take a chance on me . part 3

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The Notebook- Chapter 3

“My daddy said, that the first time you fall in love, it changes you forever and no matter how hard you try, that feeling just never goes away.” - The Notebook

Sophia’s POV

The car ride back to my apartment was quiet, I kept glancing over at Ryan but his face was stoic and his eyes were only on the road. I resorted to resting my head on the window and closing my eyes.

“We’re here.” he says and gets out of the car.

“Ryan, you are being too harsh on yourself. Look at me, nothing happened.” I tell him as we walk into the elevator. “Well, say something.”

“Soph, something could have happened there and I was somewhere else. If any harm ever-”

“But nothing happened.” I turn him so he is now facing me.

“Sophia, when your parents passed away I swore to myself that no harm would ever come to you. We are the only family we have left, everyone else has been taken from us. I can’t bear the thought of loosing you.”

“You won’t Ryan. We will always be here for each other.” I pull him towards me and hug him. “Nothing will separate us Ryan.” tears immediately come flooding down my face as the thought of loosing him invades my mind.

“No, because I won’t let it.” he says is a fierce tone. The doors open and we step into the hallway. “Rest Soph, I’ll be here at 12 tomorrow.” he kisses my forehead, “I love you baby cousin.” he says with a smile.

“I love you too Ry.” I give him one last hug before walking in to my room. I rest my head on the door and take a deep breath. “This was…” I look at the notebook and walk to it. I pick it up and take it to my room. I put it on the bed as I go to the bathroom to take a shower. “Who was that guy?” I keep asking myself. I walk back to the room and settle in my bed as I grab the book. I open it and see another entry.

August 28

There she is again. All I want to do is say hi to her. I see her walking by and glance my way but she doesn’t say anything. This seems ridiculous, but I might be falling hard for her.

I turn the page and there’s a drawing of a lake. It seems so serene, so calm, a place you can go and forget all your troubles. Next to that one there is a picture of the Eiffel Tower with a quote under it. I run my fingers over it, “I need to find you.” I turn off my lights and get under the covers, book clutched in my hands. After about thirty minutes of twisting and turning I push off the covers and sit up. I look at the clock. 12:15 AM. I get up and put on a hoodie and slip on my shoes and head out the door, with the notebook in my bag. I head out the lobby and walk out into the streets of London. I walk down and see a small café shop and go in. The place is practically empty so I decide to take a seat on the farthest booth. I open the book again and read on,

September 4,

We get along great, the lads and me. I’ve never felt this comfortable in my life, I’ve never felt like I can be me in front of anyone else, until I met them. We get along so well it feels like we’ve known each other since grade school. Being here really has taught me a lot about myself; I danced in front of a crowd of people, something I never thought I’d do. And…I talked to her.

Again, he writes something about this her. Who is she, who is he? I continue to read and flip through some pages. My eyes catches something on the corner of one of the pages and tears immediately sting my eyes. I put my hand to my mouth, “It can’t be.” I look at the little heart with a music note attached to it and my hand finds my necklace. I feel it between my thumb and forefinger, “Daddy…”


“Princess, happy birthday.”

“Thank you daddy.” I say as I wrap my arms around his neck tightly. We pull apart, “I am so happy you are here with me.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, my dove.” he kisses my temple. “I got you something to celebrate this day.” he pulls something out of his pocket.

“Dad,” I take the velvet box and slowly open it. “Dad, this is beautiful.” my eyes are fixed on it.

He takes it from me, “Let me help you put it on.” I turn around and he clasps the ends together. “There.”

I touch it again, “But…”

“Music is a beautiful thing Sophia, it’s something that helps take you to another world. But it’s also something that unites people, brings everyone together and…can make people fall in love.”

“It’s beautiful.” I repeat.

“Just like you, my Sophia.”

End of Flashback.

I wipe away the tears and close my eyes. “I miss you so much.” I whisper.

“Miss…” I look up at the waiter. “Did you want to order anything?”

I blink several times before answering, “Um, yea. A hot chocolate please.” he nods and goes to the counter.

Zayn’s POV

I walk down the street, trying to clear my thoughts. Andy and Paul came to yell at me already, well, at all of us. I didn’t even try to defend myself because in all honesty, I am not upset at what happened. Yes, this is bad publicity and yes, this black eye is not what I want my fans to see, but I don’t care. I got to see her again. I smile at the thought of her, but then the smile fades away when I think of what could have happened to her. What if that lad that was dragging her away did something to her. I look up at the sky, clouds are starting to cover it. I look down the street and see some people there so I decide to go into the café that is across the street. I quickly walk in and do a mental fist pump, no one is here! I see the waiter come from some booths and walk to the counter. He smiles at me, “What can I get you sir?”

“I’d like some green tea please.” I take off my scarf and sit on the table. He brings me my drink and then walks down the hall with a drink in hand.Guess there is someone else. I take a drink and relax a little. “Excuse me, lad. Where is the toilet?”

“Down the hall to your left.” he tells me. I thank him and make my way there. My phone starts ringing, “Hello.”

“Zayn, you need to come back, we need to talk immediately. Paul has called in a meeting.”

“Meeting? About what?” I ask him.

“Don’t know mate. But you need to be here in 5 minutes.”

“Ok Niall, I’m on my way.” I hang up, pay my drink and walk out to the chilly night, back to the flat.

another chapter, enjoy. Feedback is appreciated! :) xx

sorry for any and all mistakes.

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