sooooooooo !!! part 5

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The Notebook- Chapter 5

Sophia’s POV

“Ryan, it’s not like this is a common occurrence-”

“Sophia, in a lapse of 10 hours and you have been in a fight, you’ve been attacked AND you were almost raped!” he gets up frustrated.

I look at him with teary eyes, “I’m sorry Ryan.”

His features soften as he sits next to me, “Soph, I’m sorry I yelled at you. I just don’t want anything to happen to you.” he takes my head and makes it rest on his chest. “You’re all I have Sophia, don’t leave me.”

“I won’t Ryan. I’m sorry, but I’m here and it’s thanks to that guy.” he chuckles. “What’s so funny?”

“Do you know who that ‘guy’ is?” he asks.

“No.” I look at him in confusion.

“That’s Niall Horan, one of the five members of One Direction.”

My jaw drops and my eyes widen, “No! I didn’t even recognize him. Wow…”

He takes my hand, “Let’s go back to my flat. I’d feel better if you were there…safe.”

I know that it’ll be the only way to make up for what I’ve put him through, I nod my head, “Yea.”

I change and then he grabs my suitcase and I get my bag and we head out to the lobby. We walk out of the elevator and check out. “Ready?” he asks.


Zayn’s POV

“You sure this is where she’s staying?” I ask Niall again.

He looks at me annoyed, “Yes, Zayn, for the millionth time: yes.”

“Ok.” we walk in and go to the elevator. One of them doesn’t open so we try the other one. He presses the floor and my heart begins racing. I let out a breath I hadn’t known I was holding in. The silence only intensifies the loud ding the elevator makes as it opens the door. I follow Niall and we stop outside a door. “Should we knock?” I ask.

“Go for it.” I slowly lift my shaking hand and knock on it twice. After a minute, I knock on it again. Nothing. “Maybe she’s asleep, it is pretty late.”

“No, I don’t think so. After what she’s been through, I don’t think she would be able to go sleep that fast.” I remark. I knock a few more times, but again, no answer. “I’m gonna check with the receptionist.” I walk back to the lobby. “Excuse me, miss. Do you know if room 108 is being occupied?” I calmly ask.

“Actually, she just checked out.” she informs me.

My face falls, “What? Are you sure?”

“Yes, a couple of minutes ago she came and checked out.”

I thank her and walk back to Niall. “What’s wrong?”

“She left, we missed her by a few fucking minutes.” I yell frustrated.

“I guess it wasn’t meant to happen, you two meeting.” he tells me while shrugging his shoulders.

“Guess not.” I reply defeated. I look at the ground, “Let’s go.” I walk out before he can say anything.

Sophia’s POV

“I really don’t want to go back.” I tell Ryan as we enter the airport. “I don’t want to leave you here alone.”

“And I don’t want you to be alone but it’s only for a few weeks, then I’ll go join you.” he says with a big smile. “I miss the States.”

“I guess, but it’s guna be a long few weeks for me.” I hear the thunder rolling again. “What is with this weather, it didn’t say there was a chance of rain in the forecast.”

“It appeared out of nowhere.” he mutters. We walk to the waiting room and kill some time. I look for my phone in my bag and see the notebook there.

Attention please. Do to the current weather, the following flights will be canceled until further notice. We are sorry for the inconvenience.” we both look up at the board.

“Ryan, my flight’s canceled.”

Zayn’s POV

I try to smile at the fans that are there trying to get a picture of us but my mood is still the same from yesterday. I wave at some of them and walk to the receptionist with the lads.

Attention please. Do to the current weather, the following flights will be canceled until further notice. We are sorry for the inconvenience.” I hear a woman say on the intercom.

Paul walks towards us, “Sorry lads, flight’s been canceled.”

“What?” Harry screams. “Why?”

“Weather’s getting pretty bonkers in the US. It’s for safety reasons.” he tells us.

Things cannot get any worse. I think to myself. I can’t even try to relax with drawing because then I start thinking about my book. Paul starts leading us back to the cars but I have to go to the restroom so I take a detour. I see there’s a big line and decide to not waste time so I start heading back but I bump into someone. “Sorry.” I look down and see- “You?”

sorry its so late. but hope you like it! short but it’ll get better. love you all. please comment or leave me some feedback, it is truly appreciated!!! :) xxxx

sorry for all mistakes.

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