a girl about my age, walk in. She looked sort of confused. I studied her features, long brown hair, deep brown eyes. She was very pretty, and very petite. "Hey, can I help you?"

"Uhh, hi. My name's AJ, I'm supposed to start work today. Are you Ali?"

"Yes I am, nice to meet you! There's an apron behind the counter, wait there while I give some customers their drinks." I made my way through the tables and placed the drinks onto the table. "I have to train the new worker, so she'll be helping me with you guys. Please don't cause any trouble and be nice okay?"

They all nodded and went back to chatting as I returned to AJ.

"Alright, how about a quick tour?" I asked and she just nodded. "This is the kitchen, you probably won't have to come back here a lot, unless if an order comes out wrong." I shut the door behind us and continued throughout the building. 

"This is the storage room; extra aprons, napkins, plates, silverware, almost everything is in here." I stepped into the back room, that had a sign on the door that read 'EMPLOYEES ONLY'. "This is the lounge, we use it for breaks mostly, and the bathroom is right back there." I pointed to the far left corner of the room, and she just nodded again.

"Now that you know where the basic things are, why don't we go start on the customers. I'll do the first group and you imitate my actions with the second. Sound alright?"

"Sounds good." She smiled sweetly at me, but she was still being quiet. Maybe she's just shy?

I led her to the couple at the front and began taking their order. 

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