your going to america !!! part 11

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The Notebook- Chapter 11

Sophia’s POV

I stay there blinking, utterly surprised at the on-sided phone call that I had. “I…” I look at Zayn, “I have to go.”

“What happened?” he asks.

“To be honest I have no I idea what just happened. Ryan told me to go home, he didn’t really elaborate on why.” I look over his shoulder. “I feel really bad though, I feel like I’m bailing out on you.”

“Hurry Sophia, food’s ready.” Liam yells.

I look at Zayn, “I feel horrible…”

“Don’t. you’re cousin needs to talk to you, they’ll understand.” he takes my hand and we walk towards the group. “Sorry lads, Sophie can’t stay. Something came up, we’ll reschedule this for some other time.”

Danielle and Eleanor hug me, “Hope to see you soon sweetie,” Danielle says.

“Yea.” I slightly nod and then say bye to all of them. The drive to Ryan’s apartment is silent, mostly because all I can think about is why Ryan was acting so strange. “Zayn, you don’t have to come in if you don’t want to.”

“I want to.” he says and I open the door.

“Get out.” Ryan tells Zayn.

“Ryan what is going on?” I ask him.

“Get out.” he states again, this time in a tone that sends chills down my back.

“What’s wrong?” I ask again.

He looks at Zayn, rage burning in his eyes, “GET OUT!”

He gets up and charges towards Zayn, “Ryan, what the fuck is going on?” I get in between him and Zayn and push him.

“Get him out of here.” he looks at me and then at Zayn, who has yet to say anything. “Get the bloody hell out of here. And never come near Sophia again.” he seethes.

“No. What the hell is the matter with you?” Zayn asks him.

“Stay away-”

“Ryan! What brought upon this behavior?” he starts pacing around and I see him grab some papers from the center table.

“You are leaving first thing tomorrow.” he informs me as he shows me the plane tickets.

“What? Why?” I yell, refusing to take them.

“Don’t act all surprised Soph, it was bound to happen, the only reason it hasn’t is because he has delayed that.”

I turn to Zayn and then look back at Ryan, “What has prompted this sudden decision though. I know something else is going on, I’m not stupid Ry.” I counter.

“Sophia, you are leaving tomorrow, end of discussion.”

“No, not end of discussion. Why are you doing this?” I argue.

He walks towards me and grabs my arm and roughly pulls me from Zayn, “Don’t undermine me.” he sneers.

“Then don’t treat me like a baby, you are not my father.” I retort.

“I am the only family you have left, you are under my care and I will not let anything happen to you.”

“I would never let anything happen to her.” Zayn yells at him as he tries to pull me back to him.

“Stay out of this. You are nothing of her’s, not even her boyfriend.” Ryan looks at me when I refuse to make eye contact with him. “Right Sophia.” I put down my head and ignore him. “Sophia.”

“You don’t dictate my life Ryan.” I remark.

“Sophia is my girlfriend for your information and you can’t just tell her-”

Before he can finish, Ryan pushes me out of the way and lunges at him, tackling him to the floor. “Ryan! Ryan, get off him!” I see Ryan throw some punches at him but Zayn deflects them as he struggles to free himself from Ryan’s viselike hold on him. “Ryan, get off of him!”

Zayn punches him in the eye and Ryan staggers a little and Zayn uses that to push Ryan him. They both stand up and again I put my body as a barrier. “Stay away form Sophia.”

“Ryan, what is going on? Please tell me, you are starting to worry me.” I plead with him trying not to cry because I know that would set him off.

He wipes away some of the blood from him lip, “Being with him will only bring you heart ache Soph. But worse than that, it would be putting your life in danger. You are going back to America.”

I try to remain calm but what he is saying sounds ridiculous, “Why? You are assuming things Ryan. I am very happy with Zayn and-”

“And I would never hurt Sophia, nor would I ever put her in danger. I would die for her.” Zayn says fiercely.

Ryan sneers at him, “Don’t promise something you can’t-”

“I am not bullshitting anything!” Zayn yells.

“Oh yea!” Ryan walks to a small desk and takes out some white envelopes and throws them to him, “What’s this then?”

Zayn picks them up and opens them. I look at him and see his expression literally change in a matter of seconds. He starts shaking and his knuckles start to turn white from how hard he is clutching the paper in his hands. “Zayn, what’s wrong?” I ask him. I don’t know if it is coming from within me or if Zayn is emitting it, but I feel fear start creeping up.

“Sophia, you are leaving tomorrow. Say goodbye to him and start packing.”

“Ryan! Zayn, what is going on?” I pull the papers from his hand when he deliberately continues to ignore me. I read them and my stomach drops to the ground; I feel sick. “Wh-what? Who sent this?” I ask Ryan.

“I don’t know. What I do know is that you are leaving tomorrow, start packing.”

I turn to Zayn, who is not arguing this time, he looks resigned and tears fall as I realize the reality of all this: I am going back to the US. I look at Zayn one more time before walking to my room and slamming the door as loud and hard as possible. I lean on it and slide to the floor, crying and clutching the crumpled papers in my hand.

enjoy beauties! xx

sorry for any and all mistakes. 

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